Friday, August 31, 2012

Gaining an Online Applied Sciences Education []

Gaining an Online Applied Sciences Education []

See the full Portal Walkthrough here: âžœ Portal Walkthrough â–¼ Portal: Chapter 11 Portal vs. Lewis as he takes on this mind bending game where he will have to work through brain aching test chambers only to see that the puzzles get harder and harder. As a general note, Lewis has no idea what he is doing as he has never played the game before. Expect him to get stuck! Enjoy. â–ºPortalâ–¼ Portal takes place in the Enrichment Center for Aperture Laboratoriesâ€"also known as Aperture Scienceâ€"which is the fictional research corporation responsible for the creation of the portal gun. According to information presented in Portal 2, the location of the complex is in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Information about the company, developed by Valve for creating the setting of the game, is revealed during the game and via the real-world promotional website. According to the Aperture Science Web site, Cave Johnson founded the company in 1953 for the sole purp ose of making shower curtains for the US military. However, after becoming mentally unstable from lunar poisoning in 1978, Johnson created a three-tier research and development plan to make his organization successful. The first two tiers, the Counter-Heimlich Maneuver (a maneuver designed to ensure choking) and the Take-A-Wish Foundation (a program to give the wishes of dying children to unrelated, entirely healthy adults), were commercial failures and led to an investigation of the company by the US Senate. However, when ...

Portal - Walkthrough Part 9 [Chapter 11: Test Chamber 19] - W/Commentary

Gaining an education in applied sciences allows students to step into a variety of careers that pertain directly to their interests. Students can focus their studies on areas such as business, computer information, and criminal justice. Gaining an online applied sciences education in is possible through numerous online colleges and universities.

The focus of schooling is to train students to apply scientific reasoning to problems that may be encountered in areas such as research, product invention, and more. Traditionally, the industry is connected with engineering, technology, and business. Today, the field has grown to encompass a wide range of areas, which are now available for learning online. Students that are interested in obtaining an applied sciences degree can complete an associate's or bachelor's degree program.

Associate's degree programs prepare students to step into a career immediately after graduation. Education is focused and many online sch ools offer students degree choices that require little to no hands-on training. Major areas of study offered can include online courses in criminal justice, business administration, accounting, engineering, and allied health. Students may have to complete internships that give them hands-on experience especially for fields like radiology and biomedical. Some course topics that are included in programs may include:

Wireless Network Systems Criminal Evidence Effective Communication Digital Data Technology

Online courses in these areas teach students how to function properly inside their chosen area of study. An accounting concentration, for example, teaches students about central aspects of the field like taxation and microeconomics. A business administration specialty teaches students by having them work through courses on finance, new product management, and small business technology. Attending online applied sciences schools and colleges at the associate's degree level prepares students for a bachelor's degree program and specific careers.

Students that pursue online education at the bachelor's degree level are typically working professionals looking to advance inside their field. Programs cover technical and business-oriented course subjects along with general education to complete the requirements needed for a bachelor's degree program. Career based courses explore advanced subjects related to management techniques. Online bachelor's degree programs offer a variety of courses that may include:

Economic Analysis Project Management Workplace Ethics Decision Making

Education trains students to enter higher-level positions inside their chosen specialty. Business skills are focused on from a science and mathematical standpoint giving students the opportunity to enter more technical related fields. Computer programmers, database specialists, information technology mangers, and business managers are several career fields students can enter after completing online education. Further education is typically not offered in applied sciences. Students that continue education at the graduate level of schooling can work through online programs that pertain specifically to their career or a new field of study.

Gaining an accredited applied sciences education online allows students to become professionals in a broad range of fields. Different agencies like the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (< /a> ) can fully accredit schools that provide proof that a quality education will be received. Students can begin education today by finding the right online program that allows them to step into their desired career.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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