Sunday, August 5, 2012

Using Scientific Method For Science Fair Projects With Science Kits []

Using Scientific Method For Science Fair Projects With Science Kits []

Question by unstopabel45: What does the following mean? Distinguish the different senses of "science" in different disciplines of scienc? I have to write a final paper for my philosophy class: Philosophical theories of knowledge and reality I do not understand what my professor is asking for me to explain in this paper. The topic is summarized in the statement above. Actual statement:::: Make a long list of different kinds of science--Library science, Domestic science, and the more familiar sciences. Distinguish the different senses of "science" in these different disciplines. Please explain what the professor means and any examples would be nice. Thank you very much. Best answer for What does the following mean? Distinguish the different senses of "science" in different disciplines of scienc?:

Answer by Alan Turing
He is just trying to get you to realize that people are somewhat sloppy in their use of the word science. With things like library science that science simply means some means of organizing and categorizing things. Biology science was like that until Darwin's core theory of evolution change it into a science that is about explaining why things are the way they are and how they got there. Before Darwin, biology was just a sort of library science of categorizing and grouping of living things. Physics and chemistry are sciences in the way the term science is most accurately used. They are not just a means of categorizing and grouping things, and not just a way of explaining how things got to where they are, they are also a methodology of predicting what will happen in the future given known conditions. Domestic science, political science, and sociology and psychology are also sciences but again the emphasis shifts to issues of control, defining what is normal or standard, how to effectively make change or maintain the status quo, and so forth. So in each of these science means something that can be radically different and you need to be aware of it to understand what a science is. And your study could be called a science of sciences. And that is part of what philosophy is.

Answer by James C
Not without reading your school book that has the answer?

รข€" [Science]

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Using the scientific method and good science kits can help you succeed with any science fair project. It can make the difference between failure and success. So to help you get started, we've compiled the following list of a few crucial steps.

The first step is to identify the question you are seeking to answer. Your question should ask how, what, when, who, where or why regarding something you have observed. The question becomes the foundation for the science fair project. Answering this question becomes the goal of the project. The scientific method will guide you through the project as you gather scientific evidence through various steps of observation, research, trial and error, and measuring, all for the purpose of substantiating any conclusions you will make.

The second step is doing background research to gather information that will help you answer the question you identified in step one. These research findings will become evidence that you will us e to prove or disprove a theory. Research can incorporate your local library and the internet. It can also include science kits related to the topic of your question. For example, if your question is related to crystal growing, you can find science kits filled with valuable materials and information that can be used as part of your evidence.

Here is a tip for any research: it's entirely possible someone else before you has attempted to answer the same question. You don't want to retrace another's steps. Your goal is to blaze your own trails while using the knowledge and evidence that others have already uncovered. Even if you utilize science kits prepared for the masses, you can add your own unique approach to how you use it in your science fair project.

Third, after completing the background research, you'll then form your hypothesis. This means you consider all of the information you've gathered, and make an assumption of its outcome. This is also called an "ed ucated guess". You'll want to form your hypothesis in such a way that you can not only prove it, but measure your findings that lead you to the answer of your hypothesis.

Fourth, you must test your hypothesis. This can truly be the fun part of your project. You've developed your question, completed your research and formed your hypothesis. Your goal now is to prove that hypothesis with experiments. This is another step where good science kits can help by providing you with the materials and information needed to conduct a meaningful test. A good science kit can provide scientific tools and other items that are not normally found around the house.

Here is a tip regarding the testing step. Ideally, you will be able to prove your hypothesis as true, but every good scientist has had his share of projects that disproved his hypothesis. Some scientists have made impressive advances by proving their hypothesis is false. It's how we move forward and progress. Still, if y our hypothesis isn't proven via your experiments, you will need to backtrack and redefine the hypothesis to one that can be proven successfully.

Finally, every good scientist knows the importance of communication. You will need to document your findings and then communicate your results to others. One way to do this is by displaying your project at a science fair. Displaying colorful posters at the science fair can help better communicate your project. Another method of communication is written reports and articles.

The greatest realizations and inventions throughout history began when someone asked questions and set out to find answers supported by evidence. A science fair is a great place to practice and refine natural traits of curiosity and determination, traits that have caused mankind to keep advancing through the ages. By using the scientific method combined with good science kits, you may just be the next inventor of something amazing that will propel the human race forward.

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