Sunday, August 5, 2012

What is Political Science? []

What is Political Science? []

"Political science" is generally defined as the study of governments, political processes and political behavior. It is a branch of the social sciences where study mainly revolves around analyzing, describing and predicting political behavior along with political systems. In fact, the best way to describe it is as a science that revolves more around subjective elucidations than hard data. It is a science that helps a person in understanding the relationships between other individuals, groups and the state, along with the working procedure of modern government.

Political science as a discipline is relatively new and in recent years gained enough recognition among young students of the United States. It is mainly includes various sub-fields like philosophy and theory of political system, political economy, policy studies, international relations, and a collection of other related fields. The major aim of political science is to help a student make a career in poli tics and give them a proper knowledge of the political procedure that might be helpful.

Students who make a career in this branch of social science are generally called political scientists and can lead to exciting careers in federal, state and local governments; law; business; international organizations and electoral politics.

Their job responsibilities mainly revolve around analysing different areas of political behaviour, including public administration, public opinion, taxation and voting. Apart from this, they generally carry out research on different public issues and political relationships and resources. These research procedure can be both within a single country or internationally. However, the research and analysis process frequently includes judicial rulings, public opinion and decision-making. Adding to this, they also recommend solutions and at times perform research to make better decisions on matters that generally affect citizens, business and e nvironment.

Employment Outlook

The job outlook of this domain actually seems to be very inspiring. In fact, as per the latest study conducted by the Bureau of Labour Statistic of the United States it is anticipated that in the next few years the jobs for political scientists will increase further. As per few experts, the overall employment is also projected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations.

Salary Outlook and Other Benefits

Average earning of political scientists fully depends on their education, experience and geographical position of the organization. The starting salary range for a political scientist average near about $ 27,000. Nevertheless, with experience and higher educational success, the income may further increase to $ 65,000 or more. Adding to this, any graduate with a bachelor's degree in political science can enjoy a decent earning and may earn almost $ 2,500 more per annum tha n the average person having just a bachelor's degree. Besides this, bachelor's degree holders can also move into job force as paralegals or administrative assistants. Moreover, political scientists employed by colleges and universities even get enough opportunities to add to their income by teaching summer school courses, writing books or doing consulting work. They may even enjoy several benefits, such as health insurance & retirement plans, paid holidays & vacations etc. depending upon their positions.

Required Educational Qualification

So, by now if you are looking forward making a career in political science or want to grow as political scientist you need to have an advanced doctorate degree in political science. If you earn a Ph.D. in political science, you may work as professors in colleges and universities. More often these positions often lead to important service in schools, communities and the nation. Other than these, there are bachelor's and master's level programs in political science as well. While the graduate degrees in political science are respected by all employment sectors, the master's are highly appreciated by private and public agencies and a growing number of numerous non-profit associations.

Today it is definitely one of the few career options that may provide you the long-term job growth and meaningful rewards.

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Question by : What are some parallels between science and the Bible? In other words, what are some things that both science and the Holy Bible agree upon? You know, a lot of people like to talk about contradictions in the Bible, or how the Bible is wrong, because science proves otherwise. Don't be dismissive and say that there is nothing at all that science and the Bible square away on. That simply isn't true. Best answer for What are some parallels between science and the Bible?:

Answer by Fghdfh
The Bible: do not worry Science: Worry is a killer The Bible: Wash with running water Science: Wash with running water (since Basel Switzerland) The Bible: Don't touch dead or diseased (unclean) bodies then go and touch others without washing and having a period of separation from others. Science: Almost the same thing, but they wash well (hopefully) The Bible: Jericho's Walls were pushed down, into the ground when the city was destroyed. Science: Jericho's walls were pushed down into the ground. The Bible: Israel crossed on dry ground at the Red Sea and Egypt's army was destroyed there. Science: Israel crossed the red sea and there's evidence Egyptian chariots were destroyed there. The Bible: Noah's Ark is on the Mountains of Ararat Science: Noah's Ark is on a mountain 18 to 20 miles south southwest of Mt. Ararat. The Bible: Laughter is like good medicine

Answer by me
that earth exists

Answer by Fhdfh
That the earth is a no hang on That the universe is about 12bn years old....ah, wait a bit That stars are immense giant balls of gas that simply can't just be pulled from the sky....hmmm, wait up That snakes and donkeys can't talk, and dragons don't exist......well, I errr.. That conception required a sperm and an egg...Oh bugger, can I get back to you?

Answer by Great Gazoo
They both agree there is a Sun and a Moon with stars. And that's about as far as it goes.

Answer by fox
God stated in the Old Testament that the earth is round. Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: Also the Bible itself proves that the earth is very old. See: 12 THINGS MEN ARE WILLINGLY IGNORANT OF … (1) That by the Word of God the HEAVENS were created of old. (1 Peter 3:5; Ps. 68:33; 93:2; 102:25: Mic. 5:2) (2) That the earth was established in and out of water. (1 Peter 3:5; Psalm 24:2; 136:6) (3) That the world THAT THEN WAS refers to the pre-Adamite world or social system which was destroyed by a great universal flood before Adam. (1Pet. 3:6; Ps. 104:5-9; Jer. 4:23-26; Isa. 14:12-14; Ez. 28:11-17) (4) That the heavens and earth which ARE NOW were restored from chaos and judgment about 6,000 years ago in Adam’s day. (1 Pet.3:7; Gen. 1:3-2:25) (5) That the heavens and the earth entered their second sinful career through Adam and are now reserved for a second universal renovation by FIRE at the time of the Millennium. (1 Pet. 3:7,10-12; Rom. 8:18-25; Heb. 1:10-12; 12:25-28; Rev. 20:7-15) (6) That with GOD a thousand years is LIKE a day, and a day LIKE a thousand years. He inhabits eternity and is not subject to time to get His work done before death as is the case with us. (1 Pet. 3:9; Isa. 57:15: Eph. 3:11) (7) That the Lord is not slack concerning His promises but is long suffering to ALL men, wishing All would come to repentance. (1 Pet.3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4; Rev. 21:17) (8) That the day of the Lord is to come as a thief in the night, in which day (then end of it) the heavens and the earth will be renovated and made a THIRD time. (1 Pet. 3:10-13; Isa. 65:17; 66:22024; Rev. 21;22) (9) That ALL rebellion will then be put down. (1 Pet. 3:13; 1 Cor 15:24-28) (10) That the righteous natural people left on earth after the rebellion of Rev. 20:7-10 will multiply and replenish the new earth forever, carrying out God’s original program for Adam, as would have been done if men had not sinned. (1 Pet. 3:13; Gen. 1:26-31; 8:22; 9:12; Isa. 9:6-7; 59:20; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 27; Mt. 25:34,46; Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 21:1-22:5) (11) That God will move His capital city from the planet heaven to the planet earth to dwell with men forever and administer the affairs of the universe from the earth. (1 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1-22:5) (12) That the resurrected saints saved from Abel to the Millennium, will be heirs with God and joint heirs with Christ and will reign as kings and priests on earth helping God administer the affairs of the universe forever. (1 Pet. 3:13; Ps. 149:5-9; Dan. 7:18-27; Mt. 19:28; Rom. 8:17; I Cor. 4:8; 6:2; Eph. 2:7; 2 Tim. 2:12; 2 Thess. 1:4-10; Rev. 1:6; 2:26-27; 5:9-10; 11:15; 12:5; 20:4-6; 22:5) Works best with Internet Explorer.

Answer by jack w
Review the "big bang theory' (science, not the tv show) and then read the first few paragraphs of Genesis. You'll be amazed at the similiarity.

Answer by ?
Science: everything started with a big explosion of electromagnetic radiation Bible: 'let there be light' You can draw lots of parallels, if you don't take the bible literally

Answer by WellTraveledProg
There are none. "Don't be dismissive..." I'm being honest and factual -- not dismissive. And it is true. There are one or two things that the ancient ignorant people who wrote the bible guessed about and got right -- the way we can tell that is by using the scientific method to gather evidence and facts to show things right. The thing is, nobody in the bible used the scientific method, and guessing and getting lucky (or making a rather obvious observation) isn't useful when it comes to deciding what's factual and what isn't, and if it weren't for the scientific method we wouldn't know whether what they guessed about was right or not. And there are literally *thousands* of things they guessed about or made up that science shows completely wrong. So, no "parallels." And no reason to expect there would be. And no reason to care...other than as a snapshot of the ignorant myths and beliefs of ancient people, the bible is worthless. Peace.

â€" [Science]


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