Friday, August 10, 2012

Science Experiments - Kid's Preschool Science Activity []

Science Experiments - Kid's Preschool Science Activity []

Science experiments for kids do not always have to be complicated experiments. Fact is that science is all around us in simple and complex forms, from our weather, to nature to simple chemical reactions from regular household or everyday items. Science activities and learning can be fun for adults and for children as well. Science allows children to learn by doing and by observing. Senses like touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste may all be part of learning about science, depending on the purpose of the science experiment itself.

*Always exercise 'CAUTION' and have proper Supervision with any new science experiments where uncertain reactions may occur.

What you will need for this science experiment:

2 large bowls or bins 2 large chunks of ice or snow Coarse Salt or industrial salt for melting outdoor ice Chart Paper Marker What to do for this science experiment:

Fill the two bins with the snow or ice. Ask the children who thinks the ice alone will me lt more quickly, and how many children think the ice with the salt will melt more quickly. Document their answers on chart paper. Dump a handful or two of salt onto the ice in one of the bins and wait to see what happens. Document the end result and compare it with the children's answers.

How does salt make ice melt more quickly?

Answer: When the ice starts to dissolve it changes the temperature in the ice slightly, causing it to start melting faster than ice just sitting on its own. (Same answer if using snow instead of ice).

More Science Experiments - Kid's Preschool Science Activity Issues

Question by Byron: Why do non-Christians apply science to the Bible, when the Bible clearly triumphs over science? You may say that virgin birth, the Genesis, the Flood, Christ walking on water, etc, cannot be true because they are not scientific, but you are forgetting the fact that God is all-powerful and can do anything beyond human lies of science. Just because your little science says it can't happen doesn't mean that God can't do it. He is above science. Best answer for Why do non-Christians apply science to the Bible, when the Bible clearly triumphs over science?:

Answer by donutkid: Valkyrie of Thor
You are forgetting that we don't believe in any of that garbage. Actually, you aren't forgetting, you're purposely overlooking.

Answer by M to the R still in your face
Who needs hospital food when you can pray and die

Answer by weirdo
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus

Answer by Winston
I guess my problem with it is that there is no proof of a god existing. However, science is very real.

Answer by goodluckwithhat
No, it doesn't. Not in the science department. Religion department maybe, not science. And I'm a Christian. I don't understand how you can say that "God is all-powerful" and then deny that he can allow science to happen.

Answer by keltillos
The Bible says nothing about internal combustion engines/automobiles, air conditioners, computers, or refrigerators. Please load all of yours into a Mayflower Truck and ship them to me; after all, if it isn't in the Bible, you don't want it.

Answer by Rape or † Abuse
If God can make impossible things happen, why has nothing impossible ever happened? Show me one certified miracle in the last 100 years and I'll lick Jesus's sandals.

Answer by |Gordon| |Freeman|
Because... you are a troll

An swer by tylertxanreborn
you are incorrect. We say this is not true, because there is sufficient evidence available that tells us these events did in actuality--not happen. By the way--just because you wish it is true with all your heart--just because you believe it is true with all your heart--does in point of fact--not make it true.

Answer by JerryMc
Some people can be swayed by proof; others will continue to deny truth until the day they die. Science is proof, the Bible is a myth.

Answer by Archie
Fundies think the Bible is a science textbook.

Answer by fmko ( 無神論者は神ã‚'知っていない。)
to them science equates to absolute truth...they can't seem to accept or see the limits of science...

â€" [Science]


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