Sunday, September 9, 2012

Easy Science Projects For Kids - Science Made Simple and Fun []

Easy Science Projects For Kids - Science Made Simple and Fun []

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JOKE OF THE DAY - Masturbation - Sat 9/18/2010

Easy science projects for kids can be found anywhere, even in your own house or backyard! There are many fun and easy projects kids can do, such as testing to see what flavor of water ants will prefer, like plain water, lemon water or sugar water. Other projects can focus on racing snails, or seeing if cockroaches have a sense of direction.

Another easy project involves learning how plants grow. All you need is paper cups, dirt, water and some seeds. Fill a few cups with soil and plant some seeds in each one. Place one in a sunny spot such as a windowsill, place another in a shady spot such as in your living room, perhaps on a shelf, and place one in a closet. Water them all regularly and let your child see which one grows best. A similar project is to show your child how plants absorb water. Simply get a few paper cups and fill them with water, add a different food coloring to each cup and place a white carnation in each one. The next day, let you child observe the flowers. By then, they should have changed color to match the food coloring you put in.

You could also show your child how sound is caused by vibration. To do this you need a few small drinking glasses, a spoon and some water. Fill each glass with a different amount of water and have your child tap each glass with the spoon and observe how each glass makes a different sound, depending on how much water is in the cup.

Find More Easy Science Projects For Kids - Science Made Simple and Fun Issues

Question by tunasandwich: What is a good idea for a science project for my interests and skill level? I'm in grade 10 and have a little over a month to complete the project. I've never done a science project like this before so I need something that isn't too hard, but not something so ridiculiously easy that I get bored and get a bad grade. I'm interested in psychology, light, color, mood, health and behaviors. Any suggestions? I also forgot to mention I'm interested in optics and the human eye! Best answer for What is a good idea for a science project for my interests and skill level?:

Answer by pmacca01
How about the effect of light and color on mood? You can try it on animals or family members and friends and then record your results.

Answer by cat
Do an experiment to see if certain colors evoke certain moods. Pick 5 (or 10) colors and ask 25 (or 30) people to write down the first mood that comes to mind when they think of each color. Always ask the colors in the same order. Then do a tally of people's lists to see if certain moods come up multiple times for certain colors. See which moods are named the most for each color. Which moods are named the least for each color? Are there any moods named for more than one color? What conclusions can you draw about the results?

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