Monday, August 6, 2012

Choosing The Right Science Project For Your Child []

Choosing The Right Science Project For Your Child []

Nouveau moyen de prévention du Sida. Une étude récemment publiée dans le Journal of Medecine de la Nouvelle Angleterre révèle que la prise d'un médicament, le Truvada, un antiretroviral déjà utilisé pour traiter le Sida a un effet dans la prévention de l'infection....

euronews science - Sida : un antiretroviral utilisé dans la prévention

Choosing the right science project for your child does not have to be a guessing game. There are a few simple ways to evaluate a project to see if the level of difficulty is something that your child can handle. No matter the project the processes of asking a question, collecting data, and coming to a conclusion are the same. The more that your child is able to practice solving problems through using this type of scientific process, the faster they will be able to develop their learning speed. A child who can learn how to thing critically can not only find ways to succeed in science but in all of the other subjects that he or she is studying and will study throughout life.

As you begin choosing the right science project for your child keep the following three components of a good project in mind:

o The question - What are you trying to find out?

o The experiment - How will you go about testing your theories of what the result may be?

o The r esult - Reporting on how you came to your conclusion.

As you discuss potential science project options with your child make sure that your child is able to answer how he or she will address the above components. If the project is so complex that the child has no idea how he might test his theories, then perhaps a more basic experiment is needed. If a child can come to conclusions on his own of how he can conduct the experiments and carry-out the project, you should have relatively few complications.

Have a timeline

It is important to teach your child to plan ahead and start working on a project early so that you are not rushing to finish anything the night before the project is due. You want to also give yourself enough time to repeat an experiment if something does not go according to plan.

Choose a project with personal application

Kids tend to get more excited about projects that they believe have a personal application rather than project s that have nothing to do with their interest. Explaining everyday occurrences like how the washing machine works or why a light comes on when you flip a switch keep a child thinking constantly as they will learn to see science happening all around them.

Performing the experiment

Generally there are two processes involved with performing an experiment. These processes are investigation and laboratory experimentation. In an investigation you gather data by observing natural occurrences. By observing something you are simply recording what you see happening. When you experiment on something in a 'laboratory' type of a setting, you are altering your object and noting the results. For example, you may want to study the effects that different type of water and additives have on fresh flowers. You may add food coloring to one vase, sugar to another, etc. and record the results of your changes.

Writing a report

Science projects requiring lengthy repo rts or explanations are best suited for older children or children who have had practice writing papers. Writing a report is often a child's most difficult task when it comes to turning in a science project. Although as a parent you should be able to help your child with the report, if your child is unable to do most of the reporting by himself, perhaps a less complicated project is appropriate.

Get some help Online

Many times it is difficult to find a quality science project that fits the abilities and interest of your child and that will actually work every time it is tried. If you are looking for dependable science project ideas just search online. Many websites offer a wide variety of science project ideas for children of all ages and abilities. Their easy-to-follow instructions can guide your child through every part of the project including the end report and even the displaying of a finished product.

Suggest Choosing The Right Science Project For Your Child Articles

Question by : How long before we bring science and spirit together to discover our truth? The evidence is mounting. There is more to this planet than we understand, more to the universe and more to ourselves. The reason this is placed in Astonomy is because I believe we were created form interstellar beings as result of DNA refinement. The bible is imperative, important and crucial, but this is about science and astronomy. Would you consider this as a possibility? Would you agree that the frontier of our evolution as a species is the combination of spirituality and science? (No stupidity please, how primitive we can be is no longer impressive) Best answer for How long before we bring science and spirit together to discover our truth?:

Answer by Daryl S
"Would you agree that the frontier of our evolution as a species is the combination of spirituality and science?" Absolutely not. Science is strictly the investigation and understanding of how things work, why things are the way they are and using that knowledge for technological advancement when possible. Spirituality is the acceptance of a Grand Creator and following his laws and principles so that your conduct and behavior harmonizes with those doctrines. One has nothing to do with the other and it is a mistake to try and combine the two. It's apples and oranges.

Answer by Grignard Reagent
When measurable, repeatable evidence of "spirit" is produced the process can start. Theists have miserably failed to produce this evidence over thousands of years and given the claptrap and deliberate lies seen in the Religion & Spirituality pages it is not going to happen soon.

Answer by Aashman Vyas
"Would you agree that the frontier of our evolution as a species is the combination of spirituality and science?" Absolutely not. Science is strictly the investigation and understanding of how things work, why things are the way they are and using that knowledge for technological advancement when possible. Spirituality is the acceptance of a Grand Creator and following his laws and principles so that your conduct and behavior harmonizes with those doctrines. One has nothing to do with the other and it is a mistake to try and combine the two. It's apples and orange

Answer by Larry454
The problem with this approach is that most folks who favor it are in fact spiritualists who have no understanding of science. They really want to combine the two disciplines for reasons like: 1. It will provide technical credibility to their own position, which they do not currently possess. 2. Science is too difficult to understand, so if they can get scientists to join them, then they will not have to do the hard work involved in step 1. 3. They are impressed by the achievements of science, but also impressed by their own religious leaders. 4. They are fascinated by images from the Hubble Telescope and National Geographic photographers in the caves and rain forests. These are very natural and human things to consider, but they are flawed from a scientific standpoint. Attempts to combine spirituality with science universally results in a mess like Scientology, which makes no sense to anyone with an education beyond 5th grade level.

Answer by Roger K
"The bible is imperative, important and crucial"... Why? Which Bible? Whose Bible? There are about 5,000 religions presently practiced around the world, and countless more have come and gone throughout history. Why are the writings in the bible that you read any more important or accurate than the writings about the pantheon of gods worshiped by the Ancient Greeks? I think that their gods were a lot more interesting than the one god at the center of the standard Christian belief system. One of the problems with many religions is that they are highly intolerant of any other religion. You make claims that are completely without proof, based solely on belief. Practitioners of other religions would laugh at you because, to them, your beliefs are so obviously wrong. And there is no way for any side to prove that their view is correct. Scientists argue and dispute the merits of different theories and on the interpretation of observed events and experimental results. The difference is that more research, more experiments, better measurements, improvements in technology can provide additional evidence that adds more weight to one side of the theory or another. Even when a widely accepted theory turns out to be wrong, scientists can accept the change when a theory that provides more complete explanation is proposed and backed up with sufficient evidence of its validity. Religion has no comparable process to that. If you have any proof that humans were created from interstellar beings, then present that proof and let people debate it.

Answer by Matt
I can agree that religion and science can be described as apples and oranges. However, when you talk about things like time and space and how they interact. Things like the sheer distances between galaxies and stars, the fact that alteration of time within space has been proven. You cant help but think that the more we find out, the more wonderous and almost 'spiritual' these facts become. The more we find out, the more unexplained things become. As a race we are clueless. We are in no position to rule out a higher power... or in any postion to certainly say a higher power exists. In the scheme of things we are tiny, futile and have plenty to learn before we can agree or disagree on these things. This is why in my opinion, we shouldn't get too passionate about our religions.

Answer by david_bowman_sc
You've stopped taking your meds again, haven't you.

â€" [Science]


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