Quantum Science Reveals Shroud Mystery [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the faded image of a man who appears to have undergone physical torture consistent with Roman crucifixion. The Shroud is preserved in the St.John Cathedral in Turin, Italy. It is widely believed to have wrapped the body of historical Jesus of Nazareth and has become one of the most perplexing enigmas for the researchers.
I have attempted to provide scientific explanation to the causation mechanism of the Shroud image, in my ensuing book entitled "The Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition, or Quantum Bio-Hologram". I'd like to share with the readers the origin of the ideas contained in the book.
I scantly remember a street magic show I once enjoyed in my boyhood. The performer conjured images of a scorpion on a screen by lighting up an oil-lamp. The images were corporeal and, behold, three-dimensional! Though such street shows were common in those days, they were thought to be in the nature of some s ort of trick. Being young, the incident made me curious. Later, after a couple of decades, I came across a vernacular book on folk-magic illustrating a method for exhibiting scorpion images. It explained; a scorpion put inside a coconut and buried in horse-dung for forty days, will yield a spirit, which if lighted with a cotton wick, would produce images of scorpions as far as the light reaches. This caught my attention and my mind raced with possibilities. During my second year of graduation in Mechanical Engineering, I got introduced to the wonderful optical phenomenon of holography. Considering the 'corporeality' and 'three-dimensionality' of the objects displayed under holography, my mind, as quickly as a flash, contemplated a viable holographic connection to the scorpion images displayed in the folk magic.
Afterward, the idea of alchemical palingenesis - resuscitating spectral images of plants and flowers from their ashes - induced my curiosity further. I made an extensive study of almost all the available literature relating to this strange and marvellous phenomenon. Given the nature of the 3D images as described in the processes, I could easily infer it is a form of holographic field making a vortex of subtle ash particles, which in turn makes visible the exact pattern of the plant inside the phial.
This being so, certain factors reinforced my belief that these 'miraculous images' would have scientific significance. First, how our bodies and other organic entities are formed has always been a baffling question of developmental biology. The conventional genetic theory failed to explain satisfactorily how genes code information about the morphology of organism. Structural complexity of the genome is insufficient for organism development. Ninety per cent of the DNA in humans and mice is the same and there are enormous parallels between human DNA and that of a housefly. Likewise, the amount of DNA in some species of amoebae is ab out 30 times as large as that in humans. If so, how can the DNA alone account for the complicated structural formation in organisms? Besides the genetic means, there should be some mechanism to guide the physical constitution of organisms.
Second is the phenomenon of regeneration. If the whole head of a snail is cut off, a new head grows out of the body as complete in all its parts as the previous one. Why have many animals the power of regenerating amputated members? How is that when the tail of a lizard is torn off, a new one sprouts in its place? There should be, I wondered, some sort of pre-existing substratum, as upon a model, to guide the atoms and molecules during the entire process of regeneration, and each cell should be well aware of the blueprint - whole within the parts (a substratum - superstratum relationship)!
Third, there are umpteen ideas and theories, both ancient and contemporary, to suggest that morphological development of our body is more 's tructure-related' than 'chemistry-related'. Starting from the almost forgotten theory of Preformation, down to the latest findings of 'Hox genes' which display spatial collinearity, there has always been a 'structure-based concept' wherever attempts are made to explain morphological development. A precise blueprint of the body is hypothesized to guide the process of bodily development.
These facts led me to believe that there are some subtle morphogenetic field patterns to guide the architectural development of organisms; and the 3-dimensional images we see in the natural magic and palingenesis are nothing but some form of subtle patterns made somehow visible to physical perception.
It was during the course of my scientific pursuit of these wonderful phenomena of nature that I unexpectedly came across the Shroud mystery. I could observe and discover a close resemblance between the phenomenon of 3D image creation in the natural magic (in the case of palingenesis a lso) and the 3-dimensionally encoded image in the Shroud of Turin. I thought the underlying science of these natural phenomena, if explored, would offer a working hypothesis to coordinate and explain the puzzling image on the Shroud of Turin. Another matter that reinforced my ideas is the nature of the 'Resurrection body' of Jesus Christ. Whether the Resurrection body was a materialistic one with 'flesh and blood' or a spiritual one has been a long-lasting and great difference of opinion in Christendom. Many contend that the body of Jesus was the spiritual body - and, though most real of all substantial things, it was an 'appearance' from the physical standpoint. Thus, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has close linkage with the phenomena of palingenesis - the spectral resurrection of plants.
Now, one might be tempted to ask whether these play-like phenomena, even if assumed to have scientific basis, can resolve the long-lasting mystery that enshrouds the Shroud of Turi n. I will not say this would put to rest the mystery wrapped in the Turin Shroud. A non-professional like me should not rush to conclusions on issues on which experts in the fields are still unclear. Nevertheless, I trust my propositions would certainly give a good start in the right direction.
Then again, there is a fear in a corner of my heart that my propositions in this book could easily be thrown out in no time by a group of people who arrogate themselves as the sole representatives of the official science, and who would be pleased to regard what others speak of as 'unscientific', or simply label it as 'pseudo-science'. Yet, the strength of my belief goads me to think that science has a real surprise for the skeptics!
As Einstein rightly said 'the most beautiful and the most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical'. Natural magic is nothing other than unexplained phenomena of science. This, superficially viewed, may appear to be i mpossible and hallucinatory, but should to be considered in a scientific perspective. Phenomenon of natural magic is a manifestation of science. In the words of Francis Bacon, ' natural magic is the science which applies the knowledge of hidden forms to the production of wonderful operations; and by uniting activities with passives, displays wonderful works of nature."
As regards the mysterious image on the Shroud, it is a common proposition that no ancient artistic technique could have been able to imprint the 3-dimensionally encoded human figure on the Turin Shroud with anatomical and circumstantial exactitude. Recent discoveries in quantum science come in as a potent aid in elucidating remarkable facts on the subject. I theorize that the formation of 3D images of plants and animals in the magnificent phenomena of palingenesis is also the work of quantum holographic processes and that these evidential proofs can help in the unravelling of the mystery wrapped in the S hroud.
The principal objectives of this book are:
+ To provide a concise form of Shroud history + To outline some of the important characteristic features of Shroud image that warrant scientific analysis + To provide several evidences largely drawn from the alchemical and natural magic genre, in support of 3-dimensional image formation from the bio-matter of decomposed animals and plants + To make a scientific analysis of the phenomenon of 3-D image formation in nature with regard to the latest findings in the quantum realm + And to correlate it to the 3-dimensionally encoded image imprinted in the Shroud of Turin.
The chapters of this book can be broadly grouped under four main parts. The first part makes a brief survey of the documented history of the Turin Shroud, how the Shroud got its scientific lure, major tests conducted on it and results thereof, and finally the astonishing characteristics of the Shroud image revealed to the world t hanks to major scientific studies and researches.
Part two takes the readers to an entirely different field of knowledge - the forgotten science of resuscitating spectral plants from their ashes (palingenesis) and natural magic. They are full of amazing 'hard-to-find' information relating to visual manifestation of 3D images of plants and animals from their decomposed phlegm.
Part three serves to explain how the various discoveries of science, especially those in the quantum realm, are pointing more and more to a 'holographic field' where matter is guided by commonly invisible energy templates. It also offers to explain in a simple way what a hologram is, its optical characteristics etc., as per classical science.
Finally, in Part four, attempts have been made to make a proper synthesis of all the three, viz., Shroud image, 3D images forming out of decomposed parts of plants and animals and the idea of quantum holographic field patterns. The theory is simpl e: the spectral 3D images manifest from the decomposed phlegm of animals and plants are nothing but their 'quantum holograms' and similar quantum holographic manifestation of physical body was responsible for the imprint of the mysterious image on the Shroud of Turin. A detailed comparison between the characteristics of Shroud of Turin and those of holograms is made out in chapter 16.
The hour is close upon us when we shall commence our retrospect of one of the most wonderful theories of the past - the theory of palingenesis, and the investigation of one of the oldest mysteries of humanity - the image on the Shroud. The book is expected to be released in the first week of November 2010. Do enjoy the book.
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Answer by The Royal Prince
1. Communication : from satellite Communication to local... it has to be at the best possible level. 2. Education : yes it is a science...there are many people studying how to make d education system better worldwide better education will effect the political social and economical aspects. 3 Finding better and economical sources of energy. reusable and renewable
Answer by Chicken God
A success in nuclear fusion would change the world. Here are some possible good outcomes: 1) The need for oil is drastically reduced. Petrochemicals are still needed for making plastics, but fusion could easily provide us with energy for thousands of years. 2) It would be very difficult for nations trying to make nuclear weapons to hide behind the civilian nuclear power excuse. Fusion would be such a superior power source that anyone trying fission would be looked at with suspicion. 3) Climate change is effectively solved. We would no longer be burning as many fossil fuels. 4) Projects that are energy intensive won't be as expensive anymore. This could be a boon for the environment. 5) The world is running out of helium. Since helium is a fusion byproduct, we would alleviate this problem if just a little bit. The problem: Fusion with a net energy production is hard to achieve. We can kill people with fusion, but we can't control it for civilian purposes yet. Deuterium-Deuterium fusion is hard to achieve. Deuterium-Tritium fusion is easier, but there's no natural Tritium on Earth.
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