One Day Science Fair Projects - Five Reasons Why I Love Them As an Awesome Learning Tool []
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Anytime you create a fun, challenging and hands-on assignment for your students to use in class, or as a homework assignment, you are creating an awesome and highly effective learning experience. You can be sure the kids will love a classroom activity or homework assignment that is not lecture, books and paperwork! Including one day science fair projects in you teaching tool box really and truly helps create a positive, healthy, well-rounded classroom where you can feel learning ooze from the walls.
Here are five reasons why I love this kind of teaching tool:
1) I love one day science fair projects because they break up the boring pencil and paper routine.
Reason: You do not want students to get turned off about your subject because it is all books and paperwork. Students that come home with a pile of books, and all of them require basically the same thing, read and answer questions, does not instill a love of learning in most kids. Having hands-on pr ojects gives them something to look forward to and builds excitement.
2) I love these one day science fair projects because they are short and sweet, with easy to follow directions.
Reason: You want to keep the attention of the students, and long drawn out complicated projects sometime lose their appeal. Having shorter, easy to follow projects that can be completed in one classroom period or in one evening as homework ends up being a nice neat package with a higher probability of success.
3) I love one day science fair projects because they encourage independent work habits.
Reason: In this instant world, kids expect things to be handed to them, and expect answers to instantly appear. A project where they must do something first, have a process to follow and gather the results themselves, and draw their own conclusions, will help build patience and independence, both great work habits to acquire.
4) I love one day science fair projects because t hey are perfect thing for parents to have access to on those nights their child comes home and tells them they have an experiment due tomorrow.
Reason: Having access to quality science projects that can be downloaded immediately, and have complete, easy to follow directions, with built in spreadsheets for data entry that can be transformed into cool charts, will save the night for both parent and child!
5) I love one day science fair projects because they are hands-on, active, and multisensory, which is one of the best approaches to teaching ever.
Reason: Whether you call it motor memory, or hands on learning, or multisensory, what you are doing is bringing together, seeing, hearing, and doing into one learning experience. The memory of the lesson learned will be much stronger than if they were just to read it in a book.
"It is no good knowing about the taste of strawberries out of a book." (Aldous Huxley) reflects the theme behind multisensory approa ch to teaching. Teachers that create an active, hands-on learning environment will create lessons that will be remembered forever. Science teachers who use one day science fair projects regularly will may end up helping to create independent thinkers that actually like science.
Recommend One Day Science Fair Projects - Five Reasons Why I Love Them As an Awesome Learning Tool IssuesQuestion by Jordy: What should I know about computer science before i go to college? I am still 16, but i want to know as much as i possibly can before i go to college and get my computer science major. Is there any special terms i should know of? I want to know as much as i can so i don't have to learn it all in college Thanks! Best answer for What should I know about computer science before i go to college?:
Answer by Faceless Nerd
Its dull dull dull. Other than that, its easy. So try to enjoy. Nothing you really need to know. It starts out very basic; almost teach you to read again.
Answer by Steven H
It's not easy at all and you end up getting headaches because you are coding on a computer screen all day!
Answer by Koma
It will be good if you know atleast some basic computer architecture like what is motherboard,cpu,gpu,etc. You can also learn c language which is used taught almost everywhere. You can also check out some technology blogs and learn some cool trick And also learn about Tech news and know who is mark zuckerberg,steve jobs etc. I can recommend (copy and paste the address in addressbar if link is not available) but there are a lot of other sites too good luck for your new start
Answer by Johnathon Eyre
It depends on which College you plan on attending. Each college expects different backgrounds. For example the University of Waterloo will want you to know all the major maths and you will learn the programming language scheme in your first year, while the University of Toronto will want you to know all the major maths, how to prove mathematics principles and they will teach you the programming language python in your first year. The best advice I can give you is that you should take all the maths you can since I find that most computer science programs will have you take about a minor in mathematics, and you will want to take any computer science courses that your school offers. These two topics will prepare you the best for most College computer science programs.
Answer by Java Nerd
Teach yourself some programming.
Answer by Meklar
You don't strictly need to know anything. Provided you have a working computer and Internet connection, they will lead you through all the rest step by step. However, there are some things it can be extremely helpful to know even before going into university-level computer science. One is propositional logic. Although originally thought up for the purposes of constructing philosophical arguments and mathematical proofs, it is also incredibly important in programming. Another is binary, binary is related to propositional logic and is basically just an alternate way of expressing numbers (which is what we already do in decimal), but it has some advantages and it's good to have a feel for it. Finally, of course, if you can learn at least some programming language in order to practice and teach yourself the fundamentals of programming, that's a great help. If possible, try looking up what languages will be used in the courses you want to take, and start learning those. They differ from school to school and course to course so I can't guarantee what ones they'll be using. If you can't find out, then I suggest starting with something li ke Java.
Answer by Sdfa Safdsf
the modules provided by the college is wide, the only thing u need to do is studying what u r interesting, such as programming, that will be the hit when you looking for the job
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