Saturday, September 1, 2012

Library Science - Available Online Education Options []

Library Science - Available Online Education Options []

Here it is! The kick off of my Portal 2 LP and hopefully you guys actually see how to play Portal right instead of how those idiot Machinima LPers just fumble around for 20 minutes to finish a simple level test chamber. By the way, I photo-shopped the opening picture from just a gray old test chamber!

Let's Play: Portal 2 - Episode 1: This is Not a Docking Station!

The information inside a library has to be correctly managed and maintained so individuals can use it. Students can step into careers as librarians after completing the appropriate training. Available online education options for library science can provide students with the chance to gain undergraduate and graduate degree training in library science.

Online education can be gained at the undergraduate study. However, for students that want to become librarians an associate's or bachelor's degree program will only act as a prerequisite to the required graduate training. To enter a master's degree program in library science students need to have a bachelor's degree. Students have two educational options to choose from when preparing for a master's degree in library science.

Online training at the associate's degree level provides students with the knowledge to enter assistant positions inside a library. Students work through two-year programs that develop th eir knowledge of how libraries are ran and what tasks are to be completed by assistants. The daily operations are broken down to teach students how to correctly maintain the circulation desk, carry out reference research, and appropriately use library equipment. Coursework is designed to prepare students to understand how to manage and categorize information. Depending on the program, students may be able to study specific areas such as library technology or children's services. Further education at the bachelor's degree level deepens students' knowledge of the field.

Students that complete an online bachelor's degree program gain an in depth education that can be applied to careers or graduate training. The modern library is broken down so students can understand how to correctly organize the media inside several different types of libraries. Library administration as a whole is learned and students are able to focus the rest of their courses on a particular area. For example, students that are interested in museum work can tailor their education to learning how to manage that type of information. Other possible areas include corporate, medical, school, and military libraries. Resource management, classification, media selection, and database usage courses are some subjects that will prepare students for the field. Students that don't continue education can become technicians and associate librarians.

Masters degree programs allow students to study information technology along with the entire field of library science. Students are able to correctly manage all information located in a library. Electronic and print materials are explored using the Dewey decimal system and the Library of Congress classification system. Specific courses break down the roles that librarians fulfill such as obtaining new materials and archiving materials for later use. Online programs typically have students choose a concentration and complete specific c oursework related to that area. This is important because students learn how to catalog information for their concentration. Some possible areas of concentration include:

Government Medical Public

For each area students learn about source referencing, cataloguing, accessing information, and collection development. Education allows students to step into several careers, which may include becoming school, reference, media, and archival librarians.

Accredited online education is a great choice for students that need to work from home. The American Library Association ( ) can provide online library science schools and colleges with the full accreditation they need to prove they offer quality career preparation and training. Begin the right educational path today and become a library science professional.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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More Library Science - Available Online Education Options Topics

Question by dishakr: What is the difference between social science and history? Today i noticed here only that social science is different and history is different . I want to know the difference between them. Best answer for What is the difference between social science and history?:

Answer by answersrme
I'm not completely sure but i guess social science can include history about society but not much other history. Social science can also focus on the present, how we interract with each other in today's society, that sort of thing. Like i said, im not really sure but this is my general idea. Hope it helps!

Answer by glittering_girl
social science is the study of complete society- geographically, economically, socially and even historically. history is the study of the past happenings(natural or man-made/artificial) that made a difference in the society/ country/place.

Answer by jupiter_ooi
Social science answer the why and how. History tell us when, where, and what.

Answer by giorgi_metepshishvili
history learns and states just facts, but social science learns relations and incentives of relation between people.

Answer by katerina
In order to answer the question, we have to determine what history and social sciences are. A definition given in the bibliography for history, is the following. History is information about the past. When used as the name of a field of study, history refers to the study and interpretation of the record of humans, families, and societies. Knowledge of history is often said to encompass both knowledge of past events and historical thinking skills. Traditionally, the study of history has been considered a part of the humanities. Therefore, history as most of us have been tought at school, is a static science, it is the description of situations. However, in modern academia, history is increasingly classified as a social science, especially when chronology is the focus and has been developed a new branch, that of social history. On the other hand, social sciences is a group of academic disciplines and consist in the study of the individual as a part of the society. It studies the human aspects of the world. To see more details on criticism of social sciences and the methods that are used for the study of the individual for their purposes,click on the link As we can observe, one science interferes with the other and this shows the relations and the interdisciplinarity of science. This is how I understand this issue. I hope it helps. Katerina

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