Thursday, September 27, 2012

Really Fun Science Experiments For Little Kids []

Really Fun Science Experiments For Little Kids []

There are many really fun science experiments that you can do with little kids. Getting your children started on experiments early can really help pique their interest in science as a subject, and as something to do in their spare time. Young children usually absorb a lot of information faster than older ones, and so taking advantage of this sponge like quality of children will really pay off in the future!

The first of the really fun science experiments you can do with young children is to show them how their senses work. Creating a model eardrum, making your own air freshener, or demonstrating the sensitivity of touch are just a few ideas on how young children can understand how important the five senses are. You can also have them close their eyes while they smell or eat something, and show them how closing off one sense can make a difference in smell and taste.

One of the really fun science experiments you can do with the senses is to demonstrate to you r child how sound travels differently through air and through water. If your child is a good swimmer, they will realize that when they are under water, sounds that seem to be coming from right on top of them, can really be coming from a certain distance away. You can help explain this by showing them how water in a glass can make a pencil look bigger, or bend at the area where it enters the water.

During the summer months or on a sunny day, teach your children how to read the time and create a sun dial out of cardboard. Showing them how time relates to shadows, as well as night and day can be mind blowing for a little kid, and this is what makes this one of the really fun science experiments. Not only will your child learn about science and telling the time, but they can also begin learning about the solar system and how the world moves around the sun.

For something more classic, but seemingly complicated to a young child, make an egg fit into a jar. The first st ep is to hard boil an egg and then peel it. Take a jar in which the opening does not allow the egg to fit through. Pour some hot water into the jar and swish it around in a circular motion. Pour the hot water out, and place the hardboiled egg at the opening. Your child will watch with amazement as the egg that once did not fit, now slides easily into the jar! Explain to your child that heat is a very powerful thing that can affect how objects move. There are other really fun science experiments you can do with heat, but wait till your child is much older.

At the end of the day, remember to have fun. Don't pressure your child too much when it comes to science. While we all wish we could raise the next Einstein, chances our that our children will be gifted in ways we never expected and nurturing the best we can is all we can do.

More Really Fun Science Experiments For Little Kids Topics

Question by Kind Bud: Why are liberals completely anti-science when it comes to gender roles and sexuality? Contrary to what liberals like to believe, men and woman are naturally different and is proven by science and studies. As for sexuality, science has not proven rather one is born gay or if is a developed trait. The best studies lean towards homosexuality being a product of environment and not a "gay gene". Best answer for Why are liberals completely anti-science when it comes to gender roles and sexuality?:

Answer by chevyloo487
psychology has alot to say about it, and there is enough evidence to make a convincing case that homosexuality is not a choice.

Answer by Twurzz
No shit men and women are naturally different, who the hell claimed that they weren't I figured it would take "science and studies" for a conservative to realize that one of them has a penis and the other doesn't

Answer by Jai
Well you can't throw around words like science and studies then not have any facts or examples, at least a link proving them....

Answer by straightshooter
There has been homosexuality throughout human history in every culture, and there is homosexuality in thousands of animal species. How much more evidence do you need that people are born gay or straight. Are you saying that you had to learn to be straight? Could you choose to be gay? Didn't think so. It's not a choice. Give it up.

Answer by meg
I think people know that men and woman are different even without science, but gender roles are determined by society. You have only to look at history or the difference in the role of women between different counties today to know that also. Edit. Environment also includes the environment of a fetus , so even if there is not a gay gene. it does not mean that some people are not born gay.

Answer by giallo
Men and women ARE biologically different, we use our brains differently...but one is not superior to the other, naturally, and they should be treated as equals as far as social and civil liberties are concerned (equal pay, etc...) And as far as sexuality...modern scientists see human sexuality as having a very fluid nature. Kinsey used a "scale" of sorts, with 1 being strictly homosexual and 6 being strictly heterosexual...he argued the majority of people are somewhere in the middle of this continuum (and may even gravitate in one direction or another throughout their lifetime) and that very few people are 1s or 6s. Sexuality is most likely a product of both biology (there are MANY studies which explore this - see studies about fetal development, gay twins) and environment, but the question is...why should it matter? And really, if it was just an environmental thing, which implies that it's a "choice"...why would someone chose something that could make him potentially ostracized from his/her family? Disowned? Possibly killed, in some societies? So, I think for people who aren't just "experimenting", I don't believe it is a choice, truly. And really, it's not really anyone's business how someone else is living their life. Life is hard enough as it is, so why make it harder for your fellow man? Peace out

Answer by Thalia
Yes, men and woman are different. Different physique, temperament, hormones, etc. However, it is what you use that information for, rather than the fact of it, that matters. For example, if you say women shouldn't vote because they are different, or they should stay at home, or be subservient to men, then that is not right. Sexuality is tricky. Its probably a complicated combination of things. If a family has three sons, one might be gay and the other two straight. And yet they have all come from exactly the same environment.

Answer by Igor T. Unspeakable

Answer by Social Democrat
Radical Muslims tell me that men and women are different and this is why Islam treat them differently. A man may have more than one partner but a woman should have only one, the reason is "Biology" and DNA tests are actually not very accessible for people in most Islamic nations. So basically they are very right to discriminate because "Men and Women are different". And here is the direct answer to your question : Science shows that having 100% match between two persons in everything is closer to the impossible, so if we want to discriminate because of "Differences proved by science" then we have to put a different law for each person ! For us, Liberals, we say never. Regardless of the situation men and women should be equal, different treatment or more rights should be based on individualistic differences and age. Biology, race, and religious differences between people should be over-ruled NOT used as excuse to discriminate !

รข€" [Science]


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