6th Grade Science Experiments Made Fun and Easy [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
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6th grade science experiments are fairly easy to come up with. All you need to do is come up with a topic that interests you. Originality is not the key factor here. The judges want to see that you are capable of performing an experiment on your own, writing up a report on it and present your findings in an organized and easy to understand way. There is nothing wrong with doing an experiment that has already been done and making it your own.
One interesting topic for a sixth grade science project is eggs. There are tons of experiments that can be done with eggs, such as why raw eggs do not spin as well as hard boiled eggs? Or, when you place an ordinary egg into a jar of water will it sink or float? Will adding salt or sugar change whether it sinks or floats? Building a container that the egg can be placed in that will protect it if you were to drop the container. This project is a little more advanced than the other, but just as much fun.
You could also tr y a sixth grade science project on music vs. noise. Why do people enjoy listening to loud music, but get bothered by loud noise? What's the difference? You could also go with the tried and true volcano project; however, this project should only be done if you have a genuine interest in volcanoes and other geothermal phenomenon, otherwise it's just going to look like an easy out because it has been done so many times in the past.
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