Friday, September 28, 2012

$250 Million Effort Illustrates Need For Better Science Education []

$250 Million Effort Illustrates Need For Better Science Education []

From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. In 1940 America's famous "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce predicted that a portion of Atlantis would be found. This film is an Underwater Archeology Adventure to discover submerged megalithic sites that fulfill Edgar Cayce's predictions. For more information go to

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Recently, the President announced several new public-private collaborations that would make investments of more than $ 250 million to help train more than 10,000 new math and science instructors and provide additional training to more than 100,000 existing teachers. There is a determined push to employ teachers who can assertively and enthusiastically educate in the area of science.

"Passionate educators with deep content expertise can make all the difference," President Obama stated in a prepared speech, "enabling hands-on learning that truly engages students -- including girls and underrepresented minorities -- and preparing them to tackle the 'grand challenges' of the 21st century such as increasing energy independence, improving people's health, protecting the environment and strengthening national security."

American students' rankings in science continue to plummet compared to various other nations, which does not bode well for our ability to innovat e and compete in the future. All of this points out that our educational institutions are still failing to properly educate kids in the science and math they will need to be successful in their adult professions. There is a need to use engaging science materials at an early age, particularly for those who educate privately or at home.

The administration's crusade is called "Educate to Innovate" and is pursuing numerous avenues to increase U.S. students' rank in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. (See the full White House press release for information on how colleges and private companies are working on the issue.)

Home schoolers and private educators of all backgrounds must feel confident in being able to present science lessons and make them exciting for the studen t - just like the national effort to train professional teachers. What about President Obama singling out the need to engage girls? Here's just one sign that points out that problem: Barely 17% of undergraduate engineering degrees are awarded to women.

More 0 Million Effort Illustrates Need For Better Science Education Articles

Question by La Sona J: What is a good economical way to do a science project? My son and I are trying to get ideas for a science project for his school. I am not scientifically inclined and I don't want him to notice that and the fact that I don't have a lot of money either. I need topic ideas at least to start. He has two weeks to get it done and I just found out a few days ago. Help? Best answer for What is a good economical way to do a science project?:

Answer by oldgruffgrump
That's easy. Just take some kind of scientific survey. Come up with a questionnaire, print a bunch of copies, and ask people to respond. That will be cheap and easy. Just be imaginative. For example, it could be a set of questions about science (to measure people's understanding of science). However, if you do that, be 100% sure that you actually know the correct answers. I did that once, and ended up embarrassing myself when one or two of my answers were wrong. Other possible surveys could have to do with health or behavior. For instance: 1. A sleep survey, asking people how many hours they sleep at night, and whether they sleep better after eating late, or not eating late. Or you might ask about whether they sleep more on weeknights or weekends. 2. A consumer survey, asking people whether their clothing choices are influenced by advertising, or peers, or family, or whatever. Get creative. You can come up with lots of ideas for cheap and easy surveys. Do a little simple statistical analysis, write an interesting report, and you've got a project -- and maybe even something worth a story in the local newspaper.

Answer by tom my
Use re-cycle stuff that you can find...It display innovation and your care for environment..

â€" [Science]


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