Saturday, August 11, 2012

Art and Science []

Art and Science []

Question by Clodflopper: What is a good place to find science-related news, without having to pay a subscription? I am looking for a good news source for science-related topics. Specfically related to natural science and biology. I have browsed a few of the 'well-know' magazine sites, however a subscription is required to view all of their content. Best answer for What is a good place to find science-related news, without having to pay a subscription?:

Answer by Kat the Great <---------- very good site, free

Answer by Michael
Personalise your home page, you can add topics there, and you get automatic updates. You can also use sites such as this (National Geographic) for free.

â€" [Science] A Conferência Internacional sobre a SIDA acontece esta semana em Washington. Mais de vinte e um mil delegados reúnem-se para discutir as taxas de infeção, a pesquisa eo tratamento. "Inverter a tendência juntos", é o lema da conferência. O Dr. Anthony Fauci, especialista na doença, é cauteloso, mas otimista sobre a possibilidade de surgir uma geração livre de SIDA. Os Estados Unidos aprovaram recentemente um medicamento chamado Truvada que reduz o risco de uma pessoa saudável contrair SIDA através de relações sexuais. Com quase 34 milhões de pessoas infetadas em todo o mundo, a SIDA ainda é uma ameaça global. Sigam-nos: No YouTube: No Facebook: No Twitter:

euronews science - SIDA em conferência

What is the basic motivation for art and science? To understand the basic motivation for art and science we need to nurture the balance of the masculine and feminine principles in all of us. A balance in the nature is achieved when there is a balance of the feminine and masculine principles deep within us as well as in the external universe. This balance of energies is the perquisite for creative and generative change in the internal and external universe.

We can increase the use of the creative as well as the logical part of our brain equally by manifesting deep within us the feminine and the masculine principles of nature. The feminine principle will open up the awareness of universal love, compassion, nurturing and healing through our super conscious mind where as the masculine principle will initiate creative & generative action through the subconscious and conscious mind. Thus the willful and determined action emancipating from the subconscious and consc ious mind will be under the guidance and overall control of the feminine principle and the super conscious mind.

Art and science: Awareness of the self

Balancing the feminine and the masculine will lead to an increased awareness of the self and the environment around us. This profound awareness of what we are, who we are will give genesis to artistic and scientific creativity for a new world order based on unification, generation, creation and forward movement rather than a world which is based on reductionism, unabashed individualism and consumption of natural resources leading to destruction and turmoil all around. Therefore we need to appreciate the fact that art and science need the expression of the creative as well as the logical part of the mind represented by the feminine and the masculine respectively.

Art and science: Misconceptions about science

Some people have great misconception about art and science especially science. They believe that science means a logical way of explaining things within the existent rules and theories. But people fail to understand that science is all about creative intuition substantiated by logical conclusion. Without creative intuition no laws of science can be ever postulated, no inventions and discoveries can be ever made.

Even the greatest of scientific thinkers have explained that the inspiration for their path breaking scientific contributions have come from creative intuition which was then substantiated by logical conclusion. The creative intuition comes from the feminine principle which helps us to look at the larger picture of nature encompassing universal love and compassion.

On the other hand the masculine principle is responsible for putting things into action which were thought based on the creative intuition. The masculine principle helps to deduct a logical conclusion to a thought based on creative intuition.

Art and science: Opening up the mysterie s of nature

We can open up the mysteries of nature by scientific thinking based on a balance between the feminine and masculine principles of nature. The feminine principle helps us to think creatively with universal love, compassion, nurturing and healing. The masculine principle initiates creative and generative action with an extraordinary amount of will power, grit and determination. By manifesting a balance of feminine and masculine in us, we become in sync with nature and inherit the abilities to unearth the mysteries of nature for progression and development of humanity.

Medical discoveries need a very high amount of the feminine principle because here we are trying to directly understand and work on the mysteries of nature in the form of living cells, tissues, organs and the whole living systems. Here an attitude of universal love, compassion, nurturing and healing is required for success. Women have a natural disposition towards the medical sciences beca use of the feminine that manifest in them so naturally.

Art and science: The Artistic expressions

Coming to the artistic developments again there is a balance of the feminine and the masculine that is required. Here the manifestation of the feminine and the masculine principle is highly necessary to create an original artistic expression in terms of writing, painting, singing, dancing etc. Here the feminine principle allows us to dream and visualize and to become creative and generative where as the masculine principle leads to the expression of the creative and generative thoughts in terms of actions like writing, painting, singing, dancing etc. These artistic expressions latter become part of the cultural expressions of the human civilization and they become the great strength for the forward movement of human existence in sync with the nature. In simple words, life becomes a celebration.

Life would not have been possible without artistic expressions. Art istic expressions allow human beings to dream, to visualize and to connect with the larger universe and see the manifestations of the larger universe. Today's artistic expressions can become tomorrow's scientific, social, cultural, religious and political revolutions.

Therefore to bring about original scientific & artistic expressions, awakening the feminine is very-very important. Just by working with the masculine principle exclusively we will be never able to become generative, creative and constructive in nature.

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