Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics []

Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics []

Find my latest project here: Where Science and Buddhism Meet Emptiness, Interconnectivity and the Nature of Reality Please rate and favorite if you enjoy! :) Thank you for taking the time to watch this! If you enjoy this video and think it would be of some benefit or interest to others please share! My intentions are of a pure and positive nature and with this I hope to share what I believe to be a very meaningful message. I've made this to share what I believe to a profound convergence of two way seemingly opposite ways of perceiving and understanding reality. Lots of love!! - Gerald You can download a version of this video directly from Vimeo ( ) Here is a very partial list of resources, please message me with any questions! -Wave/Particle Duality -- Tao of Physics - pg 67, 69 Quantum Enigma -- pg 10 The Fabric of the Cosmos -- pg. 206 -The Emptiness of Atoms- www.youtu -The Quantum Field - Tao of Physics -- pg. 210 Part Two: If you have any questions on the content or need some good resources please send me a message! Thanks again :)

Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 1

Known as The Man of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of all knowledge is recognised as being basic of the modern age of mechanistic science and technology. The key to this work of great genius was the human eye. Leonardo's optical key was associated with Sir Francis Bacon's vision of a great empire for all men based upon all knowledge through the eye. Thomas Jefferson, inspired by this concept, depicted the Egyptian All seeing eye concept upon the great seal of America.

The term Renaissance refers to a rebirth of the lost Classical Greek Science of Life. The 14th Century Great Italian Renaissance was an extension of the Islamic Translator School that was set up in Toledo Spain during the 11,12th and 13th Century. The Translator School was about the recovery of several centuries of ancient Greek science which the Christian Church had mostly destroyed as heresy. During the Golden Age of Islamic science the writings of Al Haitham, known as the father of o ptics, has since demonstrated that Leonardo da Vinci's status as the Man of the Renaissance is simply a great myth. Recent optical discoveries have proven this to be so.

Al Haitham had corrected Plato's optics but retained the warning that to use the eye as the source of all knowledge could only lead to an ignorant and destructive scientific world view. The engineer Buckminster Fuller's life energy discoveries, derived from Plato's spiritual optics or holographic optics, are now basic to a new life science being developed by the three 1996 Nobel laureates in Chemisty.

When a sperm makes contact with the membrane of the ovum, the function of its liquid crystal optical construction focusses life into being within that cell. There is no eye present to engage in any knowledge collating process whatsoever. The technology developed from Pierre de Gennes liquid crystal optics theories which won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Physics, revealed, through nano technology observati ons, life science energies functioning in complete defiance of Leonardo's mechanistic world view. As Al Haitham and Plato had advised, considering that the eye is the key to all knowledge can only lead to a limited mechanical lifeless and ethically void scientific world view.

The internationally recognised science book titled The Beauty of Fractals-Images of Complex Dynamical Systems, warns that the current understanding of geometry upholding technology belongs to a doomed civilisation. A chapter in that book under the heading Freedom, Science and Aesthetics, written by the scientist, Gert Eilenberger, contains a reference to some remarkable computer generated fractal artwork.

Professor Eilenberger wrote about the excitement surrounding these fractal pictures, stating that they demonstrated the existence of a bridge between rational scientific insight and emotional aesthetic appeal. Not only can surrounding excitement be generated by these pictures but when viewe d through 3-D ChromaDepth glasses they can exhibit vivid hidden holographic images. The the late Royal Fellow of Medicine, (London) Dr George Cockburn, correctly predicted such artistic phenomena within a published book written in 1984 entitled A Bio-aesthetic Key to Creative Physics and Art. After his death it was discovered that the reproduction of some pictures, painted over the centuries also contained the hidden holographic images, that had been generated unconsciously by the artist.

Dr Cockburn's correction to Kantian logic was found to echo the theories of the 19th Century mathematician Bernard Bolzano, whose Theory of Science had also been based upon a correction to Kant's Aesthetics. Recently, German scientists rediscovered Bolzano's work and extrapolated its reasoning into the modern format of fractal logic, commenting that Kant had not even grasped the logical significance of important problems that Bolzano had solved. Edmund Hurserl's book on pure logic, pu blished in 1900, considered Bolzano to be amongst the greatest logicians of all time. It is of further interest that Professor Eilenberger's chapter also contains a correction to Kantian Aesthetical theory.

Dr Cockburn's work was used in 1986 to correct the optical key to Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge. While there is no questioning da Vinci's brilliance in mastering the laws of artistic perspective they have now been superseded by the artists evolving innate optical ability to create holographic images, which is now relevant to the development of new human survival supra technologies.

More Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics Topics

Question by Pamela_1988: Why is it important to understand the role of science in environmental issue? There have been misconceptions of science/scientific fact or through the use of technology in regards to the approaches they have used towards the environment. Why should those in particular 'green' lobby groups, stakeholders, and the community in general who are often opposing developments" have to understand the significance of science in environmental controversies? On what ground does science have to be understood by those who oppose it. Is it so those who oppose technological development at the expense of the environment need to take science into account and understand this knowledge then to use it to refute those scientist? Best answer for Why is it important to understand the role of science in environmental issue?:

Answer by dana1981
Science is the base of every environmental issue. If you don't understand the science, then you don't understand the environmental issue. Simple as that. Global warming is the perfect example.

Answer by grizzbr1
If you were to study Epistemology: the philosophical study of truth or knowledge, you would read that knowledge is the intersection of truth and belief. Piles of data mean nothing if you don't believe it. An education in science, or any subject, gives you the ability to determine what is logic and what is total BS.

Answer by PapaRoach
Science is critical to understanding environmental issues. Unfortunately the science will be interpreted 5 different ways by 5 different groups based on what way they want a project to go. Sometimes science is irrelevant in a projected getting halted but "green groups" have an excellent connection and get their message out, often to the political arena Once out it is taken as fact. (kind of like politics). You also have to look at who paid for the science as if you are a consultant your study will come out in favor of your client. Basically there are three sides to every story. Yours, mine and the truth. You can only let projects take their course to find the true solution.

I think the most beneficial effect of an education in science is you develop a sense of what constitutes "evidence" or "proof". In here you see someone trying to make a point, and support it with links to Wikipedia, blogs, YouTube, hoax and conspiracy theory web sites and the life. Those can be very useful if you're trying to argue that Curly was the funniest Stooge, or Donald Rumsfield can beat up Al Gore. They actually have negative impact on the credibility of a scientific argument. It leads to what in a courtroom is called "summary judgement". If you read Jamessk82001's answer on this one, it's a fine example.

Answer by rhm5550
Science is not a "thing". It a system of thinking about and then predicting future outcomes based on CAREFUL OBSERVATION and experiment. One cannot "oppose" science any more than one can "oppose" mathematics. Within the discipline of science (as well as mathematics) at any time there may be vigorous debate and disagreement at the cutting edge where new knowledge is being acquired. But there is no opposition to the method of science. (There is no longer any vigorous scientific debate concerning the shape of the Earth or the fact that it orbits the Sun and not vice versa) Science has shown to be the best way to gain knowledge about the universe and with that the Earth and our environment. For example, we understand the features of the Gulf Stream and how it is responsible for the relatively mild climate of Northern Europe because many people have over the years made detailed observations and measurements which have made possible accurate predictions of the behavior of warm water currents in the Atlantic Ocean. Over the years more observations and experiments have been repeated and have returned similar results such that the knowledge gained is now very useful. Science is, at heart, a very ad hoc enterprise. Scientists are chiefly concerned with what can be said in a reasonable way about objects and phenomena; if scientifically credible evidence refutes her hypothesis she will accept the evidence. There have been no shooting wars between scientists. All people will benefit by understanding how the scientific method works whether or not they understand the details. When you understand a scientific approach to thinking you will be better able to spot B.S. when it is presented to you.

Answer by manthira lakshmanan
because of recycling the product

Answer by Ellesar W
Of course science is pivotal to our understanding of environmental issues. It is like how medical knowledge is vital to us understanding our bodies. If we look at Gaia theory it says that our earth is like an organism, and should be treated as such. So, when we are looking at environmental science it can embrace that view, or go down the road of hard science - which is the common approach as a lot of environmentalists do not want to be associated with what they percieve as hippy dippy stuff

Answer by DW2020
I don't see science, technology, and environmentalism to be mutually exclusive things, just that the motivations behind the people who use them may have different goals. I'm all for saving the earth, and if it takes technological advances to do so, then sign me on.

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