Friday, September 7, 2012

3 Tips For Getting More From the Science of Getting Rich []

3 Tips For Getting More From the Science of Getting Rich [] Click here to watch the previous episode of Realm! Machinima Realm - 11/25/11 (Chuck Norris! Tanks! Skyrim!) While you digest all the thanksgiving dishes you inflicted on your poor body yesterday, Realm is here to help you cope in the aftermath of your food-orgy. We've got Chuck Norris in Wow, League of Legends' Season Two, Skyrim's crazy secrets, and more! Plus 5 terrific videos to make you cheer and laugh until you barf up green bean casserole all over yourself. Huzzah! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This Realm video will show you: How to find secrets in Skyrim How to join League of Legends Season Two How to get goodies in City of Heroes How to sing like Hundar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Realm on Facebook! Enlist in the Respawn Army! FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: ww FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: Tags: Machinima Realm Hundar ZBOT Grit Ian Joel Kitty RPG MMO Epic Win Fantasy "role play" Games Massively "How to" Multiplayer online PC "Science Fiction" Skyrim "League of Legends" "Lol Season 2" "Diablo 3" "D3 Console" "Jay Wilson" "City of Heroes" "Chuck Norris" "Barrens Chat" "World of Tanks" Rift Minecraft Tarou Plasmasnake WAndT Surelog Zybak "Old Republic ...

Machinima Realm - 11/25/11 (Chuck Norris! Tanks! Skyrim!)

Wallace D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", has recently become *THE* book to read on the subject of getting rich. However, most of those who read this incredible book won't get near as much from it as they could.

Here are three tips that'll help you get more from it...

Tip #1 - Stay away from edited and/or revised versions.

Since "The Science of Getting Rich" was originally published in 1910, a number of edited and/or revised versions of it have been published both online and offline.

Besides some having slight changes of title, most, if not all of these edited and/or revised versions contain changes in the wording of the original book by Wallace D. Wattles ranging from minor to major in a so-called attempt to "modernize" and/or make it more "readable".

You can sometimes recognize these edited and/or revised versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" by a slight change in title from t hat of the original. Other times, you'll find someone has added his or her name as a co-author or editor of the book.

Unfortunately, there are a whole host of others out there where the title is the same as the original and there isn't a co-author's or editor's name listed, yet the text of the original book has been substantially edited and/or revised.

Personally, when I want to know what a particular author has to say, I want to read his or her own words and not those of someone else. This is especially true in the case of Wallace D. Wattles' writings.

In my opinion, any change of wording, however minor, takes away from the original meaning of what Wallace D. Wattles wrote and thus changes our understanding of it.


I strongly encourage you stay away from edited and/or revised versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" and stick to the original.

Tip #2 - Look up words you don't understand.

I know this sounds like simple co mmon sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't do it. I can tell by some of the questions I get.

Occasionally, as you read "The Science of Getting Rich", you'll come across words you may not understand or don't make sense to you in the context in which Wallace D. Wattles used them.

None of us knows the meaning of every word there is in the English language. Many words have multiple meanings. And, keep in mind, Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich" nearly one hundred years ago. Many words that were in common usage then are no longer commonly used today and many words that were used back then were used with a different meaning than the meaning we'd attach to them today.

A good example of this is the word "check". If you look up the word check in a dictionary, you'll see it has a number of meanings. One of the meanings is to examine something to see if it's true or satisfactory. Another meaning is to stop or slow something down.

In Chapter 9 of "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

"But you can check all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance."

In this case, Wallace D. Wattles is using the word check to mean stop or slow down. In other words, he's saying...

But you can stop or slow all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance.

Although the word check was commonly used to mean stop or slow something down when Wallace D. Wattles wrote "The Science of Getting Rich", it's not a common use of the word today.

If you didn't know the word check had multiple meanings, or if you didn't know the word check was commonly used with this meaning back then, it'd be easy for you to misinterpret what Wallace D. Wattles was saying.

Tip #3 - Apply what you learn.

Here's the deal...

You can read "The Science of Getting Rich" hundreds of times. You can study it until you're blue in the face. You can m emorize it, philosophize, and talk about it to your heart's content. However, until you apply what you learn from it, you're not going to get the results you're seeking from it, PERIOD!


I know, at first glance, it seems like there's an awful lot in it to apply. However, the simple truth of the matter is there really isn't. In reality, there are only a tiny handful of concepts you really need to apply.


If you want results from "The Science of Getting Rich", it's *vitally* important you understand...

It's your *application* of this tiny handful of concepts, not your knowledge and/or understanding of them, that'll make the difference in your life...

All the difference in the world, I might add! :-)

Copyright (c) 2008 Tony Mase

Recommend 3 Tips For Getting More From the Science of Getting Rich Issues


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