Thursday, September 6, 2012

Science Fair Project []

Science Fair Project []

Question by Cris Tee: What are the best craft items for science projects? My son needs to make a model of a DNA strand (double helix)for science class. Has anyone out there done this, and what are the best craft items to use for this type of model? Best answer for What are the best craft items for science projects?:

Answer by katchoo_792
CANDY! Round candies like jaw breakers and lemon heads glued together in "globs" with a sugar and water paste make great molecules. While strands of Twizzlers wrapped around each other are great to connect them. Or for something normal little styrofoam balls painted to necessary colors work just as well with little rounded sticks you can get from anywhere (Michaels, Walmart, Target) work well too.

Answer by PEREZ
I have done, 3 diff. science proj. with my kids If it was me i would use Jelly beans and some wire you can get in the in the fake flower area and hot glue

Answer by ecolink
You can use pony beads and pipe cleaners pretty easily.

â€" [Science]

Directed by Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall), Hollow Man stars Kevin Bacon as gifted scientist Sebastian Caine, who develops a serum that induces invisibility. The arrogant but charismatic scientist heads a top-secret US government research project. When the formula works successfully on animals, Caine disobeys Pentagon orders and experiments on himself. Unfortunately, the gamble goes terribly wrong when the procedure cannot be reversed. Caine, the "hollow man," and his lieutenants, Linda McCay (Elisabeth Shue) and Matthew Kensington (Josh Brolin), frantically try to counteract the effect. But the invisible Caine becomes intoxicated with his newfound power. The laboratory becomes a house divided, as the scientists realize their suddenly omnipotent leader perceives them as a threat to his very existence. 2000 Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Co. Movie KG. All Rights Reserved.

Hollow Man

It's time for the science fair and you need to come up with an eye popping experiment. First of all some of the best projects are the simple ones. The best plan is to sit down and write out your plan.

1) You Need a question

2) A Hypothesis

3) The Procedure

4) The Results

5) You have your conclusion

First you need a question for your science project. The question is: something you don't understand and want to know what happens if . . . The basis for this is to keep everything the same and change one thing. Now you have an experiment because you are finding a fact. We do this every day. Did you ever put a piece of bread in the toaster frozen and one thawed for the same period of time to determine which one gets toasted fastest. You just did an experiment.

Second you need a hypothesis. Don't worry about the big name. All it means is that you determine what you thing the outcome of your question will be. It doesn't have to be right or wrong. You are just determining the outcome.

Third the procedure. How will you do the experiment. What will stay the same and what one thing will you change to test. With the toast experiment you kept the bread the toaster and the time. The only thing you changed was to freeze the bread.

Fourth are the results. What actually happened in the science project. All you have to do is get a spiral notebook and keep a log everyday of what it happening.

Fifth is the conclusion. This tells what you have learned in the science fair project. Did the hypothesis come true or was there other alternative findings in your science fair project? If you write out a quick outline like this you will make sure to cover everything you need for your science projects.

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