Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cool Science Experiments For Kids []

Cool Science Experiments For Kids []

Question by philosophy dude: Will science be able to explain you completely and adequately? Well what do you think about this one. Will science ultimately be able to explain you completely and adequately? The "you" that is to be explained includes your personality, values, choices, and actions. Why? Best answer for Will science be able to explain you completely and adequately?:

Answer by Dhanesh C
can emotions be fully answered by science?... NOT. Can particular memorable experiences that is truly amazing and one of a kind be explained by science... NOT.. Well most things about urself and body can be explained by science but what u really feel deep down inside... some things are just not meant to be explained by science.

Answer by Jayasri devi dasi
No because I am not who they think I am nor who they think anyone is. We are not this material body, IE; Race, color, nationality, Religion, mind, intellect, senses, job, etc. We are all eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. We never die, only this mortal body dies. This material world is not our real home, it is called Maya (illusion) and is temporary and full of misery, only one fourth of the souls come here, and the rest are enjoying blissful eternal loving relationships with our Maker named above. The scientists are in deep illusion being they want to figure out all things on their own when all thing about the eternal soul (that's us) is all ready written and it can not be understood by manipulating chemicals etc. Those who are intelligent, take up the process of self realization (Bhakti Yoga) which gives one real peace, happiness and reality. Then at the end of life they can return to the eternal Kingdom where there is no more birth, death, old age, or disease and be eternally happy. Thank God I know who I am even though those big big scientists know nothing. For info. Go to Read Bhagavad Gita- As it is by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada you can read it on line.

Answer by small
Science can define everything about us to a very great extent through examination of our actions... it can define our values through studying our reactions to various situations etc. etc....... but it can not predict our next action because of freewill and continuous evolution of our inner being.... since our future actions rather than the past ones truly represent what we are and what we are going to be, science would always be a few steps behind time in defining us and to that extent it can never fully define us.

Answer by Rena
No ..the sensations and facts that scientists seek are based on the theories they hold. Without the theory to make it meaningful in the first place, a fact isn't noted. The history of science is full of new discoveries coming from facts that they had always been ignored as irrelevant. Scientists are like other people they see what they are looking for, and ignore everything else!Its objective and its values detachment over intimacy, analysis over experience, prediction over involvement, and control over dialogue. Science doesn't touch reality bare-handed, but throughthe gloves of its theories. It does not stare with the naked eye at nature, but views it through glasses of concepts...

Answer by RoChEr
yes i think so! but i don't know the reason!

Answer by David M
Science can only answer questions where there are clearly defined limits to the investigation and has never claimed to " know all the answers" (scientists want a lifetime job anyway). It has a principle which says that whenever you try to measure something (YOU and your emotions in this case), that thing will alter. So if YOU thought that a scientist was getting near to the answer of what YOU are, then you would instinctively alter in an unpredicta ble fashion. Frustrating isnt it? Well scientists have lived with this for some time and still mange to reach down into US in ways that are ultimately helpful - no matter how bad your reaction to the probe is. As an illustration of the principle, have you thought about the fact that whenever you try to measure the temperature of something, then the temperature falls by an infinitessimally small amount as the heat energy is taken out to change the reading on the thermometer?

Answer by aghorbuddha
Science can only explain How ? with certain proofs and experiments if there is no proof or a formula or a theory science stops there .Then the question Why ?comes then there comes metaphysics where no formulas or proofs are required only trust ,opening to exsistence is required .There starts the journey of finding ourself and we will find because we have to just unmask the hidden reality it is possible only in deep meditation.

รข€" [Science] Click here to watch the previous episode of Proving Ground! Proving Ground - Red Faction Ruin Mode Winner, Portal 2 Update, BO Shangri-La Challenge Welcome to Proving Ground, Respawn's weekly gaming challenge show! This week, we put an end to our Red Faction Armageddon Ruin mode challenge, drop an update on our Portal 2 challenge, and see how handy you guys are with a shotgun in Black Ops' new Shangri-La map. Got an idea for a challenge? Then share it with Steve and Larson by Liking them on Facebook at or following them on Twitter at In this video you will see: 1) How to blow stuff up good in Red Faction: Armageddon. 2) How to use 7 portals to defeat Wheatley. 3) How to hone your shotgun skills. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! Enlist in the Respawn Army! FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO FOR M ORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: TAGS: Steve Larson "Proving Ground" PG Machinima Respawn "Red Faction: Armageddon" THQ "Darius Mason" Mars "Singularity Cannon" ruin "destructible environments" Colonists "The Plague" Marauders "black hole" "event horizon" "Portal 2" wheatley Chell "Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device" "portal gun" ASHPD GLaDOS Valve "Call of Duty ...

Proving Ground - Red Faction Ruin Mode Winner, Portal 2 Update, BO Shangri-La Challenge

There are dozens of cool science experiments that you can do at home. Many cool science experiments require a day long process and careful observation. If you like weather there are a number of cool science projects you can try at home. Finding out what is in the rain is one of those experiments.

Experiment: Find Out What is in Rain

Category: Meteorology/Environmental

Materials: Microscope Container Funnel Tape Pie Dish Filter Paper

To begin this science experiment you will need to place a clean and completely dry container outside on a day that it is raining. Put the container out in the open away from trees and buildings and leave it there for several hours. Bring the container in after it has collected an adequate amount of rain for examination.

When you get the water inside you will need to filter the rain water. You can filter the rain water using a piece of filter paper in your funnel. Collect the water that r uns through the filter and funnel in a separate clean dry container.

Next, you will need to dry your filter paper so that the water is evaporated from it. To do this quickly you can put the filter paper on a clean baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius. While you are waiting for your filter paper to dry out take the excess water you collected and pour it into the pie dish.

Once the water has evaporated from the pie dish and the filter paper you can find out what is in rain. Take your filter paper and look at under the microscope. Take a piece of clear tape and stick it to the bottom of the pie dish once the water has evaporated. Look at the tape under the microscope. Try to figure out what particles were in the rain you collected.

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