Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Science Fiction Throughout the Ages and Into the Future [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science Fiction Throughout the Ages and Into the Future [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Une commotion cérébrale, même légère, pourrait faire courir un risque accru de contracter la maladie d'Alzheimer. C'est ce que révèle une étude menée aux Etats-Unis par le Walter Reed Army Medical Centre. Une étude à laquelle ont participé 250.000 vétérans de l'armée américaine. Les résultats ont été rendus publics lors de la Conférence internationale sur la maladie d'Alzheimer, qui se tenait pour la première fois à Paris, à laquelle ont participé plus de 5000 chercheurs et experts du monde entier.... fr.euronews.net

euronews science - Les commotions cérébrales facteurs de risque pour...

The evolution of science fiction movies over the last 50 years can be attributed to much more than the advances in special effects and movie-making technology (although those changes have had an effect); the biggest influence on scifi during this time period are the events that occurred in the real world. These past five decades leading up to today have been subject to an ever-accelerating onslaught of technological achievements and world-changing events.

While every movie is subject to the trends of each time period, science fiction has an intimate connection to both technology and the real world. The very definition of science fiction references the impact that current and past events have on the genre. As defined by scifi author Robert A. Heinlein, science fiction is a realistic speculation about possible future events based on the past and present knowledge of the real world. For these reasons, the cause of the evolution of science fiction movies is the real world, stated in another way: science fiction comes from reality.

During the 1960s, radical revolutions in technology and related technological achievements, such as the moon landing, had a significant impact on science fiction movies. In addition, the Cold War, JFK's assassination, Martin Luther King, the Vietnam War, and Woodstock all influenced science fiction movies during the decade. Some of the most notable science fiction movies of the time included 2001: A Space Odyssey, Fahrenheit 451, and The Time Machine, each impacted in some way by the events that occurred during the 1960s. More specifically, the look and feel of the spacecrafts featured in 2001: A Space Odyssey were very similar to the spaceships being used during the 1960s.

Improvements in film making and the success of science fiction in the 1960s rapidly advanced the development of science fiction movies during the 1970s. Achievements in technology during the 1970s included many that changed the everyday life of many people, including the pocket calculator, car airbags, barcodes, Sony Walkman, and the home computer. Other influential technologies included the Space Shuttle, Neutron Bomb and the supersonic Concorde. A population explosion to 4.4 Billion people as of 1978 also had an impact on the genre. The hedonistic atmosphere of the decade was featured in the 1976 scifi movie Logan's Run, while concerns about overpopulation were featured in the 1973 movie Soylent Green.

With the proliferation of computer technology in film-making, new, more advanced movies began to be produced in the 1980s. These new technology were used to produce some of the most mind-blowing special effects ever featured in science fiction movies, as seen in Predator, The Terminator, and Flight of the Navigator. Blade Runner was one of the first scifi films that featured a dystopia, rather than the all-out apocalypse seen in The Road Warrior or The Terminator future. One topic that seemed to be featured repeatedly was the concept of the evil, all-powerful corporations that rule the world and beyond. This concept can be found in Robocop, Aliens, Blade Runner, and the Terminator.

Huge technological strides and discoveries were made during the 1990s, all with the potential to significantly impact science fiction movies. Just some of the achievements included gene therapy, the World Wide Web, text messaging, global positioning, genetic modification, computer generated films, deep space photography, cloning, and the International Space Station. The disappearance of the threat of World War III with Russia had been replaced by an increasing amount of smaller conflicts. The first significant ground war since the Vietnam war, the first Gulf War, occurred, featuring some of the newest military technology ever used in battle. Computers began playing a more important role in special effects and movie production, featured in revolutionary movies like Jurassic Park and Men in Black. Natural catastrophes were a recurring theme, with disaster movies like Armageddon, Deep Impact, and Waterworld, as the now-prominent topic of global warming and saving the world started to have an influence. The Matrix was released in 1999, heralding a new age of science fiction movie making using complex plots, cinematography, and special effects.

The 2000s have been a busy decade for technological achievements related to space travel and astronomy. New solar systems and Earth-like planets have been found, countries like China have launched people into space, several robots have landed on and explored Mars, new moons have been found in our solar system, we've collected and retrieved comet dust, and dozens of unmanned probes have been launched throughout space by organizations around the globe. We're seeing the advent of space tourism and the commercialization of space travel. In addition, the political climate has rapidly shifted following the events of 9/11 and we've had one of the most momentous presidential elections in history. With no shortage of technological achievements and world-changing events to influence science fiction movie-makers, a variety of new scifi films have been released.

Worldwide natural catastrophes were themes in Artificial Intelligence: AI, The Core, and Sunshine; genetic engineering and cloning in The 6th Day; Mars in Mission to Mars and Red Planet. There have also been numerous movies created from comic book characters, super heroes, and video games, including X-Men, Resident Evil (1, 2, and 3), Iron Man, The Hulk, and many more. New movie making technologies were used in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Donnie Darko is a modern-day cult classic featuring a mysterious antihero and Children of Men is said to be a modern-day Blade Runner.

So what does the future hold for scifi movies? What will the 2010s be all about? If the past is any indication, I believe we'll see influen tial events of the next three years impact the 2010s greatly. Terrorism will be a recurring theme along with futures rife with economic hardships. A fear of people will grow as the current global recession influences crime rates, murders, war, and every other type of violent event. People's concern for the planet, which has been prevalent during the recently slayed high-oil-price age, will be replaced by a concern for personal safety. As the jobless rate climbs and companies go out of business (events that further complicate the housing debacle), the political climate will be strained even further than it currently is. Formerly growing power-houses like China, along with every Arab nation that benefited from high oil prices, will fall back to Earth as reality sets in, disappointing every one of their citizens that caught a glimpse of the good life. In short, I think we're on the brink of World War III, which will be created as the worst economic-stimulus package ever devised .

So, buckle-up, I'm guessing that we'll be seeing some of the most original and mind-blowing science fiction movies ever produced!

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