Friday, August 10, 2012

Chemistry Science Fair Projects You Can Use []

Chemistry Science Fair Projects You Can Use []

Chemistry science fair projects have changed over the years; they've gotten a lot glitzier and much more technically involved. While this is has made it somewhat easier for parents, the modern trend in science fair projects tends to be to buy a science fair kit off the internet rather than make things yourself. We're going to cover old school style chemistry science fair projects that will set you apart.

First, there's something to be said for the "do it yourself" method of doing science fair projects. A lot of really good scientific learning can be done with this, and the hands-on experience is excellent for associating science with the real world, particularly with chemistry.

Some good hands-on chemistry science experiments:

Salinity and Freezing temperatures

Take a liter of water, carefully measure it out into ten glasses of 100 cc each, and add salt to each of the four glasses. Put no salt in the first glass, 10 grabs (about half a teasp oon) into second, and keep adding half a teaspoon to each subsequent glass, until the last glass has 4.5 teaspoons. Stir carefully, until the salt all dissolves.

Now, adjust your family's freezer so that it's at exactly 0 C (this will take some time to do!) and put all 10 glasses in the freezer. Wait for about an hour, and write down which glass has frozen. Now, adjust the temperature of the freezer down by 1 degree C, and observe in half an hour. Have any of the previously unfrozen glasses frozen?

Keep repeating, dropping the temperature each time until you get to -15 C; is there a correlation between the amount of salt in the water and the temperature?

What does this imply about oceans and how they freeze in the Arctic?

If you take some of the ice out of the frozen glasses, is it salty, or fresh? Why?

Take careful notes of your observations and work out a theory for your chemistry science fair project.

This chemistry science fair pr oject will teach you how to do proper methodologies for recording science experiments, and for tracking your data.

It should also give some non-linear results - the amount of salt dissolved in the water won't linearly change the amount of temperature needed to freeze the water, because the solution gets saturated.

Building a graph, and explaining your results is another valuable skill you'll learn from this.

Find More Chemistry Science Fair Projects You Can Use Articles

Question by lomashibal: What does the latest science say about free will? I read alot about free will and science, some scientists say we do have free will, and some say we don't, who is right? Best answer for What does the latest science say about free will?:

Answer by Bob D
Free will is an illusion. No matter, energy, or force possesses free will. All follow the laws of physics, as does life and man. See: BEYOND E=mc^2 We possess something that we see as free will but it's really a function of conscious belief based upon nothing more than the quantum nature of something called Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This uncertainty principle says that, at the subatomic level, it is not possible to know simultaneously with the same degree of accuracy, both the position and velocity of a particle moving through space-time. That uncertainty factor is a true part of reality both at the quantum level and even at the larger classical level of reality. Human consciousness lies right there at the threshold that divides the quantum world from our more familiar reality based upon the laws of classical physics. Well, what people perceive as free-will is just that uncertainty principle as it applies to our invdividual timeline from birth to the grave.

Answer by Purple haze
I don't think this belongs in biology. I think it should be in Philosophy. We make choices big and small all day; Whether or not to get out of bed, what to eat, what to wear, what time to leave the house, etc. Some may choose to call this free will. From a Darwinian view point though every single thing we choose to do is dictated ultimately by the drive to survive and reproduce. That's over simplifying enormously of course but I don't have the time, the research facilities or the inclination to write a thesis for you. Let's just say that is the basic argument right there. Now I have to point up the fact that there are dozens of philosophical arguments about the existence or not of free will and dozens of philosophical arguments about the nature of free will. You are in the wrong place for stimulating philosophical conversation I'm afraid.

Answer by BIGgourami (Back From the Dead)
free will is an abstract philosophical concept... science has nothing to say about abstract philosophical concepts...

Answer by emucompboy
Keiko the orca is dead, if you're actually asking about "Free Willy" and forgot to type the "y."

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