1st Grade Science Projects and Ideas [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
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1st grade science projects are always fun. There are lots of interesting ways for young kids to experiment, and a lot of them will probably favor doing an experiment on an animal or a bug, or perhaps an experiment with plants.
A great 1st grade science project for this age group should be kept simple and fairly quick, and hopefully something that can hold the child's interest long enough to complete. One fun experiment for the kids to try would be to race snails; see if they can move faster on concrete or on dirt.
Another project for 1st graders might be to find out if plants grow towards light. This project isn't exactly quick, but is simple to set up and it gives the children something to check on each day. All you need to do for this experiment is to get two plants and put them each in a box. Cut a hole in the top of one of the boxes, and a hole in the side of the other one. After a few days you should notice the plant with the hole in the top of the box is growing straight up, while the plant with the hole in the side of the box is growing sideways, trying to get to the light.
Another project the kids would likely enjoy might be to make a tin can phone and see if it really works. This project needs very few materials and can be lots of fun! All you need is some string and tin cans with a hole in the bottom. Make sure the top of the can that the kids hold to their ear isn't sharp.
1st grade science projects are a lot of fun for everyone in the class, teachers included. By choosing the right kind of projects for the right kind of class, you can ensure everyone will learn something about science, while having a great time too.
Find More 1st Grade Science Projects and Ideas IssuesQuestion by : What good can a political science degree do for you? I am getting a political science degree and i need to show my dad some good examples of jobs that i could get. Any ideas? Best answer for What good can a political science degree do for you?:
Answer by Aristotle
Become President, or something in politics.
Answer by ashley
lawyer, politics
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