Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Apologia Science Homeschool Methods and Beliefs [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Apologia Science Homeschool Methods and Beliefs [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

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I absolutely love Apologia Science and I believe it is the best homeschool science curriculum out there. What I love the most about it, is the fact that if I didn't teach it to my children, they would still learn it!

This is because Apologia Science is written in such a way that it requires no instructor. It talks directly to the student and teaches them the same way an instructor would. However, I do still like to participate in teaching it to my children as well, the text just makes it a whole lot easier on both me and my kids.

Apologia Science was designed by a former university professor to take advantage of the best ways to express ideas to children so that they will be excited about learning.

The experiments that Apologia Science offers are very engaging and get my children very excited about science. In fact, because of Apologia, science is my son's favorite subject.

One really fun experiment we just did was about the sun. First, we learn ed about how far away the sun was, how long it takes for the sun's light to reach the earth, and the danger of looking at the sun for too long.

Although there is a lot of really great information and instructions in the Apologia Science curriculum, the experiments are what truly set it apart. To show the damage that the sun could do to our eyes, we used a magnifying glass to set a piece of paper on fire. My children tell everyone about that experiment and the danger of looking at the sun for too long!

Apologia Science is great for the experiments, because you won't usually need to purchase anything for them. Most things that you will need are things that you already have in your home. The immersion into the world of science with Apologia Science is what makes the children love learning the material.

Since the Apologia Science curriculum is based on Christian teachings I know that none of the material will ever contradict with our religious beliefs. Everythi ng is based around the fact that God created the world. This makes it the perfect science curriculum for Christian families.

For an average lesson we will start by reading over the lesson material. After we have done this, I will use the scripted questions to get input and answers from my children. We discuss things for a while, and when I know that they have a great grasp on what the concepts are, we will do the included experiment.

I will then have them write their thoughts about the lesson, and any notations about the experiment that we thought were interesting. Before we're ready to stop learning, the lesson is complete, and my children have learned a lot!

Having a curriculum like Apologia Science one that your children look forward to learning, is invaluable to a home-schooling parent. This is one of the reasons that I stick by Apologia, their ideas and views, and their curriculum.

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Question by : Can an associates of applied science be used to go onto a bachelors? For example, can someone with a Associate of Applied Science in Health Administration go on to finish a bachelors in the field? Or is a technical degree the end? Best answer for Can an associates of applied science be used to go onto a bachelors?:

Answer by Jen F
Most likely yes. However, you are going to have to check around with schools that you would be interested in attending to see if they accept credits from and A.A.S degree. If the school is accredited there will most likely not be a problem completing your bachelors degree after you get your A.A.S.

Answer by skeptical
If your Associates degree is from an accredited, state run school, most of your classes should transfer, especially if you go to a state school. If your "Associates" degree is from one of the many diploma mills, like ITT, for example, it is likely that almost NONE of your credits will transfer. The couselors at the 4 year college should be able to look at your transcript and tell you which classes will transfer.

Answer by barksabit
Yes. You can now go on to your bachelors degree, provided that your grades were good enough to get you into the school for which you are appying. You will also need to check if all of your courses will transfer. Sometimes Universities will require you to take some prerequisite courses that were not available where you got your Associates Degree. I would check with the particular university to see how much of your associates will transfer and take it from there. I agree with the other poster. An Associates from an accredited state run school have a far better chance of transfering than ones from a "tech" school. But that doesn't mean you can't continue on, it may just take you longer. Don't give up! Get as much education as you can. it only gets harder later. Good luck to you!

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