Saturday, September 8, 2012

Interesting Science Experiments That Wow the Crowd []

Interesting Science Experiments That Wow the Crowd []

On this episode of The Spangler Effect, Steve takes learning to a new level by inviting 100 science enthusiasts on an Alaskan adventure called Science at Sea to learn about glaciers. But first, he uses a few household items to make the perfect gak to demonstrate how a glacier moves. Want to be a part of the next Science at Sea?! Learn how at Learn more about the glacier gak experiment at http Subscribe to The Spangler Effect Watch the previous episode

The Spangler Effect - Glacier Gak Season 01 Episode 19

Interesting science experiments are likely going to get the best grades. Judges are used to seeing all the same old projects and if yours is interesting it will definitely stand out. There are endless topics to choose from, so the first step is to narrow down your choices and choose a topic that interests you. If you are bored with your project, it will show in your work!

One interesting science experiment is to make a shrunken head out of an apple. To do this you will need one large apple, a knife, salt, lemon juice and water. First, you will need to skin the apple with a vegetable peeler, and then you can use the knife to carve the facial features (eyes, mouth, ears, nose, etc.). Be sure to make them quite large as the apple is going to shrink considerably. When you are done this, place the apple in a solution of ½ cup of salt mixed with four to six cups of water and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, which is meant to keep it from oxidizing.

Let the apple head soak for 24 hours before removing it from the liquid. Use a paperclip to pass a string through the apple from top to bottom, and then hang it in a cool dry place for about two or three weeks. When it is ready, you can sew the mouth together with cotton strings and attach some fake hair to make it look more realistic. There you have it! Your very own shrunken head.

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Question by alaa_1523: What science classes does a Dentist have to attend ? and how many years of study are needed to get a degree? What science classes does a Dentist have to attend ? and how many years of study are needed to get a degree? Best answer for What science classes does a Dentist have to attend ? and how many years of study are needed to get a degree?:

Answer by angel_32168
Assuming you're talking about the US, you need to get the courses for the dental school you wish to attend. These vary a bit. Look at the websites for the colleges you want to attend. It'll be 4 years after your undergraduate degree so 8 years in total.

â€" [Science]


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