Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Like Computers? Then Consider an Online Computer Science Degree [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Like Computers? Then Consider an Online Computer Science Degree [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Computer Science is the study of theoretical foundations, information techniques and computation applied to computer systems. It includes both hardware and software components.

People that are computer literate are in demand now since most companies use computers and most of the systems are now computerized. Online computer science degrees are very convenient for people who are working. Aside from working in their regular jobs they can also study in their spare time with online degrees.

Some people go on net to play with online games, whereas others use it to research and study. In either case, since we are in the now in the world of technology, we need to know more about the workings of the computer as well as the software programs that we are using.

An online computer science degree is very advantageousness to people. You are in fact hitting two birds with one stone. While you are working, you can also have your time to study on for an online comput er science degree.

Since most businesses and companies are using computerized system, then it is also time for you to learn and study wider range of topics about computers. You should know how to deal with computer systems, programing as well as data management.

In computer science, there are a few major areas of study, such as:

Computer programmer: Deals with building, debugging, trouble shooting, testing and maintaining the source of code of computer programs. Computer Architecture: Deals with the design, graphics and drafting technology in computer. Software engineer: Deals with the evaluation, development, testing of software and systems of the computer. Artificial intelligence: Involves programing computers with the knowledge of artificial intelligence to perform actions. Database information: Deals with storing data, data consultancy, seminars and training. It also deals with filing or arranging data.

With an online computer science degree, you can learn many skills where you can build your own computer hardware and software programs.

It is time for you to achieve your goal of success with an online computer science degree. You have the potential to have a higher salary which everyone longs for and the desired position of your dreams. You just need to have determination, self discipline and focus to obtain that success.

The online computer science degree program is easy and very convenient to working parents and other working people. You can obtain this degree while you are at home or even in the office. Since you are dealing with computers in this degree, it is more convenient to search and scan whatever you need to know regarding degree requirements.

Just be sure that you are in the right program track and that you enroll in an accredited college or school. Try to research into the background of the teachers and instructor they have. See to it that t heir curriculum is similar to those found at real world institutions. Then just go for it your degree awaits.

Recommend Like Computers? Then Consider an Online Computer Science Degree Topics

Question by Andrew Walker: Do you agree that science never provides solutions as it only poses more questions ? Science really does transformed the primitive world to an advanced one, however, it even interfered with religion and others. So does science actually provides solutions or just more questions for the world? Best answer for Do you agree that science never provides solutions as it only poses more questions ?:

Answer by Rob R

Answer by digitalchinky
Your question is contradictory - you acknowledge that the sciences have transformed the primitive world in to what we have now, yet you ask if it provides solutions, this does not make any sense. Of course science has provided many solutions to many problems, you actually said this in your question. People pose questions, science in itself is and does nothing without people.

Answer by Don H
Science is supposed to question. Once it thinks that it knows it becomes dogma, not science. Then it is just another religion. Love and blessings Don

Answer by Andrew Baggaley
It poses questions and then tries to answer them. Sounds obvious, but yeah that's kinda how it works. Obviusly therefore we will always have a situation where there are indeed more questions than answers. Doesn't mean we should stop asking though. Look what website you're on.

Answer by small
Yes, science brings up new questions every time it resolves one..... but that is no fault of science..... it is true with every discipline seeking to uncover the truth, since every new or fresh knowledge opens up our horizon and we then find many more questions waiting there to be resolved. In my opinion, the day our questions dry up, it would be equivalent to discarding active life and embracing dormant death.

Answer by dude
nope think abot what you're asking: "science NEVER provides solutions". So science has never cured a disease? Never invented a technology? Never extended a lifespan? Never explained anyhting about life or nature or the universe? It's probably not possible to be more wrong

Answer by sleep2morrow
science does provide answers but unfortunately scientists insist on having an answer for everything and this is where it causes problems...we should never give up on trying to answer the unanswered but hey i think sometimes its cool just to say "we dont know"

Answer by Rob D
Abso-****ing-lutely! There are many theories that science is based on. Many patterns that they derive their rules from, with "exceptions" to the rule. However, those exceptions are not the way because the thing that is an exceptional is exceptional - it occurs because they (scientists) do not know what they are talking about. They simply do multiple experiments and derive a conclusion. Then they get some mathematicians in order to actually derive the equations... Some of my textbooks are not written by knowledgeable individuals, and their attempt to explain the subject can easily confuse those who seek to acquire truth or knowledge. I find myself asking, "How do they know this to be true?" "How do we know that the electron behaves in this manner if we do not have any clue what a single atom structure truly looks like?" Makes you wonder if they are talking out of their butts. P.S.: I like Don's answer too. Well said!

Answer by Alex
it doesgive solutions, but it also posses questions, and good science should.

Answer by ryandobbson
no, religion poses more questions to ourselves and religion is what creates scientific theorys of how the world started and how it was created (the basic foreground of all religions conflict with science)

Answer by kahahius
I agree with Don H. Science is one of the tools used in search of knowledge but knowledge is final and without contradiction or opposite.

Answer by shawnhenry.oliver
Just because answering one question leads to more questions doesn’t mean science never provides an answer. For example, when Newton discovered the laws of gravity he stopped developing his theory before it was complete, which left opportunities for later physicists to come along and fill in the gaps, i.e., Einstein. But does that demonstrate that science created more questions and didn’t provide a solution? No, it merely shows that explanations are often more complex and require more time than any one individual may be able to provide. Remember, we are still discovering new scientific principles all the time. Don’t criticize the work until it is finished. Furthermore, declaring that science interfered with religion is a rhetorical move designed to marginalize the endeavor of seeking answers where superstition and dogma had previously ruled. If science is the enemy of religion, why are so many religions and religious people using the solutions that science produces in the church and in their daily lives?

â€" [Science]


Thank you for sharing an in-depth post regarding online computer degree.

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