Sunday, August 5, 2012

Science Fair Project Idea - What Not to Do! []

Science Fair Project Idea - What Not to Do! []

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When it comes to entering and winning the science fair, many children go through a lot of pressure. Coming up with a science fair project idea can be really agonizing for both child and parent. Many children and or parents succumb to the pressure by attempting to create projects that are beyond their means of understanding or capabilities. They often turn to the Internet and search for a good science fair project idea that they can do with their child in an attempt to win. Sometimes, the want to win is so great that they end up being blinded by the huge mistakes they make!

1. Do not Go for a Quick Fix

Many parents turn to a quick fix science project by buying project kits online. While some of these project kits can definitely be good projects that teach your children scientific concepts that they need to learn, they may not win the science fair. This is because mass produced project idea kits also mass produce science fair projects! You may end up having t he same project as another contestant, or have a judge tell you that you cannot use the kit exactly the way it presents its project. The best thing to do is try to use the kit in another manner, or try tweaking the project suggested by the kit!

2. Do not Be a Copy Cat

Copying an old project is another thing that is done in an attempt to win. Sometimes people think that projects are forgotten, and so winning entries can be submitted again. While this might impress judges at the fair itself, you can be stripped of your prize later on if they discover that the project was not originally yours, originality often being a criteria in all science fairs. There is nothing worse than being stripped of a prize, and you could be banned from the next fair! Make sure your science project idea has a good touch of originality so that you do not get called a copy cat!

3. Do not Work With Chemicals

Many science projects work with chemicals, and many of these projects t urn out great. So demonstrating a chemical reaction is a popular choice when coming up with a science fair project idea. If the chemicals are household chemicals that are relatively safe, and if your child is of a capable age of handling them, then this might be okay. Many students often make the mistake of working with chemicals that should only be handled in science labs and with certain precautions. Do not work with chemicals out of desperation for a good science project, the results can be disastrous!

4. Do not Work With Power Tools

Much like working with chemicals, working with power tools is another way people think they will garner a prize at the science fair. Coming up with a science project idea that requires building structure that either stands on its own or works with other structures can be award winning, but not if it turns out a rubble because you do not know how to work with the tools, or because you ended up in the hospital for stitches. Many goo d science projects do not need the use of power tools, so do not try making things fancy and risk hurting yourself just to win.

5. Not Replicable

Finally choose a science project idea that you can replicate or demonstrate again and again. Feasibility of materials will also be involved in your project's replicability. Choosing a project that needs cheap materials in order to demonstrate it over and over will always win over a project that can only be done once or twice before having to change the entire system. This is important because you are likely to have to keep demonstrating your project for the judges, and even more so if you win!

There are other dos and don'ts for science fair projects, and for the most part, the don'ts are warnings or safety reminders. Just be sure that your project follows the rules, and stay well within your means or capabilities. That will make your science fair project idea a great idea, and a great project success!

Suggest Science Fair Project Idea - What Not to Do! Articles

Question by : What is the difference between taking a science class and a science lab class? in a college that im looking up, it says in high school you must have taken 3 years of science, and 2 years of science lab. what is the difference? Best answer for What is the difference between taking a science class and a science lab class?:

Answer by joey5703
Science class is the actual instruction Science lab us the experiments

Answer by tom4bucs
science class is where you learn the theory science lab is where you apply the theory in your experiments remembered a physics lab from HS we had an experiment that stretched a 6 inch slinky 20 feet across the room with a 6 foot cord on either end (we had to cut the cord and tie on) we did the tasks - examples - pull it out 6" from center - how many cycles go back and forth - and so on - for 10 examples teacher was really mad as he thought we copied the back of the book answers we swore we did it - O YEAH - I'll show you that you guys cheated he got down on his knees - and was ASTOUNDED when the first example that HE did was on the money - then he tried #2 (this guy was hot to have our butt in a sling) #3 was great also by #4 he was shaking his head - in 20 years I've have NEVER seen a perfect setup - and you guys did it - A+ whew - that was lab all the best

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