Award Winning Science Fair Projects - Tips to Make Them Look Good []
See the full Portal Walkthrough here: â Portal Walkthrough â¼ Portal: Chapter 10 Portal vs. Lewis as he takes on this mind bending game where he will have to work through brain aching test chambers only to see that the puzzles get harder and harder. As a general note, Lewis has no idea what he is doing as he has never played the game before. Expect him to get stuck! Enjoy. âºPortalâ¼ Portal takes place in the Enrichment Center for Aperture Laboratoriesâ"also known as Aperture Scienceâ"which is the fictional research corporation responsible for the creation of the portal gun. According to information presented in Portal 2, the location of the complex is in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Information about the company, developed by Valve for creating the setting of the game, is revealed during the game and via the real-world promotional website. According to the Aperture Science Web site, Cave Johnson founded the company in 1953 for the sole purp ose of making shower curtains for the US military. However, after becoming mentally unstable from lunar poisoning in 1978, Johnson created a three-tier research and development plan to make his organization successful. The first two tiers, the Counter-Heimlich Maneuver (a maneuver designed to ensure choking) and the Take-A-Wish Foundation (a program to give the wishes of dying children to unrelated, entirely healthy adults), were commercial failures and led to an investigation of the company by the US Senate. However, when ...
Portal - Walkthrough Part 6 [Chapter 10: Test Chamber 18] - W/Commentary
Having an award-winning science fair projects isn't the reason teachers assign or sponsor a school science fair, but in general winning a prize can be a big motivator for the students. There are several things to consider if you want to be one of the ones that take home a ribbon, but unfortunately the final presentation could make or break you.
It is true in education they preach that it is the process not the product that matters. So for science fair projects the goal is to learn something from the doing the project. Following the directions, using scientific thought and proper steps are all crucial to a successful project and getting an eventual award. However, when the project is being judged, the presentation could make or break you. Award winning science fair projects display boards will be attractive and professional looking.
Here are some tips on how to make an attractive display that judges will respond to.
One: Use color on the science board. You want color but not too much color. Over doing it will work against you. One color scheme is usually good. You can use two if the second is to complement with borders. Hand written reports should be in blue or black ink and anything printed should only be in black. When possible get the color to match the topic. (orange for citrus, green for plants etc)
Two: Formatting of the document should look professional. Use bold fonts, no higher than 14-16 point. Justify the margins. This makes it easy to read, which very important to the judges.
Three: Each section should have bullet points, with dots or arrows only. This is not the time to be cute. You might be able to use theme related bullets in certain situations. Light bulbs for an electricity experiment. Which ever, the same bullet pattern should be used on the entire display board.
Four: If there are pictures, put borders around them. Computer generated borders should be the same on all the papers. Hand made borders should be part of the color pattern. Construction paper as a back drop for a written paper is an effective border.
Five: Use glue instead of tape. You do not want to see tape edges and folded over tape loosed its sticky. Glue sticks are perfect. You can find a glue spray designed for display boards at an office supply store.
Six: Make sure your cutting is even. Use a straight edge to mark your cutting lines. Do a test run on the display board with scrap paper cut to size to see if it fits before cutting your final copies of your data and research.
These tips will not win the award for you, the quality of your project will be the final factor, but without them, your potential award-winning science fair projects will be passed over.
Find More Award Winning Science Fair Projects - Tips to Make Them Look Good IssuesQuestion by ~Penny Laine~: Question about growing plants for a science fair project? My daughter has a science fair project due in 10 days. She needs to find out if plants grow faster in sand or in dirt. With little time left, I did not want to end up with nothing growing. Any suggestions on what type of plant seed or even maybe grass seed that will grow in time? Best answer for Question about growing plants for a science fair project?:
Answer by Ralph
radishes, rye grass, oats, lettuce, from the kitchen - popcorn and dry beans
Answer by Patino333
one of the fastest seed is the bean...........and it grows beeter in soil or dirt.........sand doesn't have that much nutrients
Answer by sixstrings42
kudzu is one of the fastest growing plants i know of. also try bamboo, but i'd get started now if you want measurable results by the deadline.
Answer by Tater Salad
Marigold or radish seeds would make good choices. With a nod to the other answerer, I think radishes might germinate quicker.
Answer by gardengallivant
The cucifer Brassica rapa, a relative of bok choy, mustard & radish, has been selected to have a uniform, short time til flowering ~14 days. You would be able to see differences in growth long before this time. They grow well indoors, with artificial lights. These are called Wisconsin Fast Plants and are used in research, they are not suitable for growing outdoors. After this plant a radish seed would be a good choice. They take 2-4 days to germinate so will work well. Use good water. If your tap water is filtered and not hard water use it but it should be at room temperature. If you are not sure of your water buy some distilled water. Place the seeds between two damp but not dripping coffee filters or paper towels. Place in a sealable sandwich bag & wait 48 hrs. with the bag in a room at 68-72 F (Optimum soil temperature for seed germination is 45 to 85 F. Radish seed will not germinate when the temperature is above 95 F.) They do not need to be in the dark. Once the root tip is visible transfer the seed to a moist seed tray filled potting mix under grow lights. Do not touch the seeds with bare fingers use wet chop sticks to move the germinated seed or use very gentle tweezers. Plant with root tip facing down.
Answer by mark
Dirt with Miracle Grow for plants grass rakes 7 to 10 days to start growing.
Answer by johnfantoni
Try radish seeds. They germinate in a day or so and are ready to be picked in about 21 days. Grow some in a 10 gallon fish tank with the seeds along the glass and you can see them under the soil. Use nice soil about 8" thick. don't over water
An swer by Andromedan_Ambassador
Wisconsin Fast Plants are your best bet. Try to contact your nursery or a university's agricultural extension division.
Answer by ayubchy
Bean seeds.
Answer by Amanda S
Order some Rapid cycling Brassica rapa from Carolina biological supply or wisconsin fast plants. The plant's entire life cycle is only 30 days. The seeds will sprout in a few days, and are mature in two weeks. This is the classical plant model for botanical research.
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