Sunday, August 5, 2012

Science Fair Success - How Science Fair Judges Think []

Science Fair Success - How Science Fair Judges Think []

When it comes to having a successful (or even a winning) science fair project, it may help to think about your science project from the judges' point of view. After all, judges will be reviewing your project for the first time and will see the project in a different light than you do since you have been working so hard on your project.

Remember: your judges are not only going to be looking at your project, but they may also read your science fair report or be looking to see how well you understand your own project. To help you see your project from the judges' point of view, follow these simple tips:   Spend time on your visual aids. Good visual aids will grab attention from about 3 feet away or more. Your visual aids should be neatly organized, colorful, and loaded with information. It's usually a good idea to include pictures of the experiment(s) that you performed as well as data that you collected in a tidy way on your display board and table. You can use these visuals to explain your project to the judges. Plus - your visuals will help to show your creativity.   Review your science report. (TBD - Science Report article) Your science report should include information about the scientific method as well as a discussion of your results in your own words. Judges may look through your report and chances are good that your teacher will base your science project grade on your report as well.

Know your experiment inside and out. The judges will not only review your science project boards and visual aids, they will also ask you questions. How well do you really know your science project? Have a friend or parent quiz you about your project, asking questions that a judge might ask. If you get stumped by a question, then look the answer up before the science fair begins.   Remember: judges like to ask questions that make you think off the top of your head. The bette r you know the details of your experiment, the better you may do when it comes time to answer those questions.   Prepare yourself. After you have taken the time to complete your visual aids and know your experiment inside and out, the last thing you need to think about is preparing yourself to stand represent your science fair project at the actual fair. Even though you may be nervous, get plenty of sleep, eat a full breakfast (you don't want to faint!), and dress nicely. Look and feel your best during the fair. Judges are drawn to tidy displays that neatly display a wide variety of information about a science project. Represent your project by dressing professionally and being prepared to answer any questions that the judges may ask. Being prepared for the fair may take almost as long as your experiment, but it's worth the time if you perform well during the fair!   If you're ready to get going with your own project, your next step is to downloa d a free copy of "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below right now.

Find More Science Fair Success - How Science Fair Judges Think Articles

Question by jess: Science!!!!!!!!!? Do you know where to find the answer to this question? Does sound travel faster in water or in air? What is the answer too? Best answer for Science!!!!!!!!!?:

Answer by Tower of Terror
go to The answer is water...

Answer by Irv S
Water is denser than air, so sound travels faster in water. BTW as you go higher, the air gets less dense, and sound travels slower than at sea level.

Answer by Connie
Search on Google, and the answer is water.

â€" [Science]


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