Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Goat Milk Soap Science [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Goat Milk Soap Science [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

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Understanding the science of making goat milk soap may be difficult for some but not for qualified and experienced soap makers. They know exactly how to handcraft this soap to the perfect consistency and texture. Since this soap is handcrafted, ingredients may be added for customized skin care needs. Understanding the science of making goat milk soap gives more appreciation for its superior quality and the soap making efforts that accompany it.

Handcrafted soaps are formulated using a combination of emollient oils and butters, such as: olive and avocado oils, and cocoa or shea butter, with lathering oils such as coconut or palm kernel oil. These oils are mixed with liquid saturated lye. The chemical reaction that occurs between oil and lye is known as saponification.

Once saponification is complete, there is no lye left in the mixture. A simplified explanation of soap making chemistry is that, one molecule of fat added to one molecule of lye yields three mo lecules of soap and one molecule of glycerin. In reality, each type of oil requires a different amount of lye to produce the complete reaction. However, today's savonnier has tools to calculate exact ratios of specific oils to lye, but the result is always soap and glycerin in roughly a 3:1 ratio.

It is important to understand essential oils. Why is it important? It is important because, essential oils are bioactive ingredients. That means, they contain natural chemicals that interact with biological systems. Never use large amounts of essential oils externally, or internally. Never use essential oils straight. Essential oils must always be diluted in carrier oil, or soap, lotion, or other buffering agent. Finally, never use essential oils without knowing what their bioactive compounds are known to do. Essential oils are potent chemicals. They should be respected and used with care.

Great Grandma had to make her own lye; we have standardized lye available commerc ially. Grandma also rendered animal fats to get oils, so she was limited to tallow or lard. We have all kinds of terrific oils to choose from, but the lard with some olive oil and coconut oil makes wonderful, basic, castile-type soap.

Lately, finding lye has become a problem for the small soap maker. Unfortunately, it is an ingredient in illegal homemade drugs, so the lye companies have just about all stopped packaging it for household use. You cannot use any kind of drain cleaner. Try the cleaning supply section of the local hardware stores. You must find 100% lye. Also, you might try contacting a goat milk soap maker for soap making supplies.

The science of making goats milk soap can be a lot of fun. Learn the science facts, science terms, science definitions and chemistry of making goats milk soap, all through science lessons. This soap making information can help you produce a high quality and long lasting homemade soap. Your goats milk soap can be acknowledg ed and admired by many.

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Question by : How about abandoning science and technology and create temples, churches and meditation communities instead? Let's remove all the science books and technology from Earth. Send them to outer space. Discard and forget science and let's build temples and churches to our gods all over the world. Let's devote entire cities to meditation. Change meditation groups into large meditation communities. You will see how pollution ceases to be, the water and the air becomes fresh and spirits bless us Let's invoke the gods and the energies of the spiritual world. Make Earth a garden of the gods. Best answer for How about abandoning science and technology and create temples, churches and meditation communities instead?:

Answer by dgreenlee4
without science you couldn't have posted this online

Answer by Angry Christian
Good Idea!

Answer by Vash Killian
Because without science and technology you wouldn't be able to build your ridiculous communities and temples, and so forth. Come back to reality.

Answer by annie42
you go first. like the first respondent pointed out, you are not doing it right now.

Answer by anti-theist
you go do that, or you could move to Sedona, Arizona.

Answer by Perchance, LyssQ
You're going to have a lot of trouble building all that stuff without your architects an engineers... They're generally into that science and technology stuff. Also, good luck growing crops without modern biology. It certainly can be done, but considering the trouble we have feeding people already...

Answer by Londron
Ok but you keep the food commung, majkes sure I have a heater during the winter, I want my clothes to keep being avaible and I still like to keep my ps3 if you don't mind.

Answer by Simon T
Yeah, right after 5 billion people die of starvation.

Answer by Grignard Reagent
Fire, stone tools and agriculture are technology.

Answer by WellTraveledProg
Sorry, you'll need to show some evidence these claimed "gods" exist, and these claimed "spirits" exist, before rational people will do so. Good luck with that. Peace. p.s. how are you going to send books to outer space without science, anyway? Hmm?

Answer by Eiliat
You will see how life expectancy drops to 25, how death through childbirth rises to insane levels and how humanity dies off. Technology is humanity's sole advantage in the struggle for survival, this is the worst idea in existence.

â€" [Science]


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