Monday, August 6, 2012

Tips For Peaking Your Child's Interest In Science []

Tips For Peaking Your Child's Interest In Science []

Question by Dorian B: What are some books about science fiction inspired inventions? I need the name of any book that talks about inventions inspired by science fiction that are now real like the cell phone, computer, etc. Post the name of the book even if it just mentions the fact that it was in some way in science fiction. It can be about any invention. Thank you. Best answer for What are some books about science fiction inspired inventions?:

Answer by Stargazer
Well..I don't have any book ideas for you are 5 inventions right off the bat....,2933,510866,00.html Here's a few more for you... All kinds of stuff out there. Edit:... good list there.

Answer by Nyx
Here's a huge list of sic-fi inspired technology inventions -

â€" [Science]

Video: Bartłomiej Leave me a PM, I'M JUMPING THROUGH THE PORTALS! Will answer after leaving Aperture Science! *Counting years on hands*

Portal 2 - Aperture Science Ruins

Science is more than a period or a class that you have once a day in school. Science is all around us. Science is in everything that we do everything that we use, even everything that we eat! Science can easily be referred to as key element of magic and illusion. Parents know that a great way to peak your child's interest in science is to take the boredom out of the subject and add some of the fun and wonder back in.

Making the everyday extraordinary Sometimes making the ordinary into the extraordinary is easier said than done. Many parents would jump at the opportunity to make science exciting for their kids but they do not know where to start. Other parents look for outside resources to help them in designing science experiments that they think the kids would enjoy. There are so many different resources and ideas available, below you will find just a few ideas of how you too can peak your child's scientific interest.

o Volcano Explosion -- An exploding volcano is one of the most classic science tricks in the book. There are multiple ways to get the flowing lava effect. A recent discovery involving household items that when combined create a bubbling effect is the combination of the Mentos brand breath mind and Diet Coke. When the Mentos is dropped into the bottle of Diet Coke a chemical reaction makes the soda come spewing out of the bottle. If you do not have Mentos and Diet Coke, you can try the more traditional combination of baking soda and vinegar. You will get the same bubbles but without the height.

o Float or Sink -- Anyone can do this one. All you do is collect some items from around you house and have your kids record whether they think that the object will sink or float when it is put in a tub of water. You kids may be surprised to find out that some of the objects that they thought would float sank and visa versa.

o Citric Acid -- Citric Acid can be used to make a number of fu n things that generally safe to handle. You can easily find recipes to make fizzy tablets that can be used in a bath or to observe in a tube.

o Solar System -- Kids generally have a great curiosity for space. Consider making a mobile of the solar system or buying glow in the dark stars to place on the ceiling. Use plastic or rubber balls to show how planets orbit. Use your imagination.

Make science apply to them

Science is everywhere. Take the ever opportunity possible to teach this principle. For example; a child with a cold can be turned into a chance to learn science. We can point out that there is no known cure for a cold, but that we can prevent the cold by spreading and how to control contagious illnesses.

Science has no limit

The great thing about science is that there are so many ways to experience it with your kids. Go for a nature walk, stare at the clouds, play in the rain, look for bugs, talk about how your body wo rks, etc. As long as you are appealing to as many senses as possibly you can succeed at any science experiment.

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