Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Science Fiction Writer []

Science Fiction Writer []

Une équipe de chercheurs américains vient de publier les résultats encourageants d'un essai clinique de thérapie génique. Réalisés entre 2008 et 2010 sur 45 patients de 30 à 75 ans, ces tests comparatifs in vivo dits de phase 2 constituent l'avant-dernière étape du processus de validation par les autorités sanitaires. ...

euronews science - Maladie de Parkinson : l'espoir génique

The focus of a science fiction writer is on fiction rooted in science and plausibility. It must be remembered that what seems fantastical today may turn out to be a common-place event tomorrow and this makes the job of writers dealing with science fiction even more difficult. Novels based on this imaginary but plausible genre are generally super hits and sell like hot cakes, finding a wide readership. The future of science and what is to occur has fascinated people for generations, and it is of little wonder that a good science fiction writer is held in high esteem. One possible reason for this could be because of his ability to project into the yet-to-come tomorrow.

The effective or ineffective way the subject is handled by the author makes or breaks his career. Writing about advanced science and technology, aliens, space travel and persons having paranormal capabilities need a lot of imaginative powers. Together with this, innovative thinking and being blessed with a clear vision helps. Screenplays that have a tone of rational scientific alternatives go to make movies or TV series that create waves if other factors are also present such as excellent photography, lighting and sound effects. A science fiction writer can have the people eating out of his hands due to the spell of thrill he casts upon them. Other genres that are closely related to sci-fi are fantasy, alternate history, horror, mystery and superhuman powers. A novel even making subtle mention of the subterranean earth, traveling across time, aliens, robots and other such suspension of disbelief are devoured by readers.

A science fiction writer attempting to write about future technology such as teleportation, ray-guns, mind control or faster-than-light travel had better sound convincing enough or else he is likely to lose the battle before it begins. The main point is to take a peek into the future while keeping an eye on the past and write along the hypothesis o f scientific tenets. A screenplay that deals with any of the sub-genres of science fiction finds its way through the closely guarded gates Hollywood. A science fiction writer has to dwell on the antecedents of mythology and go far beyond the realms of mind's eye. Logical reasoning has little or no interplay when innovative ideas take shape in the author's head yet, the ideas should be firmly based on the existing technology.

It is the dream of any science fiction writer to win the notable Hugo Award or the Nebula Award that are bestowed after critical assessment and interpretation of the creative literature. Science fiction works have emerged across the world and have the maximum appeal for male adolescent population. The perennial desire for excitement in this segment of society enraptures the hearts and minds of young readers. Without destroying the doctrines of science the future is harnessed and this is the main difference between literature of other fields and sci -fi. The discrete information given by the writer may not be entirely true but not impossible either!

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