Sunday, September 23, 2012

Environmental Science Fair Projects For Earth-Friendly Learning []

Environmental Science Fair Projects For Earth-Friendly Learning []

There are many, many different environmental science fair projects that can be carried out in a large variety of settings with a similarly large variety of organisms and goals. After all, the environment is our surroundings and our surroundings have millions of different aspects and attributes.

One such project is to test the pH level in acid rain; you can also test the pH level of snow, if it is winter. For this experiment, you will need a pH indicator, such as pH paper or a garden soil pH testing kit, and a few test tubes to put the rain water or snow into. These pH indicators contain a chemical that changes color when it comes into contact with acids or bases. You can further this experiment by testing the effects of acid rain on plant growth.

Another idea for an environmental science fair project is to look at the causes of, and solutions to, pollution. Pollution can be in the form of chemical substances, or energy like noise, heat or light. There are f orms of pollution control out there controlling emissions and effluents that go into our air, water and soil. Without pollution control, waste products would degrade our environment, but even better than pollution control would be pollution prevention that actually reduces the amount of pollution put out by vehicles or industrial businesses. It is never the wrong time to teach children about how they can affect the natural world around them in both positive and negative ways.

Suggest Environmental Science Fair Projects For Earth-Friendly Learning Articles

Question by Sachin - Ready Made: How did Science itself come into existence without the need of a supernatural power? God should be the Master of Science or else how could the physics laws, mathematical equations, chemical reactions, biological processes come into existence. Best answer for How did Science itself come into existence without the need of a supernatural power?:

Answer by LoveThyGod
He is the master of you and that's all that matters.

Answer by Mark IX
Yeah, according to the great big book of god the Earth is flat and bats are birds. Not going to rely on god for anything scientific.

Answer by Brad
Science is a tool for observing and learning about the universe. It isn't an entity of itself. It is a man-made construct, like God is. You might as well blame clocks for time.

Answer by Mikael Ã…kerfeldt Is God
Roll of the dice.

Answer by Iwalkeverywhere
Nothing supernatural exists, it is a fact.

Answer by Marshal
You mean where did the laws of physics come from? I have no idea. Maybe it was God. Maybe it was a bunch of Gods. Maybe it was another unknown force. Maybe the laws of physics are eternal. Maybe the explanation is beyond our understanding. Honestly, nobody knows. But it doesn't stop folks from guessing and calling it fact.

Answer by JenkPac Shakur
Ugh this tired old Chris Chun argument again? Don't you bozos get tired of repeating yourselves only to be shot down time after time?? In anycase this argument is easily turned back on you Chris Chuns by us atheists saying to you... If you believe that something can't come from nothing then you have to acknowledge that your buy bull god also has a creator which refutes buy bull god's claims that he is the first and the last the beginning and the end alpha and omega etc.

Answer by Meikel
Science didn't just pop into existence, it's always been there, but this is also to broad of a question, think about it. Science is a subject that covers millions of subjects, so what subject in science are we talking about here? Evolution? Physics? Chemistry? Also, your lack of understanding science doesn't proof that there is a God or something of Supernatural Power behind science. I'd say do some studying, this question is the broad to really answer. Study the Big Bang, but studies that came from real scientists. Study and read the "Origins of Species" by Charles Darwin (It's available in Barnes and Nobles for $ 8 if you get their edition), read books written by scientists like Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, there are so many scientist that will teach you pure science, don't study science books that are mingled with religion, because they are not really about science and they don't show any real evidence. I'm not saying that science books that are pure science are Atheistic, but they do show you so much and it makes you think of the real beauties of science.

Answer by mawnster_trak
science is a method of investigating and understanding reality not some kind of magic wand that puts everything in place

Answer by Stupidism
Mark IX: The Bible is clear that the Earth is round not flat: Isaiah 40:22 Circle (or sphere) of the Earth Job 26:7 Earth is suspended by nothing

I hope you are: 1) 12 2) A troll 3) "Special" 4) All of the above

Answer by Corona-Budweiser
well science in its humble beginning stared as the searching of mankind for its creator but as the scientific knowledge was growing men started to realized that they where the creators of the gods that no god exist and that a timeless shapeless spaceless being is only located within our minds in our imagination so in other words science started as a "bridge" between men and god but as we were building this "bridge" we were realizing that this gap was getting bigger and bigger until one day we realized that this gap was actually an illusion created in our minds

â€" [Science]


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