1st Grade Science Fair Projects [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
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A first grade science fair project enables a first grader to learn science in a fun way. Science fair projects plant the seed of interest in science, in a child. It inflames their imagination and arouses their interest in the world around them. The first grade is the ideal time to introduce a child to the amazing world of science and allow the child to explore and satiate his or her curiosity. The child also learns to be methodical and organized as the project follows a scientific method and is based on scientific concepts and principles which children are able to grasp easily.
While a classroom lecture often tends to be one-sided with the teacher giving the maximum amount of inputs, a project focuses on the creativity and initiative of the child. The child is involved in his project a hundred percent. Science fair projects also help in strengthening the bond between parents and children, as the child usually turns to the parent for topic ideas and finally choosi ng the topic.
For a first grade science fair project to be successful, the following tips should be kept in mind.
1.Allow the child to choose the experiment only if the topic interests the child. If they don't want to do it, you'll struggle the whole time.
2.While the teacher or parent can lend a helping hand and guide the child, the child should be allowed to work independently. No adult should ever take complete control of the project. The adult should just keep an eye open to ensure that there are no accidents or mishaps. Suggestions and guidelines can also be given but the child should be allowed to do the experiment and draw his or her own conclusions from it. This way a child learns much more.
3.Allow the child to have fun while doing the project
4.Allow the child to experiment as one project idea can lead to many questions and new ideas.
5.Allow the child to be creative as a child can have an entirely different perspective about th e project.
There are thousands of ideas. A few are:
1.To explain the concept of density, put an egg in a bowl of water and see if it floats or sinks. Replace the water with salt water, sugar water, oil and various other liquids of different densities and record the results.
2.Make a simple lever with a pencil and an ice cream stick. Balance coins on both ends and explain the principle.
3.Test the magnetic force of a magnet by covering it with paper, plastic, aluminum foil etc. Check its magnetic power.
4.Make different designs of airplanes and test which ones fly the best.
5.Find out if white or dark objects get heated faster in the sun.
6.Demonstrate how a solar/lunar eclipse occurs.
7.Make a compass with a needle and cork.
8.Plant seeds and watch them grow.
9.Explain the water cycle.
So, a first grade science fair project is a scientific experience and will be one that child will never forget.
Related 1st Grade Science Fair Projects IssuesQuestion by Nicole: Can you guyz give me some good science fair project ideas that either have to do with water or music? Well, it's that dreadful science fair time @ my high-skool now and I wanted to do a project either having to do with water or with music. Those are the two things that interest me most in a project and no offense but if your only gonna suggest something elementary-rated then don't answer at all. But I really need help here and would really appreciate your ideas. Best one gets 10 extra points! Best answer for Can you guyz give me some good science fair project ideas that either have to do with water or music?: รข" [Science]
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