Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tendency of Science: To Unify the Religion and Prove the Existence of God and the Spirit []

Tendency of Science: To Unify the Religion and Prove the Existence of God and the Spirit []

Une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université de Stellenbosch, en Afrique du Sud a développé un nouveau type de filtre d'eau, de la forme d'un sachet de thé, qui peut être directement adapté sur une bouteille. Très facile d'utilisation, ce produit de purification présente plusieurs avantages: faible coût de fabrication, technologie "décentralisée" et bon bilan écologique....

euronews science - Un filtre à eau en forme de "sachet de thé"

The gap between science and religion occurred in the late Middle Ages, with the historical movement called the Renaissance and its ideal rationalist Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a general movement - that is, a philosophical movement, political, social, economic and cultural - which advocated the use of reason as the best way to achieve freedom, autonomy and emancipation.

As always, the movement of the reaction force, over time, distort and manipulate history to justify their goals and ideas.

In classical antiquity, although Greece was the cradle of rationalism, of its thinkers had linked to some deep mystical currents, like the Orphic, Pythagorean, Neoplatonic, and institutions mysteries of Dionysus, Eleusis and Samothrace. There was also a great fascination of the Greeks by the Egyptian mysteries. These ancient cultures had a long tradition of priests doctors and scientists, with no separation between science and religion.

However, it was in Greece that brought the first attempts to create a purely scientific knowledge, regardless of the myths and religion, and generated a long series of independent thinkers rationalists.

With Christianity, has widened the gap between science and religion, even though it has recorded the existence of religious dedicated to science as Roger Bacon and Albertus Magnus.

The Inquisition was the extreme and pathological reached by intolerance and religious persecution. Thousands of people have been sacrificed at the stake for heresy or suspicion of heresy. The medieval religiosity reached such points of affirmation of faith and curtailment of freedom of thought and choice, which caused an uproar and a quest for the opposite extreme: the negation of all values of faith and spirituality, seeking in classical Greek philosophers and artists Roman inspiration for new forms of thought and expression. The man became, then, the reference center of the world, removing God from his throne (theocentrism), replacing them with reason.

This whole atmosphere of bigotry that has proliferated in the Middle Ages was the breeding ground for the opposite reaction to freedom of thought and expression, making it inevitable separation between science and philosophy of one hand and religion on the other, that actually occurred from the sixteenth century. This separation was a major cause of alienation and confusion of our time.

In the nineteenth century, all educated people tended to materialism, while the simple souls and emotional religiosity tended to extreme and thoughtless. The advent of Spiritualism - opened this century - of theosophy, Christian Science and other mystical rationalist movement was a first attempt to unite science and religion into a unified knowledge.

As can be seen, the first attempt of unification of religions from the ground. Not exactly the religions, but of alternative religions or "philosophies" of life in which there w as greater freedom of thought and expression. The official religions had become powerful, authoritarian and inflexible, no longer serving as a vehicle suitable for the expression "eternal truths". The renovation was necessary.

The side of science, the attempt of unification came in unexpected ways. Freud developed a theory about the human unconscious, on a totally materialistic. His chief disciple, Jung, other than master, developed a complementary theory of the human psyche, based on archetypes, that comes very close to the mystical land. Jung was a great scholar of mandalas, the I Ching and alchemy, having finished his life as an occultist in his house in Switzerland to which he called "the castle".

Among the great scientists of the twentieth century, Einstein and Niels Bohr had remarkable mystical tendencies. Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of all time, was recorded Theosophist. Einstein, in turn, had claimed that a small science moves away from God, but much science leads us back to God.

At the end of the twentieth century, the physical world famous Fritjoff Capra published two masterpieces, The Tao of Physics and The Turning Point. These works definitely put the new physics (quantum physics) in alignment with spirituality. Many physicists, inspired by such works have become Buddhists, Taoists or adherents of other branches of mysticism.

The various discoveries made by neuroscience, brought with them a current that is indicative of the existence of the spirit in the brain, bringing the assertion that science and religion can go together. Researchers in the area are close to the conclusion that the human brain is a computer. But no computer program and produces the very same as do we need to install a program to make it work and the soul or spirit of the computer has the software that is installed on it. The brain is the same thing, he has no ability to self-management and to work, it is necessary to introduce a force that is the spirit.

In the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, there were other theories and metaphors for the interpretation of reality, holographic-inspired models and monistic, as the Gaia Hypothesis, the unified field theory and superstring theory. The latest theory, "The Theology of Science" - is written by a Polish researcher. Michael Heller, one of the most respected scientists in the field of cosmology and also one of the most renowned theologians of his country, was a pioneer in formulating a new theory which unites God and science. In their work, the scholar has addressed the question of the origin of the universe on advanced aspects of the general theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and noncommutative geometry. Thanks are also some fundamental tools based on the principal theory of relativity, Albert Einstein. He delved into the mysteries of cosmic conditions, the absence of gravity interferes with the laws of physics, and quantum physic s.

All these theories are attempts to establish a bridge between religion and science, creating a new era for humanity, based on the principle that there should be a unified knowledge, corresponding to the unity of life.

No one knows what will be the new religion of humanity, but one can say with absolute certainty, which will eliminate the gap between religion and science, since all jobs precursors moving in this direction.

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Question by Palin: Do you think science should teach the Earths age according to the what the bible states? Do we simply dismiss anything that might disagree with the bibles teachings when it comes to the Science field? This is being debated in Florida and I feel as though I'm living in a fairy tale. I understand what each and every one of you are saying and agree, however this is not just happening in Florida. I by no means am against the Bible but in my opinion it should not be taught side by side in a Science class. Best answer for Do you think science should teach the Earths age according to the what the bible states?:

Answer by Tony C
No absolutely not. Science is all about evidence, so theories that are not supported by evidence do not belong in a science class. I have no problem with the Bible being taught in the context of religion and belief systems, but it doesn't belong in science.

Answer by Kylie G
No, of course not.

Answer by Dogchic
No. Not exclusively.

Answer by cody_the_big_black_dog
If they did, it wouldn't be Science. It would be Myth and Legend. I wouldn't simply dismiss anything--I need evidence.

Answer by KTDykes
As the Bible doesn't state what the age of the Earth is, the suggestion would be impossible as well as utterly unscientific. Unscientific science is a contradiction in terms. <> Generally, it isn't relevant. Where it may be relevant, for example with regards to the archaeological history of the Middle East, then it doesn't get dismissed and is sometimes referred to.

Answer by Geomatic7000
The Bible and anything in it, or Bishop Usher's age calculations, in no way, shape, or form cannot be subjected to the scientific method, which is the foundation for all scientific concept and discovery. Plus, to teach the Bible in the public schools is a direct violation of both separation of church and state and freedom of religion (not everyone holds the Bible in the same esteem). No, dogchic, NOT AT ALL.

Answer by omalinur
To each problem, there are proxy causes one sees very well and root causes. So ask yourself a question : As a modern states is having separation between religion and governement, the real point is WHY BIBLE IS TAUGHT IN SCHOOL ? If one starts with Bible, it should go with ALL religions and each should be adressed and respected similarly : the belief of atheist, buddhists, taoists, hinduists etc... should be taught. School is not there for that as it is part of personnal life. School is supposed to be agnostic. If USA is facing such a problem with creationnists, it means something is wrong from the beginning. The Bible is not a science book and has never been written or presented as so. It is neither an historical chronic or a set of biographies.

Answer by bustersmycat
Well, if you allow teaching that the bible says the earth and its history derives from a certain process under a certain time frame, then you have the obligation to also teach what other religions say about the formation and history of the earth, in my opinion. Ancient greek mythology of origins, native american origin stories, and so forth. Of course, this brings in weeks upon weeks of teaching, so there will really be no science taught in that particular course, so I guess calling it a science course would be misleading at best, then, wouldn't it. I think that these people should get their religion out of my face and stop trying to have it taught to my kids. They also need to recognize that in the early stages, science was used to try to prove the marvels of god's creation and the way that god did the things that was said in the bible, only to discover that the evidence was inconsistent with the bible stories. A lot of early modern scientists were very religious and took the bible literally, only to conclude that either their senses were wrong or the bible was, which has led us to the point now where most scientists disregard the bible as a source of knowledge respecting how reality works. Doesn't detract from its utility as a source of inspiration in other matters, just demonstrates that as far as presenting a comprehensive system to explain the workings of the world, the bible is a poor source of information.

Answer by karim q
there is proof that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. there is no evidence to support the bible's view. students of science need to be taught the cold hard facts.

Answer by Wayner
The Bible does not state the age of the earth. There is an interpretation of Scripture that says that the earth is between 6000 and 10,000 (or so) years old, but that is not in the Bible. Other Christians interpret it differently.

â€" [Science]


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