Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 2 - Topic Research [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 2 - Topic Research [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

fr.euronews.net Une centaine de jeunes hippocampes à l'assaut de l'étang de Thau dans le sud de la France. Ces juvéniles ont été relâchés à l'endroit même où leur géniteurs avaient été prélevés quelques mois plus tôt par les scientifiques de l'institut océanographique de l'île des Embiez. La gestation et l'éclosion des chevaux de mer a été gérée à l'institut. Fait rare chez les poissons, c'est le mâle qui porte les Å"ufs.

euronews science - Biologie marine : des hippocampes réintroduits dans l'étang de Thau

First, get yourself a spiral notebook to be used as your journal. All science fair projects need to have notes taken as you work though them. This notebook is where you will record your topic research and your project research. It should have your ideas as well as those you get from printed information or from other people. It will also need to include descriptions of your experiment along with diagrams, graphs and other recorded notes of your results.

You will want all information written in the journal to be as neat as possible and make sure to include the date. This will be your complete and accurate record of your project from beginning to end. The information in the journal will be used to write your written report. Your journal will be displayed with your completed project.

Selecting a Topic

You want to get the best grade possible on your project, win awards at the fair and learn anything new about science you can. Judges will evaluate th e science fair projects on a number of criteria. You will be able to achieve some or all of these as long as you spend the time working on your project it needs, so you will want to choose a topic you are interested in. If you can, it is best to choose a topic and stick with it. Don't bounce around from topic to topic.

Look at the World Around You

By using an exploring question you can turn things you see everyday into a science project. For an example, the grass in your neighbor's yard is always greener than in your yard. Why is his grass greener than ours? You have a question about plants. Could you turn it into a project? If you keep thinking about it, you might start to realize there is some nutrient in his soil that is not in yours.

If you keep your eyes and ears open and you start asking more exploring questions, you will find numerous things that could be turned into a project. You may wonder about the difference in paints. There are many qu estions you may have, but you don't always ask them.

Find a Topic in Science Magazines

If you find a topic in a science magazine, do not expect them to come with instructions on how to do the experiment. You will have to come up with that one on your own. Just look at facts that seeming interesting to you. If they lead you to ask and exploring question, you may have a project topic. You can even try looking into a science fair project book or Science Experiment Books.

Three Steps to a Topic

You have decided to enter a project into the science fair, but you really don't know where to start. The first thing you have to do is come up with a project idea. Start with a topic that interests you will have fun and learn something while working on this project. Here are a few hints for coming up with a project idea.

Look at these ideas and find a topic that interests you.

People Animals Plants Rocks Space Weather Electricity

There are many projects you can come up with using any one of these topic ideas. Come up with a question you have about one of these topics. You can start off with a simple question and make it a better question. Such as, "Why does it rain?" You want to get more specific about your question. So then you expound on it to become "How much rain did California get last year compared to 5 years ago?" Good topics for science fair projects include anything that you can do an experiment on to see if it is true or false.

Categories of Topic Ideas Check with your teacher, but usually every fair has a list of categories. You may need to ask the advice of your teacher to find the right category for your project. You must have your project entered into the right category to win. If your project happened to get entered into the wrong category, you can be penalized because the judges are required to judge a project based on its category. For a list of categorie s, check out the resources on the web site below:

More Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 2 - Topic Research Articles

Question by Less Than I Had Before: How long until science grants us immortality? and what are the consequences? With all the advances in medicine that i've seen in my lifetime alone, it seems conceivable that before old age, i will see science "cure death" One possibility being whole body transplant or a combination of transplant/human clone. Even cybernetics and the use of nanobots is a feasible possibility. Would you agree that this will happen? What will be the consequences if it does? Best answer for How long until science grants us immortality? and what are the consequences?:

Answer by vimesfan01
We will never cure death. Death is a constant. We will certainly extend life spans, as we have done before. Surely by the end of this century, seeing a 200 year old will not be a rare thing. The things you mentioned are not "feasible" by any means. They are just theorized, HARD science fiction right now, not fact. The main problem is the human brain. You can replace the body as many times as you want, but the human brain is still aging. And the cells only last for so long. You CAN NOT transplant a brain. And if you somehow figure out a way to transfer memories to a computer, then the person is dead anyway, it doesn't count. You can't clone it, you can't replicate it. And there is no way of making a cell live forever. That just isn't possible. But I do think 200-300 years is possible. But not much beyond that. At least not in the next 100 years.

Answer by Mr.D
You have to die SOMETIME. And besides, who would want to live forever? I know I wouldn't.

Answer by norvel.lewis
Not going to happen.

Answer by damnuhoes
That would never happen because people NEED TO DIE. The world is crowded enough last thing we need is for people to not "Knock Over" unless your filthy rich or serve some great purpose in life they wont sell it to you anyway unless your Magic Johnson but then again i dont know why they keep him around still anyway ?

Answer by Michelle
ok someone watches too much sci fi lol.. but if this were to happen.. I think we would eventually run out of resources and room (that is to say if we haven't killed each other!) so we wouldn't die of actual medical conditions like cancer ect. it would probably be because of basic necessities like food and water. lol I don't think they can cure old age though... but ill still be crossing my fingers for it!

Answer by jayteemoney
I personally think Nano tech. in the blood stream is already possible and possibly being used already. I saw a long time ago when a area 51 official had stated that our government posses tech. that we wont see possibly for another 50 to 100 years and that's just in avionic tech. so i can imagine what they posses as far as bio tech. Have you ever considered how tech. took a quantum leap in the 1900's. The airplane barely came along 100 years ago and look what we're doing with it already. The stealth bomber was reveled when Regan first got in office and that's the early 80's so that means they were working on it in the 70's. Just think what there working on now and what type of quantum leaps will come in the next 50 years alone. but when you ask about the consequences I think we're to irresponsible as a society to be responsible enough to posses this kind of knowledge. Just look at the trouble we're having with Nukes!!! I mean could you imagine a immortal Hitler?

Answer by Robi da koryo
It is possible

Answer by tiana
as long as they can cap aging genes... we're good. i think it can happen.

Answer by casdave2001
Children born in this century will only die of suicide, homicide or accident. The morality of this is being questioned and the problem of doctors not making any more money is relevant. These are not insoluble just difficult.

â€" [Science]


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