Sunday, August 5, 2012

What Makes a Good Science Project For Kids? []

What Makes a Good Science Project For Kids? []

Thomas Dolby- She Blinded Me With Science

When it comes to science projects for kids, the sky is the limit. With all the different branches and sub-branches of science, there are so many projects to choose from. You will find that you and your child will never be out of an activity to do, and that many of the projects are quite fun. As a parent who wants to help their child cultivate a genuine interest in science, try following these tips on what makes a good science project for kids!

1. It is Interesting!

It is not difficult to find an interesting science project for kids. As a parent, you may have to find one that your child is interested in, but that should not be too hard either! Keeping the project interesting will assure you that your child will see it through to the end because it will not bore him/her. Your child will likely want to know how it turns out in the end, and this is important because seeing a project through is what will help them learn the concept!

2. It Will Help in School

Science projects for kids that can help them understand their school work is a good project. Experiments and projects should in fact supplement your child's studies in order for them to do better in school. This is because an experiment or project shows your child a clear example of a certain concept. Showing them how what they learned in school can be done at home and is something you understand and are willing to help them with will assure them that they can do and learn the topic well.

3. It is Socially Relevant

Though not always necessary, a good project for kids should try to be socially relevant. Showing your child a scientific concept and how it can directly affect them, the world, or the environment that they live in can help them understand and appreciate science more than the usual child would. It also shows them that science is in everything around them, something not many people realize at al l!

4. It Can Be Easily Done

This one is more for you than your child, but if you are encouraging independent study then it can be a benefit to your child too! Choosing a project for kids that can be easily done and with simple equipment helps your child learn a concept faster as well as shows how easy science can be. The other benefit is that you won't have to spend so much money on extra tools or materials just to complete one project. Some of the best science projects are those that can be made from materials found in any household, or can be recycled afterwards.

5. It is Fun!

Last but definitely not least, a good project for kids is fun. It should be. Keeping it fun will help keep your child interested in science for a very long time. Just like you, when a child is having fun, they will want to continue to do so. Making fun science projects for kids will keep them coming back for more, and encourage them to come up with their own projects. Who knows? You may even win the science fair!

More What Makes a Good Science Project For Kids? Issues

Question by ¢: What is a good science experiment for a 10th grader? I need a science experiment for school. I am a 10th grader going into Honors Chemistry and I need a non complicated but still age appropriate science experiment. Links are appreciated. Best answer for What is a good science experiment for a 10th grader?:

Answer by Former MN Science Teacher --sDg
These science fair sites may help:

Answer by Ashley B
don't know......... i was in 10 grade last year and don't remember having to do projects....

Answer by David D
Here is the project… Show how much money you save by switching to CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights). Get a cardboard box, about one and a half feet cube, and put inside it a light fixture and a series of really big resistors. These resistors must be capable of about 100W dissipation. Get a precision thermometer â€" ideally one that can measure the inside of the box but be read on the outside of the box. Choose and install an incandescent light bulb of a wattage so that after about 2 to 3 hours (or more) the temperature inside the box is about 100 degrees F. Once the temperature has stabilized hook up enough resistors and power them up so that the temperature goes up to about 120F. Calculate the total power used â€" light bulb and resistor power. Now replace the incandescent light bulb with a CFL that puts out the same lumens (it should be about 1/3 the wattage). Now increase the resistor power (either increase the number of parallel resistors or increase the voltage across the resistors) so that the temperature again stabilizes after about 2 to 3 hours (or more) at 120 degrees F. Again calculate the total power used â€" light bulb and resistor power. How has it changed? Did you save any money by switching to CFLs? The box at 120F is like a house in the winter where you have to heat the house to keep warm.

â€" [Science]


what amazing site for kids.they learn many interesting science project this site.i got benefit about science project for kids.
science project for kids

what amazing site for kids.they learn many interesting science project this site.i got benefit about science project for kids.
science project for kids

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