Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saving The World With Forensic Science []

Saving The World With Forensic Science [] Exploring the seas and the oceans like no other vessel before it, the SeaOrbiter plans to drift around the world propelled by sea and ocean currents - allowing continuous 360° observation of the aquatic world. The journey will be the longest period humans have spent under the sea. The aim is to research marine eco-systems, and climate change better, and also to educate future generations on the importance of the marine world. For more information see ""

euronews science - SeaOrbiter Ahoy!

Forensic Science is the application of science in forensic studies, the forensic part of forensic science implies that it is to be utilized in some form or another with a court of law and is relevant to legal proceedings. Forensic Science is rapidly progressing to the point that the science fiction of today could well be the science reality of tomorrow.

Forensic Science has been around for many centuries. However, it was not until recently that advances in scientific research and scientific studies made this a true and individual aspect of forensic research. Recent studies and research have brought the field of forensic science to new heights and given it increasing credibility and importance as a deciding factor in many legal proceedings, where forensic evidence often outweighs the testimony even of witnesses on the scene.

Almost everybody has heard of DNA evidence or fluorescing as well as many other recent scientific developments in forensic science. Whi le many of us get our information from television programs such as CSI, the reality is that forensic science is rapidly moving from the realm of television to the broader expanse of the real world. DNA evidence is now an important part of most legal proceedings involving any human body. Whether discussing fibers from hair, clothes or even something so mundane as dust, forensic science can often draw conclusions and point to irrefutable facts that often lead to convictions of criminals who, if not for forensic science, would be free to commit more atrocities.

Fibers can have a telling tale that can only be exposed by the use of forensic science. Carpet fibers are unique to makes and manufacturers. Gunpowder contains microscopic residue that can correctly identify the type of powder, the manufacturer of the shell and much more information. Simple particles of dust, when viewed by using forensic science can place items or individuals at definitive places often down to an exact time frame. Something that we may see as just a bug or insect can tell how long an item has been in a particular location. There are many factors that are explored with Forensic Science. The scientific conclusion offers irrefutable proof and can be an effective tool in the fight against crime.

Advances in science and in particular with forensic science are not only new and fascinating but are constantly improving and being refined. Not only is forensic science a great tool for today, but the future looks bright indeed. An interest in Forensic science may even help the underachiever of today take enough interest in science and related fields of study to turn around and study harder to become the next practitioner of forensic science tomorrow. Forensic science benefits society as a whole in many different ways.

Suggest Saving The World With Forensic Science Topics

Question by Steph: Can experienced science fair participants answer this question? I'm a freshman, and today we began working on our science fair project. I'm thinking about testing the affects of different organic/natural additives on a common plant (carbon, sulfur, alcohol, etc.). I know this is a vague thought, but is it too simple? Just right? Are there any tips that you have for me? Also, I know that I have to determine what type of plant and the different additives i will use. Please comment and critique tremendously. Thank you! Best answer for Can experienced science fair participants answer this question?:

Answer by Mitchell A
Try adding different compounds of different acidity/basicity to see how different plants are affected. Do not add carbon or sulfur as they are not classed as "organic". They are classed as "basic elements" and are only part of the molecules in organic additives. Also, do not add alcohol as it is primarily not organic. Organic refers to living things such as carbohydrates. So try different acids and bases that are found in different plant foods.

â€" [Science]


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