Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Science and Faith Work Together to Make Money For You [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science and Faith Work Together to Make Money For You [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Question by ♥•Sandy•Laree•Thank you, Hardy•♥: Any good Science projects that I can do in less than 2 weeks, and is appropriate for a 7th grader? I need a good project (or else my advanced class teacher will make me CHOOSE from a list :/) to do in less than two weeks. Any ideas and instructions? Doesn't have to be an experiment, just something that I can learn from, and that will impress a special admissions highschool that specializes in science... Thank you in advance :) Note: My school doesn't have a good lab that I can work in Not legal, something idk Best answer for Any good Science projects that I can do in less than 2 weeks, and is appropriate for a 7th grader?:

Answer by Rutger
What about brew a beer? A friend of mine did that, and he got a A minus But i'm not sure if that's legal in America..

Answer by Ben
Try looking at http://www.science-fair-guide.com/7th_Grade_Science_Fair_Projects.asp There is a fairly substantial list of choices and if you really want to impress the judges try stepping up a grade level or two.

â€" [Science]

Watch new Confessional goodness: youtu.be - Confessional, FlurmJam 12.7 You're watching: Space Guys in Space - Episode 3 - Tension Carl and Stew try to understand their sexy new podmate. SGIS Facebook: www.facebook.com Official Website: www.spaceguysinspace.com FOR MORE SPACE GUYS IN SPACE, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR THE BEST OF ALL THINGS EPIC LEVEL, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR JUST PLAIN FUNNY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR HILARIOUS, HARD CORE PUNK, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR ALL THAT IS LEGENDARY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR KEEN GAMING ADVICE, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR XOMBIES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ZOMBIES aka Bite Me, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR VAMPIRES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR GHOULISH COMEDY, GO TO: www.youtube.com

Space Guys In Space - Episode 3 - Tension

You need and want money. So how to make more is the question.

We know that the so-called scientific method has universal laws that can be tested. So if doing X always brings Y, then that is a universal law anyone can use.

Sounds good. Someone made such a scientific explanation of how to make money. His name was Wattles. It's a great book and very useful for this task.

But back to YOU. What are your needs and or desires today? Bring them back to the front of your mind. Let their passion burn in your heart right now.

BENEFIT ONE: Using your burning needs and desires is vital. Otherwise you would be lazy and not willing to go the extra mile.

BENEFIT TWO: You know a secret that all the how-to books and courses teach. Namely, the importance of faith and perseverance.

Other people call them vision, dedication, determination, and so forth.

Few, if any, of the authors show you how to keep your vision and determination when the going ge ts rough. Until now.

What has struck me is how often there is a co-mingling of science and faith in this joyful endeavor to profit and take care of your family. Truly amazing, I thought.


To make this goal, I have outlined your easy path to satisfy your needs and desires. They are the following 3 Priorities and 5 Steps.

PRIORITY ONE: There is nothing more important in this life than your health. Your physical, mental, and emotional health. Even if you were making a million dollars a day, if your health was shot, the money wouldn't matter.

PRIORITY TWO: Your relationships. The better the relationships, and the more, the better off you will be.

PRIORITY THREE: Money. Presuming that you have the first two priorities working well, you obviously need money. Money to pay bills, pay for needs, enjoy your pleasures, support charities, and the list goes on.

There are five steps for you to take today to make the money you want and need.

STEP ONE: Know and believe that you are just as worthy to make more money as any rich person you can think of.

STEP TWO: Use science to get rich. There really is a science to this joy. Since it is science that means if you do X then Y will follow.

STEP THREE: Use faith and will power with the science to get rich. It may seem odd, but all the good teachers throughout the ages have taught that faith and will power are necessary. Whether they called them by this name won't matter for us. Nor did all of them neatly describe and explain their uses with the science as I have.

STEP FOUR: Use a coach or mentor in your profit growth phase. The profit phase growth is whatever time period in your life that you are now mixing science and faith to make money for you and your family.

STEP FIVE: Buy the right materials you need and SAVE $ 10. The right materials combine science and faith in the joy of making money. All you have to do is buy the faith book, and you get the science book for FREE.

The science book is the famous work of Wallace D. Wattles, The Science Of Getting Rich.

The faith book is the best teaching book available. It is How To Hear And Discern The Voice Of God.

REMEMBER: Your prayer life reveals what is really important to you. Since your prayer need is that important, make your prayers powerful and effective.

Have your prayers accomplish much.

"The will of the Lord is plainly stated in the Bible about many things we pray for. For instance very few people would make the mistake of saying, "Lord, forgive my sins if it be Thy will." The will of the Lord as to this is not only made plain in the Bible, but nearly every one knows that God wants to forgive repentant sinners. But as to a large list of other things about which the Bible is also plain, people are ignorant. Not knowing that God wants to grant them the thing they desire, they pray with the "IF", and so get no answers."

Chas. E. Robinson, L.L.B., Praying To Change Things

CHOOSE YOUR BETTER LIFE TODAY: Jesus said that he came to give life, and that abundantly. My role is to help you get to that abundant life. I look forward to the blessing that comes when you and I move forward in this joyful walk.

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