Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Benefits of Assigning A 24 Hour Science Project For Your Science Homework []

The Benefits of Assigning A 24 Hour Science Project For Your Science Homework []

Question by Randall L: What are the assumptions science makes about the nature of reality? When I was in college, a friend had a natural science textbook that listed the numerous assumptions science makes about what exists and how it exists. (eg. Things have always behaved the same way they do now.) I've searched for this on the web, but can't find the list. Does anyone have it or know where I can find it on the web? Thanks. Best answer for What are the assumptions science makes about the nature of reality?:

Answer by carl c
try this

Answer by fantabu1ous
Science is based on a few assumptions: 1) basic inductive reasoning. If a pattern seems to repeat enough times then it’s safe to assume that it will continue more or less identically forever. While doubting this assumption means doubting whether the sun will rise in the morning, it’s still unprovable. 2) Once inductions are made and accepted as natural laws (I understand that science regards such “laws” as hypotheses, so don’t get sidetracked), we assume that the natural laws (such as gravity, quantum physics etc, obviously certain natural laws are location specific) we observe in the local universe will be the same everywhere in space and time, even during events unwitnessed by any recorded person. Doubting this assumption can mean that gravity may reverse somewhere in the far, unobserved universe, or that some 4000 years ago the universe was created out of nothing. We have no evidence that either of these statements is false. Carbon dating and cosmic microwave radiation don’t prove that God didn’t create a world to appear billions of years old (creationists are so stupid! why do they argue against the science rather than allowing God to be complex and wonderful?). 3) perhaps most importantly, science values certain kinds of apprehension over others. Science does not value private gnosis, science does not value learning that comes from within (aside from its psychological value). I can’t really see why. Science values testability but it doesn’t accept evidence that can’t be demonstrated physically. Is there an a priori defense for this position? Without these assumptions, science is nonsense, and yet these assumptions can never be proven or disproven. This is inconsistent with the value that most atheists give to falsifiability and the validity of science that derives from falsifiability. The third point raises the question of what constitutes falsifiability, what constitutes an acceptable test for a theory? I think these questions raise serious doubts about claims that atheists are using ‘reason’ and not faith to judge the world.

Answer by simply_made
I think you just described a "theory". Where science will fill a void or an "unknown" with a probable explanation or patterned guess. For example ... science has not physically discovered all of the elements on the periodic table of elements. But according to the pattern of the before and after they are able to figure some properties and data of element that have not been discovered. As far as science and existence of the universe ... I suppose it can be understood that science does not support the existence of god and creation. But its not an assumption, it is a scientific opinion. Its not even a theory because there is no scientific basis of evidence or proof. Hope this helps

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There are good reasons for teachers to include a short, simple science project that can be completed in one day as part of their curriculum. Students in the early grades as well as those in middle and high school can have one specific idea clearly illustrated in an experiment that can be completed as a 24 hour science project rather than reading about it. This type of hands on assignment not only helps students learn something new, or explain an idea,, it also builds good independent learning habits without getting too complicated. This article will explore some of these purposes.

Homework First of all a 24 hour science project works well for science homework assignment. A simple, experiment with just a few steps to it, can be finished in one evening., or set up one night and observed and written up the next night. These simple assignment usually use basic materials that can be found around the house, so parents don't have to go running around looking for obscure things at the store. The project will not take over the whole evening, leaving time to do all the rest of the homework for other classes.

Focus Another purpose of a one day project is that they keep students focused on just one feature of a sometimes complicated concept. Kids sometimes have trouble with larger science concepts, they can be overwhelming. These projects can help them stay focused on just piece of the puzzle rather tan getting sidetracked by all the other pieces.

Independence One important goal in using an independent science project as homework is to teach independence. These projects are generally designed so that students can do them on their own. They are away from school and the influence of teachers and other friends. You can expect the assignment will be organized well, with clear directions, and include a convenient place to keep track of any data. With this kind of set up, the assignment can be done on their own, with no help. The more cha nce they have to do this sort of project on their own the better.

Variety A science project that can be completed in 24 hours breaks up the monotony of reading, and answering questions from a textbook that traditional science homework. A project like this also gives variety to the rest of the night's homework. Any hands on activity breaks up the routine of with math problems, writing, and reading.

Interest in Science If there are some fun, hands on science projects to look forward to, a healthy interest in the science might evolve. So many times science ends up being a boring or confusing class, creating these simple projects to include as often as possible, will stir up interest in what they are studying.

All in all the purpose of a 24 science project goes far beyond the experiment and the results. A positive, successful experience with science that adds variety to the homework routine, creating independent work habits

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