4th Grade Science Experiments and Ideas [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
Question by Psylocke: What work is involved in a university science lab? I have not Taken a science in university before so I don't know it the lab class is just and extension of the lecture or what. I need to know what the lab is actually going to entail and how much work out of class it may have so I can see how many classes I can take. I am planning on taking the environmental biology lecture and lab, so any information would be good. Best answer for What work is involved in a university science lab?:
Answer by Cpt.Obvious
It's like a whole other class to be honest. You learn a little about it in lecture then you go to lab and experience it. For example: you go to lecture to learn about which bacterias would grow best in which environment, then you go to lab and actually take on the experiment. Labs are a lot of work, but not much work outside of class.
4th grade science experiments don't need to be overly involved and they can usually be done alone, with minimal help from teachers or parents. Children this age are very curious and full of energy so they should have no trouble coming up with a topic to experiment.
One simple science experiment they may want to try is to see if draining water always spirals in the same direction. This is interesting and quite easy to test. It also involves a little foot work, which the kids will likely enjoy. All you really need to do is flush a toilet and see which way it drains, then fill a sink and see which way it drains, and then compare your results.
Another fun one might be to see which material would protect an egg from a six- or eight-foot drop. Some materials you could use would be pillows, bubble wrap, blankets. Styrofoam chips, towels and more. It's pretty easy, just be sure to drop the egg from the same height each time and record your findings.
One more idea for 4th grade science projects could be to see if the shape of an ice cube affects how long it takes to melt. You can test this by getting some ice cube trays in different sizes. These types of trays are usually sold at the dollar store. Then freeze water in the trays. Once they're frozen you can take once ice cube of each shape and set it on a dry surface at the same time and see which ones melts the fastest.
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