National Book Festival 2010 Hits the Science and Technology Topics []
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Recently at September 25, 2010, the 10th National Book festival 2010 took place on the National Mall in Washington DC. Science and Technology books draw the attention of the visitors. Some books written by the famous writers were the hot topic of the entire festival. In the festival some writers gave presentations followed by the question and answer session. This was one of the main attractions of the fair. Each and every author tries to highlight their recent works and try to pinpoint the significant of his/her writings.
Edward O. Wilson, biologist, has published his first fiction book named Anthill. Richard Rhodes, a nuclear weapons historian tried to promote his forth volume of the series the creation and spread of nuclear weapons is another attraction of the festival. In this book history was given from the cold war to the present time. The extension of the nuclear weapon of mass destruction is the main focus in his writings.
Harold Varmus, a Nobel Laur eate for his contribution came up with his recent memoir, The Art and Politics of Science. This book discusses about different aspects of politics of science got good attention in the civil society. Those three books and speech of the writers were very much informative and touching for the book lovers.
Henry Petroski who is professor of civil engineering at Duke writes about why things fail. In his recent writings "The Essential Engineer: Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems". In his writings he focused on solving problems using science. Scientific facts in various problem solving issues got attraction of the visitors of the fair. He also tries to distinguish between science and engineering using the linear model. He claims that contemporary policy to science is very much short-sighted.
There are some other scientific topics highlighted in the fair. Allegra Goodman wrote new work "her novel intuition" and Richard Holmes in his book "the age of won der" tries to discover the scientific discoveries, prominent scientists of the late 18th and early 19th century. These two pieces were much talked books in the festival.
The recent national book festival 2010 can be said the science and technology dominating fair. Various new books about modern science and technology are published and inaugurated in the books fair. Country renowned writers try to bring new books in the festival to attract. So in a nutshell national Book Festival 2010 was seen dominated by the science and technology.
Suggest National Book Festival 2010 Hits the Science and Technology Topics IssuesQuestion by dorian113: How can i make my science fair board look good to the judges? I'm entering my project for the first time in the science fair. Any suggestions to make me stand out among the rest? Best answer for How can i make my science fair board look good to the judges?:
Answer by dearlybelovedx3
bright bold but not tacky, use good taste!
Answer by Peter
Answer by xjavabotx
Lots of color! :)
Answer by twilightloverr12
use a dark backround and bright papers. be enthusiastic and stuff. also, make sure everything's in place. and make it look neat.
Answer by Mary H
Make it look good and very attracting. They like to see alot of colors and things like that. You can maybe put on a border. Just try to make it look good and stand out alot! Well Good Luck! Hope you get a high place!
Answer by Sweet_kisses
print out u stuff and put colored paper as the background
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