Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Career With Computer Science Degree Programs [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Career With Computer Science Degree Programs [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him. Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya. Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas e tc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house. Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She ...

Saas Bina Sasuraal - Episode 324 - 18th April 2012

In our current age of technology, the number of jobs in the field of computers is more or less endless. And if you want a piece of the pie, the most effective way to get it is by choosing the correct path of education. Most employers demand at least an Associate or Bachelors degree in computer sciences for you to get ahead, whether you are computer literate or not. Along with your degree, employers also look for talent, proficiency, a certain skill set, and good communication skills. In today's current economic climate, doomsayers are propounding that the IT field is dead. But, this is far away from the truth. Yes, there is a slump but given that nearly every aspect of our day-to-day lives are ruled by computers, there will once again be a steady growth in the field and choosing a computer science degree will definitely pay off in the long run.

Computer Science Degrees aim to cover theory and programming along with up to date developments and computing solutions. It prepares students with a foundation for creative thought and problem solving as well as training in new technologies and certifications. A comprehensive computer science program should include some or all of the following subjects - Computer Fundamentals, Database Management, Computer Servicing, Computer Technologies, Client Networking Concepts, Networking Concepts, Network Administration, Network Communication, Operating Systems, Internet Networks, Operating Systems Networking, Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Relational Database Concepts and Methods, Database Design, Internet Programming, and Telecommunications.

Armed with a computer science, graduates can choose from a variety of exciting career options such as computer systems analyst, IT or computer consultant, software or hardware engineer/ developer, web or applications programmer, computer engineering technician, web developer and database administrator. Industries that require a computer science d egree are even more wide-ranging. Computer specialists are called for in entertaining, publishing, business, commerce, law, medicine, gaming, manufacturing, food and agriculture and much more. It would be difficult to find any source of employment or industry today that isn't run by computers and if you have a computer science degree, there will be no lack of job opportunities for you once you graduate.

Another great advantage of a computer science programs is the flexibility it offers you to work anywhere via a virtual office. You could be at home, in an office, or on field and still have gainful employment. There is no doubt about the growth possibilities in the field of computers, the only thing required to stay successful in this arena is to constantly educate yourself with the latest technologies and developments. Updating your skills and certifications will keep you on top of the game and is the only way to make your mark in this ever-changing and demanding field .

Find More Career With Computer Science Degree Programs Issues

Question by : How do I explain to my children that science is a massive conspiracy and faith is the only truth? The other day, my daughter came home and asked me about dinosaurs (because those heathen teachers were teaching our precious children the religion of science), and I had to have a very lengthy discussion explaining there were no dinosaurs, and the fossils are just to test our faith. She still isn't sure. What do I do? Best answer for How do I explain to my children that science is a massive conspiracy and faith is the only truth?:

Answer by Your question is inane...
Take a bat to their head and then read them the bible.

Answer by Rezhrtgfe Jtgntz
well, maybe she's better off dead.

Answer by president pedobear
Tell her that they found a pedobear bones in the fossil records, therefore carbon dating is inaccurate......you poe.

Answer by ***SD***
Just keep droning on and drumming it into her for the rest of her poor miserable misled life. And that of any friends she brings to the house too. And their parents. And anyone else who'll listen.

Answer by liwmld
very funny. NOT.

Answer by Prophecy Nut
Evolution is the part of science to avoid. Dinosaurs were part of Lucifers world before he fell. Fossils are there to tell a story. Some just don't read it right. You need to get your facts together better. http://armageddonangelsufos.com/fate_of_the_giants.htm Pictures of giant remains. (Use IE, BING, MSN for best results) http://armageddonangelsufos.com/origins.htm ORIGINS (Use IE, BING, MSN for best results)

Answer by The Baron
No need to do anything, chum. If you're right, she'll get plenty of corrective punishment when she dies.

Answer by Think Outside the BOX
You can remove your head from your @$ $ and realize that faith in God and scientific understanding are not mutually exclusive.

Answer by Judas Iscariot
Lol Fundie Bob. I wonder, what kind of pleasure do trolls get from posting on RnS...especially when they're so blatantly obvious. Haha, good one though... I had a nice chuckle.

Answer by MC2=E
Point out to your daughter that the colour illustrations in dinosaur books that depict skin tone/colour/texture are imaginary, and is not real science. No one can claim to know what they actually looked like. Real science does not rely wholly on blind faith. nor does real science use words like...'could be'... might be similar to... looks like... let us presume...etc

Answer by Brittany
Hit her over the head with a bible then tell her that dinosaurs, santa claus, the tooth fairy, genes, chromosomes, gentics, extinction, evolution, baby puppies, and kitties are all a test of our faith and should be eradicated. Then tell her that science will send her to hell if she believes it....those damn heather teachers XD hahahahahaha

Answer by Revilo Sykes

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