Monday, September 3, 2012

The Fine Line Between Science and Science Fiction []

The Fine Line Between Science and Science Fiction []

Are butchers funny? Find out in this short but sweet joke. Wholesome Lane is a sketch comedy channel. Our shows include "Happy Sad Song" - covers of the saddest songs, "Write Three Words" - you give us three words and we make a comedic sketch out of it, and other fun and interactive games and videos. TAGS: Joke Of The Day Douch Douchebag "Daily Joke" Every Funny Hysterical Joker Jester Wild Crazy Ridiculous Girl Humping Air Comical Comedy Morning Afternoon Night Gym Talk What Happens Terrible Fruit Throwing Bad Lesbians bar liquor Blind Guy Man Disaster Blonde Truck Driver Angry Circle Atoms Biology Teacher Science Donkey Crossing Crosses Why Gay Dinosaur Jersey Shore "Gulf Oil Spill" TAGS: Joke Of The Day Douch Douchebag "Daily Joke" Every Funny Hysterical Joker Jester Wild Crazy Ridiculous Girl Humping Air Comical Comedy Morning Afternoon Night Gym Talk What Happens Terrible Fruit Throwing Bad Lesbians bar liquor Blind Guy Man Disaster Blonde Truck Driver Angry Circle Atoms Biology Teacher Science Donkey Crossing Crosses Why Gay Dinosaur Jersey Shore "Gulf Oil Spill"

JOKE OF THE DAY - Butcher - Mon 9/6/2010

Science is based on fact, while science fiction is based on imagination. Where exactly is the fine line between them? What I really find interesting is that sometimes imagination becomes science. Many products, inventions and innovative ideas began as a thought and manifested into reality. The telephone, television and even the social Internet were born in the imagination, but came to life through intelligent innovation.

Writers, especially of science fiction, create places, people and things (vampires, heroes, creatures) that have some bases of truth. There are vampire bats that suck blood. This came to mind because years ago I was writing a story called E.A.R.T.H.

This stands for Experimental Action to Reach Terrestrial Harmony. It was about Captain Hendrick, leader of the Star Ship Nabin, who hears about his father's death on a scientific lab station. An explosion nearly eradicated the outpost, except for a file he locates about an experiment his father was working on, called E.A.R.T.H

After obtaining permission from the Inter-Galactic Counsel, he sets out to finish the evaluation of this project in memory of his father.

Landing on the far side of the moon, Hendrick and his crew send an infra-laser camera to take pictures of life on Earth so they will be able to duplicate things and mingle un-noticed, with the inhabitants.

The story details his findings that show a planet still in primitive social development and without a peaceful environment. Many crewmembers develop relationships with the earthlings and there is a mix opinion whether this experiment is a success or failure.

At the close of the story and his return home, Captain Hendrick, now in love with a human from Earth, has to persuade the Inter-Galactic Counsel not to destroy the planet. He learns that Earth was created as an experiment, combining all unique creatures from other galaxies to see if they could peacefully co-habituate. The Inter -Galactic Counsel deems E.A.R.T.H as a failed experiment and Hendrick is ordered to destroy it. The story has a surprise ending.

Even though this story is science fiction, there actual is a camera today that can be airborne, but invisible to the eye. It was written in 1990, yet some of this science fiction is now science.

It is fact that other galaxies or even universes are out in space, even though we cannot see them, we know they are somewhere in outer space.

Even though science and science fiction can be worlds apart, the line between them can be small and narrow. Think about the movies, Inception, Avatar and The Matrix, which used advanced technology that may one day become realities. What if one day some of these concepts, prove to be true. It would rock our world.

Then there are the creative science fiction writers like Stephen King, H. G. Wells, Ray Bradbury, Jules Verne and George Orwell. They drew us into make believe worlds that drive our mi nds to wonder what is possible.

I remember reading the book 1984 by George Orwell and there was a Big Television in every home, which watched the citizens of Oceania. Just think about it, isn't what the Internet does today?

We all have untapped creativity in our brains. Add a little imagination and you never know what can be manifested. Many talented people in the arts, music and motion picture industry deserve credit for crossing these lines by their unique and open imaginations.

Even the illusionist and magicians test our minds to determine what divides reality. Maybe that is the purpose of our minds, when we dream. For in this human state they cannot detect the difference between what is real and illusion.

Why not ponder the brotherhood of science and science fiction and the possibilities offered when those line cross?

More The Fine Line Between Science and Science Fiction Issues

Question by Random Helper: What science do I take in highschool if I want to take business in university? I'm in grade 11 and I'm already taking bio12. But I'm not sure if I need that for business in university. Please help me, physics, biology, or chemestry? I suck a science so I want to take limited courses considering I won't need it all in university. Best answer for What science do I take in highschool if I want to take business in university?:

Answer by Putter Angert
Colleges generally like physics, it looks better

Answer by lghfaith831
Business tech and statistics

Answer by PINK DONUT
they wont care what science class you took in hs

Answer by lotto2o9
Statistics and finite mathematics

â€" [Science]


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