Fingerprinting in Forensic Science []
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Fingerprints collected from a crime scene, or from items of evidence from a crime, can be used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched the surface in question. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within various police agencies in the late 19th century. This system replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under an alias name, in a criminal record repository. The science of fingerprint identification stands out among all other forensic sciences for many reasons because of its superiority and reliability.
Worldwide, fingerprinting has served all governments during the past 100 years to provide accurate identification of criminals. No two fingerprints have ever been found alike in the billions of human and automated computer comparisons. Fingerprints have become the very basis for criminal history foundation at almost every police a gency.
The first forensic professional organization, the International Association for Identification (IAI), was established in 1915. It established the first professional certification program for forensic scientists, the IAI's Certified Latent Print Examiner program in 1977, issuing certification to those meeting stringent criteria and revoking certification for serious errors such as erroneous identifications.
Fingerprints remain the most commonly used forensic evidence the world over. In most jurisdictions, fingerprint examination cases outnumber all other forensic examination casework combined. It continues to expand as the premier method for identifying persons, with tens of thousands of persons added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone - far outdistancing similar databases in growth. Fingerprinting has outperformed DNA and all other human identification systems to identify more murderers, rapists and other serious offenders (fingerprints sol ve ten times more unknown suspect cases than DNA in most jurisdictions).
Although some reporters and authors claim that fingerprints have long enjoyed a mystique of infallibility, the opposite is true. Fingerprint identification was the first forensic discipline in 1977 to formally institute a professional certification program for individual experts, including a procedure for decertifying those making any investigative errors. Other forensic disciplines later followed suit in establishing certification programs whereby certifications could be revoked for any error found.
Fingerprint identifications lead to far more positive identifications of persons worldwide daily than any other human identification procedure. The American federal government alone effects positive identification of over 70,000 persons. A large percentage of the identifications, approximately 92% of US Visit identifications, are affected in lights-out, no human involved computer identification process with 100% accuracy based on only two fingerprints.
Recommend Fingerprinting in Forensic Science IssuesQuestion by Kurt J: Best way to prep for a Computer Science degree after a long absence from college? 33 years old, and going back to school after 15 years. Interested in computer science. No experience and would like some information as to how to prepare myself for the transition. Best answer for Best way to prep for a Computer Science degree after a long absence from college?:
Answer by azohawk
don't overload yourself the first semester-12 to 14 hours max if you are full time and not working. Stay ahead of the game-don't get behind on assignments.--get a calendar and put everything (reading assignments, tests, papers, etc.) on it so everything is in one place. Be sure to read the assigned readings before the lectures. Ask questions Get a study buddy in each class-get together weekly to review material. know your own learning style and know how to maximize it and minimize the negative aspects of it. Be able to touch type. Spend the money to get the tools that will help you do your best. Seek out the campus learning assistance center and see what guidance they can offer.
Answer by killykole2
Theoretically, you should have an edge over the younger, more traditional students. As you are more mature and have been working, you should be more able to study on a more consistent basis without slacking off majorly. You also won't have to deal with college's typical 'distractions' for an 18 year old. So you should have the academic part covered. As far as socially, I'm not sure what type of college you're going to. If it's night class with other adults, which I've taken a few of, it will seem just like a job. Little social interaction and just trying to stay awake. If you are going to be taking classes in the day with 18 year old freshman, well that will be MUCH MORE interesting. Good luck. I'm the same age and going back to school too, although for my masters...
Answer by shermine b
it was better if you could say which city or country you are living too,because some universities they have some spots each year for people who had long absence from need to specify them in your city or your country and try to get their application.some of them they want you to write a statement around 500 words about why you wanna do this course and what do you wanna achieve after completing this course,so it s better you prepare yourself from will be helpfull later on if you try to get some courses such as short courses(at college) about computer science before you go to uni if you don't have any experience regarding to this degree from before.besides,they usually ask about the previous places that you have worked before(it's usally in their application)be prepare yourself.they ask you about your high school grades and subjects that you have t aken before and so on,try to collect them all from now if you don't have them all...goodluck
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