Sunday, August 5, 2012

Study the Characteristics and Processes of the Eart - What is Earth Science? []

Study the Characteristics and Processes of the Eart - What is Earth Science? []

Question by : What kind of science fair project can I make using dry ice? I need to come up with a science fair project, and I saw on youtube someone putting dry ice in water then putting soap on the edge of the bowl, and this caused the ice to form a bubble. Can this be used as a science fair project, like testing different substances around the edges? If not, can anybody help me come up with a good science fair project for an 8th grader in advanced classes? Best answer for What kind of science fair project can I make using dry ice?:

Answer by Fghdfh
I used to looove this projects. I wish I could remember them and tell you, but it's been sooo long! Mmm thinking, thinking....mmm.....not sure ice is a good idea..if your project could be put on exivition, the ice would melt, wouldn't work for showing your project, unless it's a different kind of project that you can record on a video and show that or show one time in class only, then ice can work. If you go on youtube you can find many science experiments easy to do at home and you can get ideas there. I'm tping from cell otherwise I would have check for you some ideas....thinking, thinking....mmm....i remember I did one growing flowers with different water color and the same white flowers grew to be with different color petals according to the color of the water, they were called "flor vicaria" they grow anywhere in warm weather. Oh I was looking last nigt at a video about magnetic youtube. Maybe you an ask your teacher and get the ingridients and do a hell of a show with that. Good luck.

Answer by Fhdfh
Dry Ice can be very exciting to work with. Did you also know that gas from dried ice (Carbon dioxide) can be used for some cool sound experiments also. Check out this article for some good ideas.

รข€" [Science]

Earth science is a general term that is used to describe a field of study that examines the Earth, its features and its phenomenon. This term is used to describe introductory level coursework of the earth sciences. More advanced courses in earth science will focus on specific fields of study such as geology, paleontology, meteorology and geography.


Geology is perhaps the most well known subjects in earth science. This subject deals with the history of the Earth, as it has been recorded in rock formations. Classes in geology will involve the identification of various types of rocks and minerals, the eras of geological formations and the geological processes that relate to the sculpting of the Earth's surface over time.


Paleontology is closely related to geology, in fact it is often considered a sub-field of study within the realm of geology. Paleontology is the study of rocks, however, the rocks that are studies in this field were created by the mineralization of the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals. This field can be further dissected into specializations like paleobotany and paleomicrobiology.


Meteorology is another popular field in earth science. This field of study examines atmospheric phenomenon. This means that meteorologists study weather patterns and systems. Courses in meteorology will focus on the understanding of the various types of weather systems that exist, the flow of energy in the atmosphere, the make up of the atmosphere and weather prediction software. It may also include field work where scientists can observe tornadoes, thunderstorms and hurricanes.

Oceanography and Limnology

Oceanography is the study of the physical and biological systems and structures in the world's oceans. Limnology, on the other hand, is the study of the physical and biological systems and structures in fresh water systems. Both of these courses can b e taken as a part of a biology degree program or as a part of an oceanography degree program.


Geography is another very commonly studied topic in earth science. It deals with the study of the surface of the Earth. It is very common to study topography, which is the study of the various elevations and declinations of the Earth's surface, while studying geography. Courses in geography also tend to include modules that deal with natural resource distribution, population distributions and country borders and boundaries. Geography used to be a core subject for high school students, but it has been eliminated in most school districts as a separate subject. Instead geography is integrated into social studies and history courses.

Natural Science

Natural science is another name used for earth science. This is a subject that explores the physical world that exists here on the planet Earth. It is a general subject that can be taken in high school or co llege as an entry level science course.


Earth science is basically a study of the planet Earth and what makes this planet special. It can be divided into several sub-topics, each of which examines one portion or element of the Earth. Earth science is considered to be one of the core science courses for those high school students interested in attending college. However, in order to impress a college entrance board it is a good idea to take one of the more advanced earth science course like geology, as opposed to taking the basic earth science course in high school.

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