Thursday, August 23, 2012

Science Experiment Ideas Made Fun and Easy []

Science Experiment Ideas Made Fun and Easy []

Question by Dr. Mankitten: How do religious believers think that by reconciling their beliefs with science they're justified to believe? It's not about reconciling when it comes to the truth, reality and science, is it? It's about providing evidence. Sure you can reconcile the existence of pink unicorns with science, that doesn't justify anybody to believe in pink unicorns. They still have to provide evidence, just as science does. What makes a religious believer think it's OK to believe what they believe as long as they reconcile those believes with the scientific knowledge? Best answer for How do religious believers think that by reconciling their beliefs with science they're justified to believe?:

Answer by Graham
It's a mistake many are driven to by the constant cry from non-believers for "scientific" proof of God, before they will consider Him. A foolish notion indeed!

Answer by Vanity
Have you lost your mind....leave it to MEN to believe that GOD is not SCIENCE. God has more knowledge than any living or dead Scientist (or any human) and I bet they thanked GOD that they had the KNOWLEDGE, a GOD given gift, that God gave them. Satan had your thoughts. He is not going to get a GOOD ending. Add God to your wisdom.

Answer by Fire
Why do you think we have to reconcile Anything with scientific knowledge? Reality is, we don't have to. Only in college or in forums like this are people pushed to try to reconcile their beliefs with what OTHER people want out of them. Reality is....... None of us have to do any such thing. No one needs YOUR ok to believe in what they want. No one needs to follow what YOU think they should do with their beliefs. I don't have to provide any evidence to you whatsoever. Mostly because, I don't really care if you believe or not. But also.... who are yo u to demand evidence from anyone? Unless they are pushing you to convert to their beliefs, you have no authority whatsoever to demand evidence just because you don't like the idea that someone believes in something that physical science can't prove.

Answer by Dr. Eric vonAnderseck
True science can be used to confirm the historical aspects of the bible but only grace can confirm the reality of the presence and power of God. Apostle Eric’s Testimony Part 4 The Antichrist Code 2012 God’s Time-line

Answer by gutbucket
I have no idea, especially since science can never be reconciled with religious beliefs.

Answer by uyen nguyen
Sorry, but talking snake and coaseva drops can't reconciling because both can't use hand languague!

Answer by Exjwpsy
My therapist believes in the bible and Evolution. I think she means well when she was trying to convince me I could commit all of the sins I wanted and be forgiven by God. It was a nice sentiment but I've gotten past the point of needing approval for my human behavior. Well that is a lie, lol. I am still ridden with guilt over everything i do accept it isn't over whether or not God would approve, it's whether or not I'm treating people the same way I want to be treated. I have not been doing that on this website, but i accept and love everyone in my heart. I guess we all have a certain amount of aggression, bitterness, blame, and anger that we have to release. Religious people tend to blame themselves or the devil or non-believers. I'm working to apply science and evolution to my beliefs and emotions which will eventually erase the need to blame and hate. It might not be possible but one day I want to be someone that just accepts what they can't change and changes what they can. I just want to be a good person and to help others, it just gets lost in all my own bias and self.

I don't justify my beliefs with science because science believes I came from a monkey. My God said I am made in the image of Him. He is not a monkey either. Are you? I think not, so why associate yourself with blasphemous thoughts.

Answer by B Knott Wildered
Religion and Science are inter-twined with each other and cannot be separated. These are the two wings with which humanity must fly. One wing is not enough. Every religion which does not concern itself wi th Science is mere tradition, and that is not the essential. Therefore science, education and civilization are most important necessities for the full religious life. (Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 28)

Answer by Jim W
Why is it that some people believe that the supernatural and the natural can be resolved (or even should be resolved)? What makes it okay to disbelieve just because you don't like what someone else believes? Why do some people insist that a supernatural being like God should be provable by natural means? There is no need to provide natural evidence for the supernatural. Expecting someone to prove a supernatural God by natural means indicates that the person does not understand English, science, or the supernatural. It also means that the person has already made up his mind and has closed it on the subject. That is not a very scientific approach to anything. People are justified to believe because of the evidence of the supernatural working in their lives. It has nothing to do with science. In fact, you would expect that the supernatural would conflict with science at times. This would be known as a miracle.

Answer by David Franklin
Let me answer that as a scientist, who is also a Christian. Science does not PROVE anything. Scientists generate hypotheses from observation and from the existing body of theory ("knowledge") and then test these. If they check out, then these hypotheses are incorporated into the body of theory. However: the entire body of scientific theory (and this applies to any body of theory, including religious theory) rests on assumptions e.g. the universe is coherent, we can trust our senses, etc. I guess what you're asking is: how can I believe in God when there's no proof for God? Well, I believe God is infinite, eternal, omnipotent... in other words, I believe that God has no limits. That which has no limits cannot be measured or tested. God therefore CANNOT be a hypothesis, and therefore cannot be tested. So we're back to the question of the Prima Causa (or not even that, simply - why IS there a universe?) Atheists say: chance. Believers say: God. Occam's Razor gives the two as equally simple, hence equally likely. Removing God from the picture does not simplify the question of how the universe came to be here. Why do I pick the answer: God? What did God call himself when speaking to Moses? "I AM" (I AM THAT I AM). Compare that answer to what any other god of any other mythology would call themselves, and it stands out in its simplicity and depth. It doesn't look like something a "Middle Eastern rabble" would fabricate. It does sound like a simple statement of ultimate reality.

Answer by Everard G
I think Berty covers that one here... Bertrand Russell: There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dares not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed. ~

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Science experiment ideas all depend upon the individual student's interests. For instance, if you are interested in animals you may be more interested in doing a project on Zoology, which is the study of animals, or Biology which is the study of all living things and the relationships between plants and animals. However, if you are interested in plants you might choose to do a project on Biology, which again is the study of all living things, including plants and animals. You will find out what makes plants grow, their contribution to our environment and their cell structure. If it's the stars, planets, the universe and the solar system that you find intriguing, you may want to pick a topic on Astrology.

If you like working with substances and seeing how they react to one another, you should choose a topic about Chemistry. Maybe earthquakes, tornadoes, fossils, minerals, rocks, the weather, oceans, marine life or prehistoric creatures are what interest you, in wh ich case you should choose Earth Science experiments ideas to focus on. If machinery and how it works is what you find fascinating then you should study Engineering.

Environmental science experiments might be your thing if you're concerned with the earth, recycling, composting, ecology, acid rains and the effects of pollutants. If you're interested in bacteria, yeast and microorganisms, then Microbiology is your thing. If you like to learn about electricity, energy, gravity, machines, magnets and how materials change and combine, then you should choose a Physical science project. However, if it's numbers and symbols that peak your interest, you should choose a topic about Mathematics.

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