Science Fair Success - Writing the Perfect Science Fair Report []
Writing a science fair report need not be an art. If you are getting all worked up about writing your report, relax, help is at hand. In this article, I will cover the basic outline for writing a report.
Writing a report is nothing but using your computer's word processor to type in all that you have done, experienced and learned in the course of your project. It should cover all facts and procedures in a logical and chronological order, and in simple language. You can go back and edit it later or have someone review it for you. Writing a report using the below mentioned guidelines will enable anyone who has absolutely no knowledge about your project, to understand your report just as he or she was present during the investigations.
An Overview
Your science fair report should be detailed and generally cover the following aspects:
What was your purpose for doing the research? What is the source of your information? What actions did you take? How many experiments did you perform? What results did you arrive at? Were your assumptions correct or incorrect?Make sure you take advice and follow instructions of your teacher and your school while making your report.
Detailed Outline for Writing a Good Science Fair Report:
Your report should consist of the following sections:
Title Page: The project heading or title should be catchy and printed in bold so that it is visible without much effort. If your school requires any additional information you should take care to include it herein. Table of Contents: On the second page, you must print a list of subtitles that every page will contain. Summary or Abstract: On the next page you must write a summary of your project. The summary may include your project heading, the objective, investigations done, research undertaken, assumptions made, your course of action, the outcome and the inferences arrived at. The summary must be just a page long. Introduction: In this section, you will explain what motivated you to conduct the research, your theory and what you expected. Experiments: Here explain the method adopted by you to go about your hypothesis, to collect information and to make deductions. Explaining every step of the procedure adopted and the materials used, can help the reader to perform the experiment again and do further research. This is why you must include detailed diagrams, tables, graphically represented data and pictures in this section Data: Next, you must record all the facts, figures and statistics applied and obtained in the experimentation process. Discussion: Here, you go on to logically explain what you have concluded and on what basis you have reached the conclusion. Should you repeat the experiment, what different procedure would you adopt? Also, what are your directions for anyone continuing research on the same lines? Conclusion: Write a summary of the end-result obtained. Do not introduce any new ideas at this point. Acknowledgments: Here you give credit to individuals or organizations that have assisted you at any stage of the project. References: This section should include the names of individuals whom you have quoted in your report. You must also include names of books and their authors, from which you have extracted material for your project.Now that you understand the overall content of your project, it's time to get to work writing it. A good next step is to download a free copy of "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below.
Happy Experimenting!
Related Science Fair Success - Writing the Perfect Science Fair Report IssuesQuestion by â®â«â¥Curious Aliceâ¥â«â®: What are some easy science fair experiments for a ninth grader? I'm not looking to win the science fair or anything. I just want something easy, interesting, inexpensive, and that will get me a grade over a 'C' (I've never been a fan of science fair). Would an experiment be what type of food my rats prefer? Or does that not count? What are some good sites to go to that will help me pick out a science fair topic and help me with writing the paper? Thanks =) Thanks =) Best answer for What are some easy science fair experiments for a ninth grader?:
Answer by 3sa
i helped my youngest son years ago do optical illusions for his science fair. got large poster paper and found illusions online and copied them onto paper. then gave an explanation as to why people saw what they saw.
Answer by M&M
how about one on mold: How long it takes certain foods to become moldy? (even iced tea gets moldy if left out in the dark!) Hope this was helpful
Answer by ArisStar
you could do something with plants. get three plants one is a control wrap the others in colored cellophane (purple, yellow, whatever) and the question would be in what color light do plants grow the most. Or try different fertilizers. Just make sure you have a control
Answer by kmemar123
hey, im in eighth grade and my last science fair experiment was seeing which fertilizer worked best. it won sixth place. just pick fertilizer to plant bean sprouts and ot may work.
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