Monday, August 6, 2012

Engage Your Kids In Learning And Fun With Science Projects []

Engage Your Kids In Learning And Fun With Science Projects []

Saddle up for high noon at the SoL Corral, where Joel and his robot posse â€" Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot â€" take on the Roger Corman gang. It's going to be a bloodbath of laughter as the riffs start flying and justice is finally done to this 1956 low-budget Western. When the marshal of Oracle, Texas, is killed by a hired gunman, his quick-shooting widow, Rose (Beverly Garland), straps on his gun and star, puts on some pants and aims to find out who did the hiring . . .

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gunslinger

Make opportunities to learn science available

Many parents want to encourage their kids to have fun learning but simply do not know how. There is actually an easy solution; encourage kids to think scientifically by providing them with opportunities to practice. As a parent you must teach this principle by example. When you go outside for a walk or a bike ride, point out some of the things that you see. Ask your kids if they know why the weeds can push through the sidewalk, or how a scraped knee will heal itself. Ask questions and if you don't know the answers see if you can think of an experiment that will help you to figure out what is going on. There is science in everything around us, we just have to be opened to seeing it.

Teach your children to explore their curiosity

Curiosity is said to be the most essential trait of a scientist. Encourage your children to ask questions and express an interest in finding out more about what you notice and read. See if you can find out answers to questions by trying things out. Ask your kids if they have any suggestions for an experiment that they could do to answer the question or confirm the theory that they have. Help them through the process and be available for questioning but encourage your child to find the answers for themselves.

Encourage kids to find the answers for themselves

Some questions lend themselves better to casual experiments than others. A good example would be experimenting to find the answer to the question, "Will seeds in the fruits and vegetables we eat grow?" Put them in the dirt and see! It's most important to communicate the idea that you can find out answers to your own questions, and that the most reliable answers are the ones you find through your own experiments. Yes, you could just answer their questions and save yourself some time and effort, but in doing so you will miss out on an important educational opportunity. Now is this to say that you shouldn't answer any question without first doing an experiment? No! This is not realistic. But with the occasional science project you can teach a child concepts that will bee more deeply engrained in their minds because they found the answers themselves and didn't have to take someone else's word for it.

Other ideas to promote an interest in science

There are lots of mediums that you can use to engage your kids in learning and having fun with science. A blend of many different types of science information exposure is best.

o Visit a science center, zoo or aquarium.

o Garden together.

o Building something together.

o Watching science programs on television (good examples include Zoom, Beakman's World, Bill Nye: The Science Guy, or Mythbusters. Of course, these shows vary in age appropriateness so it is important to always monitor what your children watch).

o Purchasing or borrow books from a library on topi cs that interest your child.

o Visit to find science project ideas that you can do as a family.

o Participating in programs that expose children to nature (i.e. scouting, a science team/club, or 4-H).

Suggest Engage Your Kids In Learning And Fun With Science Projects Topics

Question by Jamaal H: How do I become a science teacher in Georgia and a soccer coach? I had a good idea that was passed along to me. I don't know if I am cut out to stay behind a desk all day. I want to be able to do things and travel. I came up with a concept to become a science teacher because I love science and I am able to work well with people. I've played soccer ever since I was 5 all the way thru college. I was wondering how do i become a teacher although I have an management information systems degree.? Pointers pleasE thanks Best answer for How do I become a science teacher in Georgia and a soccer coach?:

Answer by lefttheroom222
Well first off, if you want to be a teacher, don't go around posting shirtless photos of yourself on the internet.

Answer by tlsmom
It is not easy to switch into the career of teaching but it can be done. You will have to be provisionally certified and go through an alternate certification program. I know you stated that you love science but with your degree I would suggest business education as a possibility. No matter what you decide both are considered areas of critical shortage in Georgia. FIRST-consult the Professional Standards Commission (PSC). It sounds like you may be a good candidate for the GATAPP program. This is for people who have a bachelor's but not a master's. There is also the SETWEB program at UGA. This is an online program designed to certify people in Special Education. Atlanta also has their PLUS program designed to career switchers quickly. I don't know if you have any science background but if you do not hold a degree of some sort you will have to earn one first and THEN apply to a provisional certification program. SECOND-Not all counties allow provisional certification. Check with a county before deciding. When applying to alternate certification programs a county has to hire you and then sponsor you. I have included important websites for you. Good Luck!

â€" [Science]


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