Friday, August 10, 2012

Teach Your Child To Analyze With Science Projects []

Teach Your Child To Analyze With Science Projects []

Question by : How to make a science project with simple machines? I need to make a science project with some simple machines. It doesn't have to have all the machines just maybe one or two. It should be appropriate for the age around 12. I have to demostraite it in class. Please list what i would need for it.Oh, and please dont make it to hard or to easy. Best answer for How to make a science project with simple machines?:

Answer by ◇〶ã‚'ぶ╋だしιての〶◆ 【☯â'¹â'¿â˜¯ã€'サふひウのトの ナã‚"ミ モヱねヨモロメ しもウもわつ™
Suggestion: A lever is a machine that carries the objects. Write about that to do the project. Good luck!

â€" [Science] Ein neuartiges künstliches Herz - das entwickelt ein französisches Team des Georges-Pompidou-Krankenhauses in Paris um den Professor Alain Carpentier herum. Es wird seinen Strom aus Akkus beziehen, eine Lebensdauer von fünf Jahren haben und rund 900 Gramm wiegen. Alain Carpentier: "Ich wollte, dass alles Wichtige in nur eine Prothese eingebaut wird, die man einer kranken Person einsetzen kann. Das war wirklich eine große Leistung der Ingenieure, alles so klein zu gestalten, dass es hineinpasst." Das Herz vereinigt Know-How aus der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik mit dem der Biotechnologie. Schwierig war es, die Prothese an die natürlichen Bewegungen der Patienten anzupassen. Patrick Coulombier, Chef des beteiligten Unternehmens Carmat: "Wenn ich mich so beuge, erkennen die Sensoren die Bewegung und leiten diese Informationen ans Herz: Achtung, der Patient verändert seine Position. Und wenn Sie sich aufrichten, muss das Herz mehr arbeiten, um das Blut ins Gehirn zu pumpen." Die strömungsoptimierten Herzkammern sind mit Rinderzellen ausgekleidet, die ein Abstoßen verhindern sollen. Damit sind enorme Hoffnungen verbunden: weltweit warten 100.000 Menschen auf ein neues Herz. Julie Piquet führt letzte Tests durch. Doch das genügt ihr nicht mehr. "Wir können damit Menschen retten, die ohne diese Lösung leider nicht mehr da sein würden." Drei französische Transplantationszentren warten auf die ersten Herzen. Erst müssen in den kommenden Wochen jedoch die Behörden ...

euronews science - Ein neues Herz wartet auf seinen Einsatz

Teaching scientific principles is not something that parents should leave to the schools and the educators of their children. Science holds principles that children use all the time, not just when they are in school. Teaching your child to analyze with science projects can help them learn how to better analyze the everyday world around them. Through this type of analysis children are encouraged to ask questions, find answers and explore possibilities.

Teach your child to analyze with science projects through using the scientific method

Your child can learn to analyze their science projects through a process called the scientific method. The scientific method is a process that outlines how you can scientifically answer questions. Below are some steps to the scientific method:

1. Observe what is happening (what's the problem or question?)

2. Predict what might happen (make a guess as to what might solve the problem)

3. Test pred ictions under controlled conditions to see if they are correct (experiment to see if your guess was right)

4. Make sense of our observations (was your guess right? If not what can you try differently in your next experiment?)

Remember that science isn't always just about test tubes and lab coats. Science is in everything that we do and the scientific method can be used to determine solutions for any type of problem that we are faced with. As you teach your children this process of analyzing through their school science projects you are doing more than helping him or her to get a good grade in a class. You are teaching and helping your children to learn how to figure out problems and find solutions on their own. Analytical skills are vital principles to learn as they can help your child in the detection of danger and in sensing when something is not right.

Teach your child by example

Of course it is important to teach your child to analyze w hen they are doing certain science projects, but you can also expand their understanding by making sure that science projects are done as activities in the home and not just required school work. Show your enthusiasm for science and learning and your attitude will rub off on your child. Children learn mostly by example. Do not let scientific principle and learning be a strange concept in your home. Constantly strive to blur the line between school and home by having learning play an intricate part in your children's day.

When you don't know, look to the experts for help. Sometimes children will ask a question that you are not familiar with. Make sure that when this happens that you have resources for information. Teachers, textbooks and internet information searches provide a great deal of resources for continual learning even if you are a parent.

Have reliable sources for ideas.

There are many excellent examples of online resource for school projects. You can find ideas and assistance for science projects in earth, life, and physical science for children in elementary and middle school. You can browse through the many different project options available and either choose to have the more detailed project information sent to you or you can download the information that you need to get started on a project right away.

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