Sunday, August 5, 2012

Relevant Kids Earth Science []

Relevant Kids Earth Science []

Remember when you were a little kid - and your parents put a nightlight in your room because you were afraid of the dark - or thought there were monsters in the closet? Well - it turns out those nightlight might have been doing more harm than good.

Geeky Science - Your Night Light Can Make You Crazy!

The study of earth science is one of the most practical science studies out there. Because it studies the earth, its properties, and anything that can affect the earth, it studies things that we can more or less tangibly see or hear about from other people's experiences. In elementary, kids earth science involves discussing how the earth rotates in the solar system, types of rocks, the water cycle, the weather, and more basic concepts. Though our children will be learning these concepts faster than the pace we learned them at, they are likely to remain the same. It's later on that their science classes will be covering ideas we may have never heard of.

Apart from simply studying these concepts, though, parents should get involved in teaching their kids relevant topics about the earth. While most kids earth science classes will have practical applications or experiments that demonstrate concepts, kids should also learn the relevance of what they're studying on a g lobal scale. For example, a study of what the earth is made of should lead to a discussion on different types of soil, and as a result the different types of crops found in different areas of the world. This can lead into the discussion of famine, and how science is coming up with new technology for raising crops in less than favorable conditions.

Perhaps the most relevant and direct effect that can be discussed when it comes to kids earth science, though, is global warming. Studying greenhouse gases and their effect on our environment is something that should be taken up in your child's science class. While many teachers tend to sugar coat the situation, as a parent, you should teach your child the true effects of global warming. Helping your child understand how this can affect their environment, and how changing the earth by a few degrees can dramatically change their lives is one way to get your children to see the relevance of earth science. You can also take this as an opportunity to practice good and eco-friendly ways of living.

Studying the earth and its surroundings can make a difference on how you can get your children to be really involved in their science class. If they can see the good that comes from science and how science directly benefits ways of living or can threaten life as they know it, you are arming your child with the knowledge that the world is fragile and they must do all they can to preserve it. Making your child aware of the earth's problems and how science can solve it will be your direct contribution to raising a generation that is eco-friendly and aware of their earth's situation. Kids earth science isn't just about lessons in school, it's about taking it beyond the classroom and making a difference!

Recommend Relevant Kids Earth Science Issues

Question by thume516: When will priests start teaching Evolution and Science in Sunday school? I think it's horrible that evolutionary theory isn't given any weight in Sunday school as a required subject. I realize evolutionary theory is science and not "religion" but if they're going to teach creationism in religious classes they should give equal time to other theories on the subject of life. And none of that "only religion should be taught in religion classes" hogwash. I think if we want to start teaching religion in science classes then we should also start teaching science in religion classes. Best answer for When will priests start teaching Evolution and Science in Sunday school?:

Answer by pab
go away

Priests are too busy giving the students slaps.

Answer by Slakker Mahn
troll... maybe next you'll suggest math be taught in english class or physics in biology... that's moronic!

Answer by PROBLEM
You do know the Catholic Church as always accepted evolution?

Answer by Hugo
Yes because teaching small children evolution would work well? You need to be a bit older to understand that level of science imho.

Answer by Captain Atheist
because evolution is based on scientific study

Answer by Ladyboys Rock
Great analogy.

Answer by John Smith
Evolution being in the Bible is about as believable as intelligent design being scientific.

Answer by Patrick
Well I think the answer to your question is "when hell freezes over". I'm an atheist... so never.

Answer by Joseph the Second
-When Creationism "freezes over." ;)

Answer by LOLOL
IKR! Also, why don't they teach Math in English class?!?!!

Answer by Tamsinborn1996
Sunday school isn't school. I've met Sunday school teachers. They are not qualified to teach little children, full stop, let alone sciences! Their job is to preach the bible. Let's leave it at that. xoxo.

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