Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kid's Current Science Lessons []

Kid's Current Science Lessons []

Question by crackerjack: What is considered a science lab credit? I want to attend rice university and the school requires you to have 2 science and 2 science lab credits. What classes are considered science lab credits? Science classes Ive taken/ am taking in high school so far are IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Anatomy. I took extra because it looks really good for college but am i covered for Rice as far as science credits go? Best answer for What is considered a science lab credit?:

Answer by Kristal G
It sounds like the program your trying to apply to is a graduate program, meaning you've already had at least a couple of years of college.

Answer by Jen
science classes you're good on. lab credits refer to being in an actual lab. they include: biology, chemistry, ipc, and sometimes physics. you're fine.

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One of the greatest things about science, as a subject, is that the topics taken up can be seen or experienced on a daily basis everywhere. A study of photosynthesis, for example, can be easily shown because it happens in every plant in your garden. Having such easy and on hand examples makes kids current science lessons relatively easy to learn and understand. Examples can often be recreated or taught through experiments, which is another advantage of science!

Another great thing about studying science is that modern science is constantly making new discoveries. This means that science is always changing or evolving and new ideas can affect the old. For example, people already know that a simple machine could help them do any work for which it is intended for, but once they figure out that putting several machines together could make the work a lot faster and better, the idea of work is then revolutionized. Such is the effect of scientific progress! Once the bas ic concepts of science have been taught and learned, the next thing to look into is how to use these concepts to modernize or to revolutionize the way things are done.

Making sure your child fully understands their basic scientific concepts is the best way to prepare them for scientific innovations. These basic concepts are the building blocks of science, and in fact each concept can introduce a relevant scientific issue that you can discuss with your child. For example, the life cycle is a pretty basic concept and is learned in the second grade but it can evolve into the human life cycle or a study of genetics in the higher grades.

Children will be told that at the end of life, living things will decompose. You can show your child the process of decomposition by creating a compost pit in your backyard. Your child will visibly see and understand the process of decomposition. It also allows you to open up the topic of natural fertilizer and how they help plants gr ow. Should you choose to do so, discuss genetically modified organisms with your child, and get their views on the matter. You will be surprised at what ideas your child will come up with!

There are other relevant concepts you should discuss for kids science classes. For example, the problem of global warming and its effects on the world is something that is being dealt with by scientists all over the world today. Introducing this concept to your child along with his lessons on greenhouse gases and their effects can prepare your child for a life of environmental conservation and an understanding of how precious life on earth is.

Teaching kids science will not just help them understand their current science lessons better but it will also help them appreciate the importance of science in everyday life. Science can solve a lot of problems, and showing your child this at a young age can help keep them interested in it. They may even choose to become scientists! More importantly, the understanding of how science can change the world is a good thing to introduce at a young age because they will grow up with the proper knowledge of their world and how current day science can change the quality of their life in the future.

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