Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Publish Your Own Science Journal? []

How to Publish Your Own Science Journal? []

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One of the reasons why mankind is able to enjoy the amenities of modern life is due to constant advancements in science and technology. Through the various developments in science and technology, mankind has learned the ability to understand the universe some extent. If it wasn't for the scientists and researchers who have worked since the time of Aristotle, many of the amenities of modern life such as TV would not have been invented. All of these scientific advancements are documented for future generations through the utilization of scientific journals.

A science journal is a publication that contains various scientific papers that have been written after proper research. Many scientists and researchers use appropriate science journals to publish their own work in the form of a short scientific paper that consists of 5 to 30 pages. Then, other scientists and researchers who are working in a similar field can also look at that particular scientific paper, in ord er to see whether the research can be improved. As a result, one advantage of publishing a scientific paper is to trademark your work before anyone else, while the second advantage is to help build upon the knowledge that already exists. This way, new scientists and researchers can also advance their work by utilizing these scientific papers.

Of course, there may come a time, in which you may also decide to create your own science journal or technology journal. Creating a scientific journal is a difficult process, which requires the journal to be designed and made in a systematic way. First of all, a scientific journal should have a good and unbiased editorial board. This is very important, as the editorial board should govern the process of the submission of scientific papers and it should regulate double blind reviews for the submitted scientific papers. In addition, the process of editorial review should be clear to the scientific community in the beginning, when th e science journal is first established. Thus, if you are establishing your own science journal, you should approach respected colleagues who can help you to establish your editorial board.

Once you have chosen the editorial board, you should also set the standards that you will accept for a scientific paper. For example, do you require computational simulations in your technology journal or do you just want analytical studies to be published. As another example, do you need to see some experimental proof before you allow the publication of a research paper or will it be enough to have calculations without proof. When you are establishing your own science journal, these criteria should be explored in detail by your editorial board, so that appropriate reviewers can then be chosen to carry out this process.

Naturally, a newly established science journal should have an automated submission system. It is essential to create a system that allows for a paper submission process, which is unbiased, automated and systematic at the same time. Luckily, there are several software that allows you to publish your own science journal online. Naturally, some professional help will be needed to install the journal software. Most of the science journal automation software that is available on the net is an open source software, so it is essential to choose one that has the least number of bugs in it. You might want to try out a couple of science journal submission programs before deciding the most suitable one for your journal.

In addition, a newly published science journal or a technology journal will need an ISSN number, which will be the number that registers the journal internationally as a periodical publication. It is completely free to get an ISSN number and you can get it by applying online from the international ISSN site. Hence, once you have formed your editorial board and once you have received your ISSN number; then with the assist ance of your science journal publication software, your science journal will be ready for immediate publication. This way, your newly published journal can also serve as a beacon of knowledge to the scientific community.

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Question by P4BZ: What is the science behind mentos and coke causing a miniture explosion? saw it internet, want to know the science behond why it happens. As detailed as possible please. Best answer for What is the science behind mentos and coke causing a miniture explosion?:

Answer by Anthony25
you want it? you got it! the mythbusters episode ftw!

Answer by Chris C
Mythbusters did a show where they tested this, and they explained the process quite well. It's Episode 57: Mentos and Soda. Not sure where you can view that particular program, but it's well worth watching. They also did a follow up show on the same subject, Episode 75: More Myths Revisited

Answer by Patricia D
This has become of the more popular experiments passed on as high school science projects in recent time. The Mentos-Diet cola phenomena, also called as soda geysers, is the effect of breaking the surface tension of the soda, by the addition of the candy, which is made from gum arabica, or the substance which makes Mentos really chewy. Because water molecules are really so tightly knit, it takes a lot of energy to break up that surface tension. This happens when several pieces of Mentos candies are dropped into a diet soda bottle which really disturbs the water molecules in the soda. As soon as the gum arabica dissolves, it breaks up the surface tension and allows a lot of bubbles to form on the surface because the candies are really porous, therefore, enabling bubbles to appear. As this continues to happen, more and more bubbles develop, until they sink to the bottom of the soda bottle. When these bubbles come into contact with carbon dioxide in the soda, all that pressure allows the gas in the soda to be released to the surface with a near-explosion-like fizz.

â€" [Science]


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